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Q&A for How to Set up a Backgammon Board
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QuestionCan I move other checkers if I’m on the bar?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerNo, you must move the checkers off the bar before you can move anything else.
QuestionDo I have to roll doubles to escape from the bar?Community AnswerNot necessarily. You can escape from the bar with either doubles or non-doubles provided any of the numbers rolled is an unblocked point in your opponent's home board. If you do roll doubles, you can move up to four of your bar checkers to that point, but if that point is blocked then you have to pass.
QuestionHow do I get back on the board?Community AnswerOn your next turn, roll the dice and place your piece in the corresponding space in the first quarter of the board. If there are opposing players pieces on the spaces you rolled, you don't get to play and must wait for your next turn to try again.
QuestionDo the colors of the points vary on some boards?Community AnswerYes.
QuestionDo I need to roll an exact number to bare the board?Community AnswerIf you roll a number too high to advance any of your checkers forward, you can bear off your furthest back checker. If you just have a gap, like checkers on your 6 and 2 points, then you can only bear off if you roll a 6 or a 2; rolls of 3, 4, and 5 have to be played by moving a checker forward from the 6 point.
QuestionHow can a beginner improve his or her backgammon game?Community Answer
QuestionWhen baring off, can you use both dice added together or do you have to use them separate?Community AnswerYou should use them separately to do it correctly.
QuestionHow many counters can be on a point?Community AnswerAs many of your checkers as you want, unless two or more of your opponent’s checkers are on the point. In that case, the point is temporarily claimed by the opponent.
QuestionDo I roll the dice again after rolling doubles in backgammon?Community AnswerYes you roll again if you are able to use all the numbers given in the first double.
QuestionWhat are the different dice used for in backgammon?Community AnswerFour are used for playing the game and one is used to increase the bet of a game.
Question"Each player's home board is in the right quadrant closest to the player." This is incorrect yeah? The home board is to the right for one player and left for the other.VerinTop AnswererWhile this is technically correct, the board is generally setup from the perspective of the player whose home board in on their right.
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