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Q&A for How to Snuggle
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QuestionHow do I know when to stop snuggling?Community AnswerWhen your boyfriend/girlfriend says, "I do not want to snuggle" or tries to get some space. Snuggling in moderation is great, but too much can be suffocating.
QuestionHow long should I snuggle for exactly?Kevin SchlosserCommunity AnswerThere is no specific time limit. As long as you and your partner are comfortable, you can snuggle for as long as you want.
QuestionHow do I get rid of the feeling (probably butterflies) in my stomach when I try to snuggle?Community AnswerIt will go away on its own after a bit. You will get more comfortable with this and you will feel happy and excited instead of nervous. Just snuggle a bit more and you will feel better.
QuestionWhat do I do if she decides she doesn't want to snuggle?Community AnswerRespect her personal space. Ask again once she feels more comfortable with you.
QuestionHow can I stop being awkward with your boyfriend?Community AnswerJust be yourself. A relationship is always a little awkward at first, but the more time you spend with him, the easier it will get. Talk to him like you would any friend. Ask him how his day is going, etc. Try not to worry every second about what he's thinking of you. He's probably just as nervous as you are.
QuestionHow do I snuggle if I have a fear of intimacy and physical contact?Community AnswerConsider seeking help from a mental health professional, as it sounds like it's a pretty serious issue that is affecting your well-being. You can also start small by holding hands, or just letting your partner place their hand on your arm or shoulder. Make sure you talk to your partner about all of this so they understand that things need to move slow.
QuestionWhat is the difference between snuggling and cuddling?Community AnswerThere's no difference. These two words mean the same thing and are used interchangeably.
QuestionHow do I snuggle in public?Community AnswerTry to find a more secluded area wherever you are. If this is not possible, keep your snuggling to hand-holding, or maybe resting your head on your partner's shoulder. You don't want to do too much snuggling in public, as you'll make people uncomfortable.
QuestionI get really nervous when I snuggle and I start to sweat, which might make it uncomfortable. What can I do to avoid this?Community AnswerTry to use some antiperspirant deodorant beforehand, and make sure the room is at a cool temperature. If you’re sweating because you’re nervous, just calm yourself, and remember that this is a perfectly normal thing for a couple to do. It’ll get better with time and experience.
QuestionHow do I get a boyfriend who will snuggle with me?Community Answer
QuestionIf I cuddle in public, should I be worried about what others think? What if I am part of a same sex couple?Community AnswerWhile you shouldn't care what people think, you still need to respect others, and seeing any PDA can make some people very uncomfortable. Hand holding, placing your head on your partner's shoulder, and quick kisses are all okay. I wouldn't do any more than that. As for being part of a same sex couple, the sad truth is that it depends on where you live. Some places are very accepting of LGBTQ+ people, whereas in other places you may face rude comments, or even violence.
QuestionHow do I keep from getting nervous when I snuggle?Community AnswerTry to take a relaxing bath or shower before the snuggle. This can help you get into a relaxed mood. Also, getting into comfortable clothes can be helpful. Overall, just be yourself and most importantly, find a comfortable position. Besides, if you are nervous about them not wanting to snuggle, just remember that they love and care for you and if you feel the same, there is no reason to be nervous!
QuestionAre there any common mistakes I should avoid to protect my partner from injury? AnswerNot really, just make sure you guys are both comfortable and relaxed. Snuggling should be a fun experience.
QuestionWhat do you do if one person is already laying down? Do you lay down next to them?Hannah MaddenCommunity AnswerYes! If your partner is already laying in bed, you can easily get into a spooning position. Simply lay down next to them and pull them in close to you with one arm, then make sure you're both comfortable.
QuestionHow long into the relationship is the right time to start cuddling?Hannah MaddenCommunity AnswerThere's no right or wrong time to start cuddling, but you'll want to wait until you're both comfortable with each other. After you've been out on a couple dates and you're okay with being alone together, that's when you might bring up the idea of cuddling or ask your partner if they'd like to snuggle with you.
QuestionIt's my first time ever snuggling. What should I do to make it nice?Hannah MaddenCommunity AnswerTalk to your partner and make sure they're comfortable the whole time. If you want to, you could stroke their hair, rub their back, or just whisper nice things into their ear. Above all, focus on having a nice time and getting closer to your partner.
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