How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Socialize
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QuestionWhat if my voice is really quiet, so its hard to get people's attention to talk with them?Community AnswerSmile and make eye contact, then speak from the diaphragm (in your stomach) rather than just speaking from the mouth. Imagine how you would need to speak for people across the room to hear you. Don't yell, of course, but practice with a friend speaking more loudly from the diaphragm until your friend says your voice is powerful enough for people to notice you.
QuestionThe guys I hang out with often ignore me. What should I do?Community AnswerLeave them and go find other friends who treat you better. They're not true friends if they routinely ignore you.
QuestionI have social anxiety, and I've secluded myself, but I still want social interaction. I panic trying to converse and panic if we talk too long. Is it better to just stay on my own?Community AnswerI recommend talking to a mental health professional about this. Sometimes even talking to a therapist can help you develop some social skills and relaxation techniques when you get nervous in social situations. Don't cut yourself off just because this is hard for you. Socializing is an important part of life.
QuestionWhat do I do if I'm socializing with someone but the they're acting awkward around me?Giselle DaSilvaCommunity AnswerThey might have trouble socializing too. Keep the conversation short. Ask him or her a couple questions so the conversation shifts from person to person, and try to steer away from subjects that make either you, or the person your talking to uncomfortable.
QuestionHow do I smile correctly when socializing?Giselle DaSilvaCommunity AnswerShoot a light smile every once and a while. Don’t keep such a straight face that the person feels as if they’re in court. There’s really no wrong way to smile, so just be yourself.
QuestionHow do I deal with people telling me to shut up when socializing?Giselle DaSilvaCommunity AnswerIf the person does not quit it after you tell them to stop, don’t talk with that person anymore. It’s rude, and nobody should be told to shut up when in the middle of speaking.
QuestionHow can I socialize better if I am usually quiet with nothing to say?Giselle DaSilvaCommunity AnswerAsk the person about how his/her life is going. Don’t make it all about them, but this way you can start up a conversation.
QuestionI'm autistic and I hate eye contact. Is there any way to fix this or any substitute?YappinglemonadeCommunity AnswerIf you don't like eye contact, look at something else on the person's face, so it looks like you are paying attention and are making eye contact, though you aren't exactly. For example, look at the bridge of their nose, their eyebrows, or even look at an interesting mole or freckle on their face! It works!
QuestionWhat if I get really nervous while talking to someone and panic?YappinglemonadeCommunity AnswerTake deep breaths and think of good things, like your pet, your best friends , your family, or maybe even your favourite activity. In other words, think of things you know will calm you.
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