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Q&A for How to Solve Anagrams Effectively
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QuestionWhat is the opposite of an anagram?DaphthecatCommunity AnswerA kangaroo word, a word that contains other words within it without rearranging letters (but being able to ignore letters). For example, encourage contains the words courage, age, cur, enrage, etc.
QuestionWhat is an anagram of "raced"?DonaganTop AnswererCARED, CEDAR, and ARCED. (The latter is one spelling of the past-tense of "arc.")
QuestionWhere did the word anagram stem from?DonaganTop Answerer"Ana" (or "backwards") + "gram" (or "letter").
QuestionAnagram of Fnecragar - what is it?Community AnswerFragrance is the word you are looking for.
QuestionWhat are anagrams of "tare"?DonaganTop AnswererRate, tear.
QuestionWhat is an anagram of trout?Custard 008Community AnswerThe anagram of trout is tutor. There may not be any other solutions but this is the most likely one.
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