Q&A for How to Study a Week Before an Exam

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    I don't know how to manage my study timetable for eighth year. How can I make a time table for study?
    Community Answer
    Study three subjects a day and spend one hour for each subject. Study the ones which you feel are the hardest. In this way, make a timetable according to the three subjects. Maths is a must every time.
  • Question
    How can I decide which subject to study first for exams?
    Community Answer
    Study the subjects which you feel are the hardest first, and give them the most time. Then study the subjects you like best. Circle back to the harder subjects again at the end to make sure you remember everything.
  • Question
    How can I prepare for everything in only one week?
    Community Answer
    First read the material casually and complete all the chapters. The second reading should be quicker, focusing on key points. Mostly you will have to recall what you studied the first time. If your reading speed is faster than normal you will need five days maximum.
  • Question
    How can I prepare for board exams?
    Community Answer
    View studying as your full-time job. Study the whole day, taking breaks to eat, listen to music, or watch TV for 15 minutes every two hours. Go to sleep early, wake up at early, and study every day till you're confident in your preparation for the exams.
  • Question
    How do I study hard for an exam in two weeks? I want to score very high marks.
    Community Answer
    Create a study plan to tackle a certain amount every day, and stick to the plan. Take short breaks in between study sessions so as not to wear yourself out. Stay focused and concentrate on your end goal of doing well on the exam.
  • Question
    How do I reduce stress during studying?
    Community Answer
    Listen to music that you like. It will help you reduce stress, or do meditation when you are sitting free.
  • Question
    What can I do if I cannot seem to stick to a timetable?
    Community Answer
    Set an alarm that reminds you to study or ask a friend or parent to keep you motivated. They can help remind you when it is time to start or stop studying.
  • Question
    What can I do if everyone keeps disturbing me after I put up the do not disturb sign?
    Community Answer
    Lock the door. Leave the house and study at a library or school. Go to bed early and get up really early to study while they're all asleep. Tell your parents you plan on living at home the rest of your life because you will fail without the space and peace needed to study. Suggest they all go out to the movies or to have dinner somewhere and give you the peace at home for the night.
  • Question
    I can't concentrate on my subject regularly, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try listening to classical music. Chew gum. If the school allows it, chew a flavor of gum, it can help you to concentrate better and chew the same flavor while taking the test. You can recall information with more ease then. Be in a completely quiet environment with no distractions, no phone, laptop or friends. Use Quizlet or flashcards while studying, as it can make the study more engaging.
  • Question
    What do I do if I end up watching TV or falling asleep every time I sit down to study?
    Community Answer
    Turn off the TV, your phone, and remove all distractions. Sit upright at a desk or table to prevent falling asleep.
  • Question
    How can I reduce my stress so that I can study for my exam?
    Community Answer
    Drink calming teas, take baths, listen to calming sounds or music, or do anything that you find relaxing before you start studying. I recommend green tea, but try to get decaffeinated; that way you won't be up all night, and it can help you relax.
  • Question
    What can I do to help concentrate while studying alone?
    Community Answer
    Remove all distractions, and listen to classical or rhythmical music. Take a mind-clearing bath. Have a plan.
  • Question
    How can I concentrate when I am studying?
    Community Answer
    This article should help: how to focus on studying .
  • Question
    What should I do if I can't keep anything in my head for a test coming up?
    Community Answer
    Make flashcards to practice reviewing frequently.
  • Question
    How can I prevent sleeping while reading late at night?
    Community Answer
    You shouldn't be studying late at night, but if it happens, get some food that wakes you up like candy or chocolate. Turn your lights on, and maybe put on some music that is calm enough to help you study but will not make you sleepy.
  • Question
    Is it possible to pass my final exams with flying colors if I haven't been doing well in other terms?
    Community Answer
    It's possible but not likely without a lot of studying.
  • Question
    I'm in 7th grade and have 6 subjects plus homework, how can I manage my time?
    Community Answer
    It's better that you do your homework in the early morning before your classes, so you can revise what all the teachers have done and catch up better in class. Study when you come back from school. You can chunk it up by 3 subjects a day and take tests every weekend.
  • Question
    How can I control my daydreams so that I don't get distracted from studying?
    Community Answer
    You may need to work in short bursts. Make a deal with yourself. If you can focus for 20 minutes, let yourself take five or ten minutes off. Studying will take longer overall, but that technique may work if you have a mind that likes to wander. Also, if your electronic devices distract you, give them to someone else to hold on to.
  • Question
    How can I study the whole physics curriculum in two days?
    Community Answer
    You probably cannot. If you want to make life easier and learn the physics curriculum as much as possible, then make sure you split the parts into different sections and just learn them and flip over them all the time.
  • Question
    How do I study for all 9 subjects with a week left until exams?
    Community Answer
    Find a quiet place to study and lock the door, so your family members won't interrupt. Don't tire yourself, as anxiety and drowsiness can prevent you from focusing. Don't study too late, because sleep helps you refresh your memories, too.
  • Question
    How long should I sleep before an exam?
    Community Answer
    You should get at least six hours of sleep, so your mind is set and ready for the hard work.
  • Question
    Can I study my entire math syllabus in one day?
    Community Answer
    You can, but that's a lot of work to do in one day, so I would recommend trying to spread it out over several days or weeks.
  • Question
    How can I finish my homework and study during the same week?
    Community Answer
    First, finish your homework. If your school has things like ''study halls'' you can finish your homework there. Or else find a time when you get home and start your homework. Then maybe you can start studying for your exam for fifteen minutes each day.
  • Question
    What can I do if I had more to study a week before?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes you will have a lot of things to study at once, you just have to move things around on your timetable. You might have to scale back extracurricular activities or personal time to get in more studying. A week before the exam, you just want to go over the main ideas, this shouldn't take more than 30 minutes or so, you can study the details in the days just before the exam. Just try to fit this 30 minutes in with your other obligations.
  • Question
    How can I study at night without sleeping?
    Community Answer
    You can't study effectively without sleep; your memory will be impaired and you won't retain as much information as you would if you studied after a full night of rest.
  • Question
    How do I study for my science finals with only a week before I take it?
    Community Answer
    Use flash cards. Make up songs to remember and prepare for the hardest questions. Be organized and forcused. Don't stress or panic, and just keep calm.
  • Question
    How can I get through 20 chapters in 5 days?
    Community Answer
    You have 5 solid days and nearly 20 hours even if you spend only 4 hours each day, so don't worry. Study the hardest chapters first, giving them more time and patience. Then revise the other chapters you are best at. It is very important to concentrate while studying, but it's also advisable to take 15-30 minutes after each hour of study.
  • Question
    How do I focus on my studies better?
    Community Answer
    Check out wikiHow articles Focus on Studying and Focus on Studies for some helpful advice.
  • Question
    What are some good tips for passing tests with only a week left to study?
    Community Answer
    Make a good, organized timetable, and follow it strictly. Study at least a few hours a day. Take regular breaks, sleep well, have a healthy diet and do not cram everything in the last minute.
  • Question
    What can I do to deal with papers from the past properly?
    Community Answer
    Tackle past papers as if they are the actual exam. Do them in a silent room with no distractions, sticking exactly to how much time you'll be allowed in the real thing. Mark each paper once you've finished, and make a note of any questions you got wrong along with their correct answers. Be sensibly harsh with your marking, though; if you're too generous, you'll only be hurting yourself when it comes to the real exam.
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