How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Suck in a Helium Balloon
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QuestionIs there any danger to sucking helium from an aluminum balloon rather than a regular latex one?Community AnswerUsing a mylar (foil) balloon is actually safer for two reasons. First, it is easier to control how much helium you get. Second, there is no talcum powder inside the balloon.
QuestionHow long does the effect last?Community AnswerOnly a few seconds.
QuestionWhy can't I breathe in helium from a pressurized tank?Community AnswerUnlike a balloon, which has a very slight pressure difference from your lungs, a helium tank is under high pressure. If you inhale directly from a tank, you're forcing a lot of helium into your lungs, which is bad for many reasons. It can cause your lungs to become overinflated and even possibly rupture (tear open) and you will quickly lose the oxygen in your lungs and blood, causing you to suffocate, which can lead to unconsciousness, brain damage, or even death. Not a good idea.
QuestionShould I only suck on the balloon opening?Community AnswerYou suck the area from where the helium is escaping.This could be the balloon's regular opening or a hole you've poked.
QuestionWhy doesn't oxygen work?Community AnswerOxygen doesn't work because it's what we breathe in everyday. If we breathed in oxygen and it made a funny voice, we would have funny voices forever.
QuestionDoes a helium balloon float?Community AnswerYes, it does. Helium is lighter than air, so it will float away if you let it go.
QuestionWhen I suck the helium out, do I need to swallow it?Community AnswerNo, you just inhale it, and that will make your voice higher.
QuestionWhy can't I suck in helium from a balloon?Community AnswerYou may be sucking in more oxygen than helium. The balloon you choose must be filled with helium to feel the effects.
QuestionWhere do I put the needle in?Community AnswerIt truly doesn't matter, but it is easier to control the flow of the helium if it is near the knot as you can pinch the hole to stop the helium and release to allow it to flow again.
QuestionCan you actually die from this?Community AnswerYes, but it's so unlikely, unless you have certain breathing problems or you have symptoms they listed like suffocation and strokes.
QuestionWhy does my voice sounds funny?Community AnswerHelium makes your vocal cords vibrate faster, which results in a high tone. The details are found on the paragraph before the instructions.
QuestionWhat gas will make you talk slower?Community AnswerSulfur hexafluoride will make your voice deeper. You won't generally find this in balloons, though. If you want to talk more slowly, just talk more slowly. You control that.
QuestionCan I inhale the full balloon?Community AnswerThat's not a good idea because your brain can go for only 5-6 seconds without oxygen before the situation becomes dangerous.
QuestionDo I swallow the helium?Community AnswerNo, you don't swallow it. You just breathe it in like you would breathe in air.
QuestionIs there an age limit to doing this?Sarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerThere isn't, but if you're really young (under 10), you should ask your parents beforehand. They may want to be nearby.
QuestionHow do I know if the balloon I am using is filled with helium?Niamh12345Community AnswerGo inside and let go of the balloon, if it floats up to the ceiling it is helium. If it does not float, it isn't helium.
QuestionWhy does helium make your voice high-pitched?Community AnswerA lighter-than-oxygen gas, helium actually allows sound to move faster through your vocal cords, causing the perception of higher-frequency sound.
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