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Q&A for How to Survive a Tornado (for Kids)
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QuestionHow can I sleep and survive if I have no home?Community AnswerThere is usually a safe shelter for sheltering away from tornadoes, stocked with food, first aid items and sleeping bags. These are usually located in the town hall. Ask your parents to take you on a tour of one well before a tornado is ever in your area, so that the whole family knows where to go and how to keep safe during and after the tornado. If you do lose your house, people will help you and family out.
QuestionWhat will I do if my house gets destroyed and I have nowhere to go or to live?Community AnswerYou can stay with friends or family. If this is not an option, you can stay in a hotel or at a shelter.
QuestionWhat if you aren't in a safe place and cannot get to one?Community AnswerIf your home is made out of bricks or concrete, find the most stable wall and lie/sit at the bottom of it. You can hide in a bathtub with blankets on top of you. If these are impossible, find the deepest ditch/hole to lie flat in. If you have any kind of helmet, put that on.
QuestionHow can I survive if a tornado catches me off guard in the park?Community AnswerKnock on all the houses for people to let you inside, because maybe they are ready. If you can't, hide in a deep ditch with your arms around your head.
QuestionWhat if I'm locked out during a tornado?Community AnswerFirst, check under the doormat or a nearby potted plant to see if there is a hidden key. If there is no key, yell really loud, pound on the door and ring the doorbell. If nobody answers, run to a neighbor's house.
QuestionHow can I survive a tornado if I'm in a car?Community AnswerGet out of it now! Cars can easily be picked up by tornadoes. Run to a house and pound on the door, insisting to be let inside in order to survive. If no one answers, run to other houses and do the same thing. Should no one answer or there are no houses, lay flat in the deepest ditch you can find.
QuestionHow long do tornadoes last on average?Community AnswerIt depends. EF 0/1- 10-15 minutes (maybe less), EF 2- 15+ minutes (up to half an hour), EF 3- 30+ minutes (up), EF 4- 30/50 minutes (could be less), EF 5- 40- 1 hour (Just hide, also could be less and more). Please remember that any tornado can last however long it can, even seconds. Even the biggest tornado can only last a few minutes. Just remember to be safe and wait until it's completely calm, and the threat has passed.
QuestionWhat if I don't have a radio?Community AnswerYou should be fine as long you have a form of communication, or you can stay close to your family.
QuestionIs it safe to get to a nearby relative with a basement if I don't have one and there's a possible tornado coming?Community AnswerIt depends. If that relative lives very close to you, and you're certain you'll have enough time to get to their house safely, then yes. But if there's a chance you won't make it, just stay at home on the lowest level of your house possible, avoiding the windows.
QuestionWhat should I do if I am in the middle of a tornado?Community AnswerGo to the nearest safe place, like a ditch or any houses. If nobody answers, go to a ditch and lay down still.
QuestionWhere do I go when all of the rooms have windows and I have no basement and there's a tornado?Community AnswerTry going into the hall and using a sturdy piece of furniture to protect you. If you have no hallway, go into the bathtub/shower and cover yourself up.
QuestionWhat should I do if a tornado hits my school?Community AnswerTry to relax and listen to your teacher.
QuestionWhat if I am in a field with no houses or ditches?Community AnswerGet as low to the ground as you can. After all, tornado winds are weakest at ground level.
QuestionIs a bathroom or closet safer?Community AnswerBathrooms are safer because closets aren't tightly attached to the floor or as heavy as bathtubs.
QuestionWhat if I'm in a rural area with no houses and a flat ground?Community AnswerTry to find something that's attached tightly to the ground and hang on for your life.
QuestionCan tornadoes reach basements?Community AnswerNo. Tornadoes can't reach underground and do not have the power to dig.
QuestionWhere do I stay during a tornado if I don't have a basement?Community AnswerIf you have a room with no windows, then go in there.
QuestionHow can I survive a tornado if I live in an apartment?Community AnswerGo to the lowest floor by stairs and hide under a hard surface. If that is not possible, hide under a very hard surface and protect your head.
QuestionHow do I survive a tornado in a plane?Community AnswerA plane will just maneuver away from a tornado.
QuestionWhat if I have an above ground basement and no safe room?Community AnswerIf you have no safe room, or you are outside, try getting in the nearest ditch. If there are no ditches nearby, try to get into the nearest shelter (before laying down in a ditch). If not possible, just lay down on the ground, as tornado winds are weakest at ground level.
QuestionWhat do I do about the expensive or irreplaceable things in my house when surviving a tornado?Community AnswerLeave them behind and attempt to salvage them afterward. No material object has more value than a life, and nothing is irreplaceable. They're just things, and unless it's something that helps with your safety and survival, it's useless in an emergency situation.
QuestionWhat if I start to float in the tornado?SparkleplayzYTCommunity AnswerWatch out for debris in the tornado, and look for things to land on. If there is nothing to land on, stay calm. Do not ball yourself up. Make your knees a 40-degree angle. Don't tense your muscles, and try and dive in a direction that you think is out of the center.
QuestionWhat if I'm injured during the tornado and have to self-amputate?SparkleplayzYTCommunity AnswerDon't do that, because you could die of blood loss. You'll have better luck if you just try and patch it up with nearby items. Make a makeshift bandage with a stick and clothes and keep pressure on the wound.
QuestionIs it true that tornadoes can bring hurricanes?Mackenzie RadfordCommunity AnswerNo. Hurricanes can form tornados. But tornados can't form hurricanes. That's a myth.
QuestionI have three cats and I can't risk losing them to a tornado, Should I keep a bell collar on them?Jaina FranzenCommunity AnswerYes, that can help. Also, when you get the watch alert, try to get them into a safe space first, so you don't panic if it turns into a warning.
QuestionCan you outrun a tornado?Jaina FranzenCommunity AnswerIt's conceivable but extremely dangerous. Don't try! Simply find a shelter or crouch down in a ditch.
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