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Q&A for How to Take Care of Butterflies
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QuestionDo I have to take the tape off the broken wing sometime?Community AnswerI wouldn't recommend taking the tape off, as butterflies have fragile wings that might rip when the tape is removed.
QuestionWhat do butterflies eat?OverCommunity AnswerMost butterflies eat nectar in the wild. They can actually eat anything that dissolves in water. If you want to feed a butterfly, try dissolving some sugar in water. Soak a sponge with it and set it out for the butterfly to land on.
QuestionHow do I know if my butterfly is hungry?CaeiiaTop AnswererThere aren't really any signs. Just make sure there is food available at all times.
QuestionHow do I take care of the butterfly if it is playing dead?Community AnswerIt's probably not playing dead. It's either just not moving because it doesn't want to or actually dead. Put it into the sunlight, as butterflies need the sun for energy; if it is still alive, that should wake it up!
QuestionI found a butterfly with a wing that is missing half. It can't fly. I brought it in to keep it safe. Will it grow its wing back and how long will it take?Community AnswerLarge butterfly injuries like this never grow back, and if the butterfly can't fly, it will die in the wild. However, they can thrive in captivity, with the right care.
QuestionWhat if part of the butterfly's wing was torn off and lost?Community AnswerSome butterflies can fly with a partial wing, but most of the time there is nothing you can do. Tape or paper would make the wing too heavy for the butterfly to fly.
QuestionI found my caterpillar on a melon. So do I always feed it melon?Community AnswerNo, follow the guidelines in the article. Some butterflies love fruit, but don't give it to them daily - just give it as a treat.
QuestionWhat do I do if the chrysalis does not hatch?Community AnswerIt may either be dead or not ready. Wait a bit, as some species take a long time.
QuestionCan I nurse a butterfly with a torn wing back to health using sugar water?Community AnswerButterfly wings don't grow back or heal, sadly. If it can't fly, you could keep it and care for it, but that's about it.
QuestionDo I put the sugar in the water?Helpful UserCommunity AnswerYes, make sure it completely dissolves in the water and there are no solid sugar grains left. It helps to warm up the solution so the sugar dissolves faster.
QuestionWhat is the life span of a butterfly?Community AnswerThey have fairly variable life spans, often associated with size. Some small butterflies live around a week, while the larger ones can live for 9-12 months. It also depends in part on breeding and migratory cycles. For example, breeding monarch butterflies generally live 2-6 weeks, while the ones that make southward migrations for the winter live closer to 7 months.
QuestionWhat happens when a butterfly is not flying?Community AnswerIf the butterfly is not flying, it is probably hurt. Take a look at the wings to check. Keep it outside as much as possible.
QuestionHow long does it take for a caterpillar to change into a butterfly?Community AnswerIt depends on the species. It can take anywhere from one month up to a year.
QuestionCan I keep it as an indoor pet?Community AnswerNo. They are wild creatures and they belong outside. If it's hurt, take care of it until it has healed -- but then let it fly away.
QuestionWhat colors are painted lady butterflies?Community AnswerThe body is orange with black spots at the bottom, and the wings have black on the tips with white spots.
QuestionMy cocoon didn't hatch, it just dried up and didn't hatch. Why is that?Emily CorriereCommunity AnswerNext time, spray the jar you are keeping it in with water from time to time.
QuestionMy Gulf fritillary caterpillar is in the stage of cocooning. I did not know that it would cocoon so close to the ground. I did not put a stick in. What do I do?CaeiiaTop AnswererYou can leave it there, it will be fine.
QuestionWhat can I do if I do not want to lose my butterfly?Jayne LeeCommunity AnswerYou must release it at some point. Meanwhile, keep the butterfly in a large container with a half sugar, half water solution to feed it, and branches for it to climb on.
QuestionHow do I know the butterfly is wanting to mate?Community AnswerYou don't know, but it is good to introduce an opposite-gendered butterfly so you can keep a life cycle going.
QuestionIs my skin safe for butterflies to land on?Helpful UserCommunity AnswerYes, as long as you haven't put on any man-made products, ointments, or lotions recently, as these may be dangerous to the butterfly's health.
QuestionCan I feed my butterfly flowers?Community AnswerYes. The butterfly will eat the nectar.
QuestionMy sphynx moth pupae is about one inch long and black, but when I found him he was way smaller and kind of red. When is he going to hatch?Helpful UserCommunity AnswerVery soon! The red of the chrysalis is the chrysalis becoming transparent, revealing the butterfly inside. It is smaller because the liquids have all been used up and the butterfly should be completely formed and ready to hatch!
QuestionShould I use tape even if the butterfly's wing is torn from its body a little?Community AnswerNo, you shouldn't use tape in that circumstance.
QuestionHow can I hatch and raise the 5 monarchs inside?Community AnswerIf you are starting from an egg, then make sure they are safe from any harm. Once the eggs have hatched, the caterpillars will then eat their egg shells. Newly hatched caterpillars should not be handled until they get different colored stripes. Then put milkweed in in the container with the caterpillars. When the leaves go dry, put fresh leaves in the container. Put them in a bigger container if they outgrow the first one, and put a stick in it so the caterpillars cocoon. When the butterflies comes out of the cocoon, they will have small wings at first, but the wings will grow over time. Leave the butterflies to dry their wings.
QuestionHow do I take care of a butterfly that cannot fly?Community AnswerThat's the issue which I came across today I am keeping it in a butterfly enclosure which I have from when I was younger and feeding it with sugar water soaked into a sponge. Once it can fly - if it will ever fly - let it free. Also don't keep it indoors, I keep it outdoors in the day and indoors at night in case it rains.
QuestionWhat do I do if its leg is broken?Helpful UserCommunity AnswerUnfortunately, there is little to nothing you can do for a broken butterfly leg. However, most butterflies can learn to adapt to incurable injuries, so the butterfly can still survive on its own in the wild.
QuestionMy caterpillar is in a big jar. The big jar has a small cozy place to hide in. My caterpillar cocooned on the side of the cozy place! What do I do?IsabellaCommunity AnswerThis is normal. They cocoon any place they like. Just leave it alone. Do not try to move the cocoon or touch it.
QuestionHow can I care for a butterfly that when I found it, it couldn't fly without falling immediately?Community AnswerIt may have an injured wing so have a close look at it. If it's leaking red stuff that looks like blood it's wings are not ready.
QuestionWhere should I keep a hurt butterfly overnight?IsabellaCommunity AnswerKeep it in a butterfly garden, the kind with a soft net. Do not put it in a jar.
QuestionWe found a butterfly with three wings on the ground, how do we care for it?Community AnswerKeep it on a container with airflow. Don't let it outside itself or some predators may eat it. Feed it green leaves. Put various leaves so it can eat it's choice. And spray some waters daily.
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