Q&A for How to Take Care of Mini Pet Turtles

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    How do I get a water heater and water fountain if I don’t get paid every other day or week?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Do some research to find out what the typical price range is for a filter and heater in the size you need. Filters in particular can be expensive (with some running about $80-90 USD), so you may need to save up a little before you can buy one. You can also save money by building your own canister filter. Do an online search for a DIY tutorial.
  • Question
    How do I get the turtle out of it's shell?
    Community Answer
    The shell is biologically attached to the turtle and is a part of its body. DO NOT attempt to remove the turtle from it's shell, as it can kill the turtle. If you just mean that you want it to poke it's head out and be social, then you need to provide a comfortable environment. Turtles hide in their shells when they sense danger, so be patient, leave food out and let it come out on it's own.
  • Question
    What type of turtles stay under 5 inches?
    Community Answer
    Here are some suggestions: Mud Turtles are a common type of turtle usually grows to be about 4 to 5 inches long. Musk Turtles grow to about 3 to 4 inches. Musk turtles make great pets and are good for owners new to raising turtles. Spotted Turtles reach size of 3.5 to 5 inches. 55-gallon tank and ideal environments are 50% water and 50% land and basking log. Diamond Back Terrapins are probably not the best for inexperienced owners because they have fungal infections and carapace diseases so they require a bit more care. They need a larger tank ~70 gallons. Reeve’s Turtles (males) -- you have to check their shell often as this type of turtle has many shell diseases. Up to 5 inches.
  • Question
    Do they suffer as pets?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how you treat them. If you give them proper care, food, love, etc., I don't think they suffer at all.
  • Question
    Are mini turtles expensive?
    Community Answer
    It depends, really. The price will be determined by the size of your turtle, where you purchase it, what kinds of materials you buy, etc. Mini turtles can either be a cheap or expensive pet.
  • Question
    How big do mini turtles grow?
    Community Answer
    The species is key. Red eared sliders can get about 12 inches or so, while others such as Mississippi Map turtles only reach 5-10.
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    How often does the turtle need to be fed?
    Community Answer
    Small young turtles should be fed daily, average sized turtles you should feed three times a week, and adult turtles should be fed one or two times a week. However, this depends on the species, so always read the specifics for your turtle rather than relying on such generalized advice.
  • Question
    Do mini turtles need a heating lamp?
    Community Answer
    All reptiles and turtles need a heating lamp.
  • Question
    How should I fill the tank if I have a baby paint turtle?
    Community Answer
    As full as you can while still providing a place for the turtle to get out of the water. Do not fill it completely to the top, of course.
  • Question
    How big does a shortneck turtle get?
    Community Answer
    This turtle can grow to about 30 cm in length. The male has a much fatter and longer tail than the female as well.
  • Question
    Is it safe to paint a turtle's shell?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely not. Paint can restrict the oxygen flow through the shell and kill the turtle. If you are caught painting a wild turtle's shell, you can be fined.
  • Question
    My turtle is bleeding on the tail and it looks like it is cut off, is it supposed to be like that?
    Community Answer
    It's definitely not supposed to be like that, and you should take your turtle to the vet right away, because the wound could get infected.
  • Question
    I don't understand about the lights. What do I need for a mud turtle? Also, would a mud turtle be a good choice for a 10 year old? She is very mature and responsible and wants a mud turtle badly.
    Bishwadeep Dhali
    Community Answer
    Yes, a 10 year old can get a mud turtle, just make sure she knows all the proper procedures for keeping a turtle. And a heating lamp is extremely important for a turtle. It's so because turtles come out of water for basking in the sun. They get 95% of calcium and warmth from the sun. And a heating lamp plays the role of the sun in a turtle's enclosure. And of you can't manage to get a heat lamp, then you can't keep a turtle.
  • Question
    How do you know if a mud turtle has salmonella?
    Bishwadeep Dhali
    Community Answer
    All turtles, may be it healthy or sick, contain salmonella. If you want a turtle with few salmonella germs, choose a turtle with a shell that's bigger than 4 inches.
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