Q&A for How to Tell Whether the Moon Is Waxing or Waning

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    Why is the moon sometimes visible in the daytime?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You can’t see most celestial objects during the day because the sun’s light is too bright and overpowering. However, the moon is close enough to Earth to be visible during the day. The light of the sun helps illuminate it so it’s faintly visible during daylight hours.
  • Question
    Can a full moon have an impact on your mood?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Some studies suggest that people may not sleep as well when the moon is full, which could potentially affect your mood. However, more research needs to be done on how the phases of the moon may affect mood and mental health.
  • Question
    What does a waxing or waning moon mean in astrology?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    In Vedic (Hindu) astrology, a waxing moon represents the growth of new ideas and the start of new activities, while the waning moon represents the completion of activities as well as self-reflection and purification.
  • Question
    Are there any phrases or words that can help with remembering the phases of the moon?
    Community Answer
    Waxing is "Maxing," or growing with light until a full moon is reached. Waning is the opposite, or decreasing after a full moon, and is always illuminated on the left. Then, there is a waxing or waning Gibbous moon, which means more than half of the moon is illuminated. And then a waxing or waning Crescent Moon, when less than half is illuminated. A quarter moon is when half the surface which faces the earth is lit.
  • Question
    Why is it called "waxing" and "waning"?
    Community Answer
    Waxing means to increase/get bigger, and waning means to decrease/get smaller.
  • Question
    Is this the same at the equator?
    Community Answer
    The first quarter (waxing half moon) will have the shape of a lowercase N when it rises and a lowercase U when it sets. The last quarter (waning half moon) will look like a lowercase U when it rises and a lowercase N when it sets. Both the waxing and waning crescent moon phases will look like a smile. The only way to tell the difference is the time of day -- the waxing crescent moon is seen in the evening and the waning crescent is seen in the morning.
  • Question
    What is waning and waxing if it is not the left and right side of the moon that are visible?
    Community Answer
    That would be a New Moon. In a New Moon, the lit half of the Moon is facing the Sun and we can only see the dark half. There is no light visible during a New Moon.
  • Question
    Is the waxing of the moon on the 15th day of the month?
    Community Answer
    The moon takes 29.5 days to orbit the Earth (almost a month), meaning the waxing phases of the moon happen on different dates each month. Remember that the moon is always either waxing (to a full moon) or waning (to a new moon) - it doesn't happen in a specific moment. For fun: because the Moon's orbit of the Earth is less than a calendar month, we occasionally get two full moons in the one month. The second is called a blue moon, which is where we get the term "once a blue moon" - i.e not very often.
  • Question
    How long does each phase last?
    Community Answer
    Three days for new moons, full moons, and quarter moons. Four days for crescents and gibbous.
  • Question
    Are the phases of the moon the same in the Northern and Southern hemispheres?
    Community Answer
    No, they are not the same. In the Southern Hemisphere, the moon is upside down from the pictures shown.
  • Question
    I think you have the waxing and waning pictures around the wrong way for the Southern Hemisphere. When the Moon is illuminated on the right (not left) it is waxing, isn't it?
    Community Answer
    No, the moon is illuminated on the left half. If you check an online chart of the moon phases and look at the phases on that chart, they should indicate that a waxing gibbous, for instance, is lit on the left side of the disc, 51–99% lit in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Question
    Left side illuminated should say 'waxing', right?
    Community Answer
    In the southern hemisphere, yes. In the northern hemisphere, left side illuminated is waning.
  • Question
    What if the moon is always facing the sun?
    Khusleen Kaur
    Community Answer
    This is a very good question. Half of the Moon is always facing the Sun, as all the other planets do. The Moon rotates (spins) and revolves (moves around), hence differentiating the position of the half lit side of the Moon. We also only see the lit part of the Moon as it revolves.
  • Question
    Where is the dark side of the moon?
    Kenneth Lynn
    Community Answer
    There is no permanently "dark" side. The moon rotates with respect to the sun so that all of its surface gets its share of sunlight. But, because its speed of rotation matches the time it takes to go around the earth, it keeps the same side facing Earth. When the moon is between the earth and the sun, the side facing us is the dark side, and we call it a "new moon" because it will soon begin to grow again from a crescent to full, at which time the side we don't ever see will be dark.
  • Question
    So waning is left and waxing is right?
    Community Answer
    Yes, when the right side of the moon is lit then it is waxing. When the moon is "getting smaller," then it is waning and the moon is lit from the left.
  • Question
    How do I find out what the moon will be on a specific day?
    Community Answer
    Download a moon app. It will show you when the phases are and give dates for each phase.
  • Question
    How can I tell if there is going to be a full moon?
    Community Answer
    In the Northern Hemisphere, if the illuminated side is to the right, then it is still a waxing phase and it is going to be a full moon in few days.
  • Question
    If the moon is in the eastern sky (western hemisphere) and illuminated from the left to make a "C" shape, is it a waxing or waning crescent?
    Noah Trivedi
    Community Answer
    West/east of the sky doesn't matter, nor does hemisphere. From the left, in the northern hemisphere, it would be waning. In the southern hemisphere, it would be waxing.
  • Question
    Does the waxing and waning have an effect on the growth of plants?
    Community Answer
    Some gardeners believe that in the spring you should plant your root vegetable seeds during a waning moon and plant seeds that produce vegetables and fruit above ground during the waxing of the moon; however, there is no solid evidence to show doing this makes more productive plants
  • Question
    What is a "super moon," a "super blue moon," a "wolf moon," and any other combination I might have missed?
    Pinky the Pink Slime
    Community Answer
    A super moon is when the moon looks bigger than usual; a super blue moon is a blue moon that looks bigger than usual, a wolf moon is the first full moon of January, harvest moon is a moon that appears orange, blood moon is another name for harvest moon, and micro moon is when the moon appears smaller than usual!
  • Question
    How many days does the moon wane?
    Community Answer
    About half a lunar month, so about 15 days. Same thing with when it waxes. Since the time when it wanes and the time that it waxes are about the same amount of time, they would take the same amount of time. So if you do the math, each would take about half a month.
  • Question
    Which individual traits could I look for to identify the Northern and Southern hemispheres?
    Community Answer
    Observe the moon over at least 5 consecutive days or at intervals of 3-4 days. If you see more of it appearing on the right or less of it appearing on the left then you are in the Northern hemisphere. If you see more of it appearing on the left or less of it appearing on the right then you are in the Southern hemisphere.
  • Question
    Hi. is there a time when the moon is so waned that it doesn't show at all?
    Top Answerer
    You're talking about a "New Moon." That's when the Sun is nearly behind the Moon and we can barely see any portion of the Moon. A "perfect" New Moon occurs on the rare occasion of a solar eclipse when the Sun is directly behind the Moon, and we can't see even a sliver of the Moon. All we seen then is the silhouette of the Moon in front of the Sun.
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