How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Tell Your Crush You Like Him over Text
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QuestionShould you ask your crush out over text or in person?John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health.You can totally ask them out over text if that's been the main way you two have been communicating.
QuestionWhat should I say if I don't know him that well yet?John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health.Just keep things light and don't try to probe too much. Ask him how his day is going, or send him a funny meme or something like that. It's hard to have a super deep conversation over text, so don't push it too hard when it comes to the complicated questions.
QuestionMy crush just asked me if I like him but I don’t know if he likes me back. I mean he smiles at me and texts me regularly, but what should I say?Sarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerTry being honest with him if you feel like you're ready to share your feelings. If you aren't, try asking "Why do you ask?" This could draw him out and get him to confess his feelings first.
QuestionHow can you tell him you like him without making it sound cringey?Sarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerJust try to be as direct as you can! A simple, "Hey! I like you and was thinking we should hang out sometime," is going to go over better than a really long message detailing all your feelings.
QuestionA cute guy asked me for my number, my friends say that he likes me. I like him too, how do I tell him I like him without scaring him off?Sarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerTry saying something like, "I'm so glad you finally asked for my number!" with a winky-face emoji. This should at least let him know you're looking forward to talking to him.
QuestionMy crush moved to another school and he (likely 60% chance) likes me, we haven't texted each other or talked for year because of that, how do I start conversation, i am Super shySarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerTry sending him a text that says something like, "Hey! I know we haven't talked in a long time, but I miss you! How are things going at the new school? I'd love to catch up."
Questionwhat if he’s my brothers best friend?Sarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerIf you think he likes you, you may want to talk to your brother about it, depending on what kind of relationship you have. If you text with this guy regularly, you could try saying something like, "I love it when you're over at the house. I wish I could hang out with you more."
QuestionSo I don't have my crush's phone number but I can message him on a game app.Do I need his real phone number or can I message him on that?Sarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerYou can definitely message him on the game app! DMs through any app are great to use if you don't have his phone number.
QuestionMy crush has been my friend my whole life. We're really close and I don't want this to affect our friendship. What should I do?Sarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerYou could wait for a while to see if your feelings go away on their own, especially if you don't want anything to change your friendship. But, if you don't think your feelings will change, you'll need to decide if you want to hide your feelings (which could be really unhealthy for you) or talk about them with your crush. If you do decide to share your feelings, talk about how important your friendship is, too. If they don't feel the same way, take some time away from the friendship for yourself to heal before trying to be close again.
QuestionI met my crush at camp and by the time I will get to text him, we won’t have seen each other for a while. I’m not sure if he likes me. He lives in another state, so it would be hard to see him. What should I do?Sarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerYou could try to figure out how he feels by texting him. For example, you could say something like, "I really hope we get to hang out more at camp next year! It sucks that we live so far apart." His response could let you know if he feels the same way. But either way, you could develop a friendly relationship over the year through text and then see if something comes of it next year when you see him again at camp.
QuestionWhat if he lives right across the street from me?Sarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerTake into consideration that it could be awkward to see him every day if he doesn't feel the same way about you. If you don't already, try saying "hi" to him in person and then gradually move into texting with him. Because he lives so close, you may want to take things a little bit slower before confessing your feelings.
QuestionWhat happens if my crush denies me?!Sarah BattilanaCommunity AnswerRejection is a really hard thing to deal with! The best thing to do is give yourself some space to feel sad, but don't linger in sadness. Remember, you did something really hard by sharing your feelings, and you should feel proud of that, no matter what! Try your best to act normal around your crush, even if they don't like you back, and be kind. Try to move on by focusing on your friends, activities, and other potential crushes.
QuestionHow do you let your crush know you like him?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerThe best way to let your crush know that you like them is to tell them. But choosing how you tell them is up to you. You could write them a note, tell them face-to-face, or send them a text message telling them how you feel. If you choose to text them, start by saying hi, keep the conversation lighthearted with jokes and emojis, wait until they seem like they're in a good mood, and then send a short and direct message that says that you like them.
QuestionHow do you know if your crush likes you?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerYou can try to read cues and pick up on hints that they're dropping to see if your crush likes you. If they're always wanting to hang out with you, or you catch them looking at you from across the room, it could be a sign that they're into you. But, if you want to be sure, you should tell them that you like them to see if they like you back!
QuestionHow can I flirt with my crush?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerTexting your crush is a great way to flirt with them! If you're not sure if they like you back or not, you can send them funny jokes, memes, and emojis to show them that you're fun. If you suspect that they may like you back, you can send more flirtatious messages to try to spark up romantic chemistry.
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