Q&A for How to Tell Your Teachers You Won't Be Here over Email

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    What should I put as the subject?
    Brian Salazar-Prince
    Top Answerer
    I would suggest something like "Expected Absence" or "Anticipated Absence" because it will allow them to gauge from the subject of the e-mail that it is important and you are attempting to be respectful by alerting them in advance.
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    How do I, as a teacher, write a short message about missing class today?
    Community Answer
    Hello, class. I will not be at school today because of a family emergency. Work on the assignment titled ("name of assignment"). The substitute will help you work through it. Best Regards, (name of teacher).
  • Question
    What can I say in an email to my teacher requesting that they explain a lesson over again?
    Community Answer
    Dear (name of teacher), I didn't quite understand the lesson you taught on (day of the week) regarding (topic of presentation). Could you please explain it to us again? Thank you, (your name)
  • Question
    How do I tell my teacher that I’m sick?
    Community Answer
    Hello Mr. Robertson, I am sick today and can't attend school. Could you please forward to me today's reading and homework assignments? Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, Jessica.
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