Q&A for How to Tell if a Betta Fish Is Sick

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  • Question
    What medication can I use to treat fin rot?
    Craig Morton
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Craig Morton is the CEO of Aquarium Doctor Inc. based in Huntington Beach California and servicing Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire. With over 30 years of aquarium experience, Craig specializes in creating custom aquarium designs along with aquarium installation, service, and maintenance.
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Expert Answer
    API Bettafix is a medication you can buy in stores that will help cure fin rot.
  • Question
    How often should I change the water in the tank?
    Craig Morton
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Craig Morton is the CEO of Aquarium Doctor Inc. based in Huntington Beach California and servicing Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire. With over 30 years of aquarium experience, Craig specializes in creating custom aquarium designs along with aquarium installation, service, and maintenance.
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Expert Answer
    You should change 25 percent of the water in the tank every 2 weeks to keep your fish healthy.
  • Question
    How can I keep my betta fish warm?
    Craig Morton
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Craig Morton is the CEO of Aquarium Doctor Inc. based in Huntington Beach California and servicing Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire. With over 30 years of aquarium experience, Craig specializes in creating custom aquarium designs along with aquarium installation, service, and maintenance.
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.
    Expert Answer
    I recommend using either a pad type heater for small fish bowls or a probe heater for larger aquariums.
  • Question
    My Betta fish has white spots near his fin, what might this be?
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Expert Answer
    White spots can be a sign of infection with the parasite, Ick, or white patches a sign of a fungal infection. Fungal infections can sometimes be circular and have a "target" like appearance with a black area at the center.
  • Question
    How can I know if my betta is full?
    Community Answer
    Only feed your betta tiny amounts of food at a time. You should give your betta the amount of food he can eat comfortably within the span of 2 minutes. Bettas won't stop eating once they're full -- they'll eat whatever you give them (if they're healthy), so it's easy to overfeed them.
  • Question
    I just got my fish, and it's not active and doesn't eat. What could be wrong?
    Community Answer
    Your fish is probably stressed from being transported. Give it some time to adjust to its new home.
  • Question
    How do you know if a beta fish has swim bladder disorder?
    Community Answer
    Typically when a fish has swim bladder disorder, it appears as though their equilibrium is off. They may appear to be swimming on their sides and have trouble swimming either up or down.
  • Question
    Why are my fish's eyes black?
    Community Answer
    They just are. Nothing to worry about. I have a healthy female crowntail whose eyes are black.
  • Question
    How can I get my betta to like me more and be less aggressive?
    Community Answer
    If you're tapping on the tank, you may be agitating it. Otherwise, bettas won't usually be aggressive unless they are with other bettas. Your betta should end up recognizing you as its provider if you continue to feed it.
  • Question
    Is coming near glass and attacking it a mental disease?
    Community Answer
    The betta may simply be seeing his reflection and thinks another male fish is nearby.
  • Question
    What should I do if my betta fish has stopped eating, but is otherwise acting fine?
    Community Answer
    In this case, it might be that your fish doesn't like the food you're giving it. Try changing its food to see if it prefers the new food.
  • Question
    Can I put a sucker fish in with a male Betta fish?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Betta fish usually do not feel threatened by sucker fish, because they do not compete for the same food, mates, or even space. As long as the tank is big enough to accommodate two fish (some suckers can get quite large), they should be fine.
  • Question
    Isn't #6 something they do normally?
    Community Answer
    No. While bettas are able to breathe air at the surface, they won't use it often unless there is either something wrong with the water or something wrong with the fish that's preventing them from getting adequate oxygen from the water.
  • Question
    Is my betta sick if he's refusing to eat?
    Community Answer
    Is he spitting the food out or ignoring the food? If he's spitting it out, it either means he's not hungry or that it's too big for him to consume. If he's ignoring it, most likely he's not hungry or has eaten something that might be growing in your tank.
  • Question
    The person who was keeping an eye on my fish while I was out of town overfed him. How do I fix this?
    Community Answer
    This might sound cruel, but it will help: don't feed your fish for a few days. Your fish won't starve and it will give them a chance to balance themselves back out.
  • Question
    What if my betta fish is a dark black, but used to be blue?
    Top Answerer
    They can change color as they age, this is normal. If it changed colors recently or has done this in the past, you may have a marble betta (lucky!).
  • Question
    Can fin rot present as only a shredded looking tail?
    Community Answer
    Yes, unless your betta is a crowntail, which have naturally shredded-looking tails. If he is a veil tail or a halfmoon, he should have completely intact fins with no ragged edges.
  • Question
    Why is my betta not moving its mouth?
    Community Answer
    A betta only moves its gills most of the time, your fish is fine.
  • Question
    Is my beta sick if he is really active whenever he sees me?
    Community Answer
    No, this is not a sign of sickness.
  • Question
    Can cold water cause my betta to develop white blotches?
    Community Answer
    Bettas are tropical fish and only thrive in waters that range from 72-83 degrees F. If your water temperature is too cold, that could affect your betta in a variety of ways.
  • Question
    Why would there be white film on top of the water, and white on my betta fish's bowl?
    Community Answer
    Change your water using a siphon and suck that film off, that should fix it.
  • Question
    Will regular salt work for medicine?
    Community Answer
    No, that makes it salt water. If your fish is normally in fresh water, you will kill it by adding salt.
  • Question
    How would I know if the betta has tuberculosis? And what medicine/s is needed for it?
    Community Answer
    Tuberculosis can look similar to dropsy, but without pineconing and possible scale loss as well as possible skeletal deformation. Antibacterial medication should help.
  • Question
    My male betta has lack of appetite and a pop eye. I went down to the local pet store and they recommended Bifuren. He is swimming around now, but has white spots and his scales are bulging outward. What's wrong with him?
    Community Answer
    White spots are a sign of ich, and the bulging could be dropsy or bloating. Check your water conditions and improve what is needed there, then do further research to learn more about curing these conditions.
  • Question
    The top fin of my betta is shorter than the one which is down. The tip of the tail is bright red in color although the fish's color is blue-black. Does it have a disease?
    Community Answer
    Bettas are typically bright and multicolored. If your betta is acting normally, I don't think there's anything to worry about.
  • Question
    My betta is laying on the bottom of the tank, and looks like he is gasping for air. What is wrong with him?
    Community Answer
    Your betta may be having trouble swimming -- he could be injured he could've been hurt by something in the tank.
  • Question
    What can I do if my fish was injured?
    Community Answer
    The best thing to do is consult a vet. They will be able to guide you, and advise you on how to proceed with your betta fish.
  • Question
    My fish was doing fine earlier, but I changed the water today and added new plastic plants, and when I came back, my fish was turning white. Should I take the plants out?
    Community Answer
    You should definitely take the plants out. They can tear your fish's fins.
  • Question
    The front fins of my fish just started to turn white. Is he okay?
    Community Answer
    He's just marbling. This is a rare trait, so you're lucky! The "jumping gene" makes bettas change colors throughout their lives.
  • Question
    How do I know if my fish is happy?
    Community Answer
    Blowing bubbles (if male) and making a bubble nest at the top of the tank! Also, if they are active and swimming around their tank.
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