How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Thank God for Every Blessing He Has Given Us
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QuestionHow do you thank God for a safe journey?Olivia Woodford is a Holy Bible Expert and the Founder of Bible Women Speak. Olivia has been teaching biblical stories of women through theater since 1992. She is a member of Biblical Storytellers International and has performed at and hosted learning retreats with churches, schools, and women's groups of all denominations throughout the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. Olivia has a BFA in Theater Arts from Boston University.There's no rules here. For me, the best way to thank God is to take your time, sit down quietly and come into your heart. Then, simply say your words of thankfulness to God, appreciating His support and protection on your journey.
QuestionI don’t like telling people about God because I’ve always keep my thoughts to myself. Will this affect my relationship with God, even though I thank him as much as possible?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIf you worry about coming on too strongly or seeming pushy, not sharing your beliefs may be respectful of others, but if you are hesitant to share your beliefs due to embarrassment or anxiety, it may be worth it to try to get out of your comfort zone by sharing your faith with a few close friends. Regardless, you can still honor God without sharing your beliefs. In fact, while some people find it valuable to verbally witness to others, it's more important to demonstrate your beliefs through kind actions.
QuestionWhat can I give God to let him know I am thankful?Community AnswerAll he really asks for is your love. In the bible, Psalms 22: 37, 38, Jesus told us to love Jehovah our God with our whole heart, soul, and mind. So the best thing you can give him to let him know how thankful you are is your heart. Obey his commandments and tell him in prayer that you are thankful.
QuestionWhy is it hard to go to church even though I believe in God?Community AnswerMany people struggle to make time for church. Try looking at it as a special time to share with God instead of as an obligation.
QuestionHow do I become a prayer warrior for Jesus Christ?Community AnswerA "prayer warrior" is an interesting description! It's reminiscent of the verse that says, "fight the good fight of the faith," and the Gospel metaphor of the "Armor of God." One of our best pieces of "armor" in life is definitely prayer. A good way to start praying persistently is to set up an easy daily schedule. Praying at the same time every day (e.g meal times and before bed) is a good way to set up a solid prayer foundation. Other times could be first thing in the morning or on pubic transport.
QuestionIs there such a thing as an unknown sin?Community AnswerNo, God is all knowing and all powerful. If the Lord is all knowing, there is no such thing as an unknown sin.
QuestionI want to be able to pray in my Sunday School and Mission Meetings but I feel like I freeze up and can't speak. How do I get over this fear?Community AnswerAlthough not on stage, it sounds as though you simply have a form of stage fright and get nervous speaking in front of people. You can check out the helpful tips in this article about how to overcome stage fright on wikiHow.
QuestionHow can I thank God for my good result?Community AnswerPray with thanks to him! If you want to thank God, just say "Thank you, Jesus!"
QuestionWhy would anyone trust God when they don't understand him?Community AnswerThe truth is, no one completely understands everything God does because God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours. When you think about it, we trust in a lot of things we don't fully understand. Much about how the universe and the human body work are mysteries to the human mind. A god whose person and actions could be fully understood wouldn't be God -- he'd simply be a god of man's own making, small enough and petty enough to be controlled.
QuestionHow can I stop struggling to thank God?Vanessa600Community AnswerAll I can say is that prayer goes a long way. Maybe you can start by writing a list of all the things you are thankful for so that when you are going to pray, you will already know all the things you would like to include in your prayer.
QuestionHow can I start believing in God?Community AnswerStart praying daily to build a relationship with god, then research your chosen religion and follow its traditions to grow your spiritual life.
QuestionIs it good entering relationship while serving God as a youth?Community AnswerServing God requires faith and love for Him. Youth end up doing numerous things while serving Him. Try not to be tempted to sin or spend less time with God because of your new endeavours. God is permanent. So, make Him your priority. Treat your new bonds with respect as well.
Questioni love God so much and feel like I don't do enough to thank him. How can I do more?Community AnswerRead the Bible the entire way through and learn the Psalms off by heart. Go to church every week without fail. Try to not sin and repent when you do. Always spread the gospel, maybe even go on a mission trip.
QuestionIn Heaven, will we see Jesus or God the Father?Community AnswerYou see God the Father through the Son, Jesus. Heaven is a home for the righteous and that we have been given to know. It will be decided after the final war and the judgement day who stays in the new world and see the Creator and the Father therein.
QuestionHow do I praise God in times of hurt, pain and loss?Rudy VicenteCommunity AnswerRemember that God is sovereign and that He is in control of everything, and He will not forsake you in times of difficulties and pain. As most characters in the Bible have suffered, God has promised them that it will all be better.
QuestionGod's love is splashing through my veins and blood. Is this normal?Kathleen EvenessCommunity AnswerYes, absolutely! You can sing to God, pray to him, or read His scriptures and feel amazing. God is always open to hear your praise. You can also tell the word of Jesus Christ!
QuestionHow to thank God in words?Community AnswerGod is fine with heartfelt gratitude expressed in our own words, gesture or other works in His name. There are prayers of thankfulness for those who need to thank in a certain way. Words uttered from the depths of your heart can reach straight to God.
QuestionIf I'm born again and saved, when I pray to the Father do I ask for forgiveness of recent sin?Community AnswerRecent and past sins need to be forgiven. It gets easier if you mend your actions after sinning and after praying for forgiveness. No change in action can result in punishments. So, reciting all round prayers is the best approach for us sinful human beings.
QuestionHow do I give God what he deserves?Community AnswerGod isn't given like that. God is loved and praised out of respect, reverence by being moved by Him for His undying love towards us. Whenever you do something, achieve or see something that couldn't be possible by man alone, remember Him and praise Him. That way, you will technically give Him something He rejoices in, i.e. true love.
QuestionI am looking for examples for thanking God?WikiVYCommunity AnswerYou can thank God for letting you write your question. There are many privileges that you have, like the internet and whatever else you have that many others don't have. Start with the morning and think of what you enjoy and need, like food, clean water, sources of spiritual guidance online, etc., and get thanking. Thank God for having known Him.
QuestionI'm struggling with my faith. I believe I'm just not at peace.WikiVYCommunity AnswerPeace is like a reaction from actions that are godly, like forgiving, praying for others, smiling at strangers to offer comfort, being friendly, happy in praise of God and so on. Include these in your life and you will feel peace.
QuestionHow can I build a good foundation with God?WikiVYCommunity AnswerA foundation with God is a bond of trust, truth, love and happiness. You have to dig deeper to know God. Try to start somewhere, like reading the BIble again to learn the old verses from a newer perspective, praying for guidance on your next step, meditating daily, etc. He will help you build a foundation with Him with His guidance. Have faith and ask this daily.
QuestionHow can I get over my fear of praying aloud to the congregation at church?JulseypopCommunity AnswerTry practicing at home, then maybe do it in front of your family, until you fell confident enough to pray in front of your church.
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