Q&A for How to Throw a Knife

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    How do I throw a knife and make it stick?
    Community Answer
    Throw the knife hard and straight. Make sure the knife tip is sharp.
  • Question
    I want to learn to throw a knife without a spin. Is it easier or safer?
    Community Answer
    Without is safer for the thrower, but with spin is the more common technique. Be very careful if throwing with a spin. If you release too late and you are practicing with a sharp knife, you can stab yourself in the knee.
  • Question
    How long would it take me to learn?
    Joshua McKinney
    Community Answer
    It depends if you are persistent. If you are it should take about a month to learn and a lifetime to master.
  • Question
    Can I throw accurately over 30 feet?
    Community Answer
    Eventually, with lots of practice. Balanced knives, thrown by the handle, with no spin work best over larger distances.
  • Question
    When I throw a knife I use a full spin and a spin and a half for a longer throw which works well for me; should I stick with this or should I learn to throw with no spin?
    Community Answer
    A spinning knife has a chance to hit the target with the handle instead of the blade; with no spin, it's more deadly.
  • Question
    How do I throw a balanced knife?
    Community Answer
    A balanced knife is thrown like a normal knife. Difference is that a balanced knife can be either thrown from the handle or blade.
  • Question
    How many steps should I take away from the target?
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you hold it and how you throw. You may find it easier to stand right up close so that you can stab your knife in by leaning forward but try throwing it. Then a little bit more than one equals half a spin.
  • Question
    How do I dodge a knife that is being thrown toward me?
    Community Answer
    Deflect it by pushing the flat of the blade away from you to the side with the palm of your hand, especially with shurikens.You can also duck or step to the side to avoid the knife.
  • Question
    How can I throw a knife without spin?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the knife. Most throwing knives that are balanced and/or weighted at the top can be thrown with no spin using a hammer grip. With non-balanced knives, just use trial and error.
  • Question
    How do I throw underhanded?
    Community Answer
    Hold the knife by the handle with a pinch-like grip. Bring the arm that the knife is in parallel to your body, then swing your arm up and let go about the time your hand reaches your waist.
  • Question
    Can a machete be thrown without spin?
    Community Answer
    Machetes aren't used for throwing. They are far too heavy to be thrown, and doing so may cause damage to the weapon.
  • Question
    I can't seem to get the knife to throw straight. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Keep practicing. You will develop the skill over time.
  • Question
    How about if my knife is a long one?
    Community Answer
    It's safer if you use knifes designed for throwing, but if you do throw a longer knife, try the hammer grip for those.
  • Question
    How far can I accurately throw?
    Community Answer
    This will vary based on your skill level, and how long you have been practicing.
  • Question
    Every throw seems to spin. What should I change?
    Community Answer
    A knife will spin if it travels through the air too long, so the distance shouldn't be too far. You also can change your grip. You can pinch the knife's handle with the thumb on one side and three fingers on the other side.
  • Question
    How do I throw an odd-shaped knife?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the knife. Different knives have differing bland-to-handle weight ratios, and the location of their fulcrums will differ.
  • Question
    What steps can I take to be safe when practicing?
    Community Answer
    Use a knife with a duller point, or another, less dangerous object entirely when you start out.
  • Question
    How do I spin throw a knife?
    Community Answer
    If it's balanced you can throw it by the handle or blade, but if it's unbalanced you will want to throw it by the heavy side. Make sure your wrist is bent as you're throwing the knife.
  • Question
    How do I throw a lightweight knife?
    Community Answer
    If it is lightweight, it will be difficult to get a lot of force into it. Try using something heavier. If you must stick with the light knife, precision and force will be key. Aim to hit the target with the point exactly.
  • Question
    How do I throw a no-spin safely?
    Community Answer
    There is always some risk but the safest way is listed above.
  • Question
    How do I determine the balance of my knife blade?
    Community Answer
    Rest the middle of the blade on your pointer finger. The direction the blade tips is the heavier side.
  • Question
    How do I overcome the weight of the knife when throwing it?
    Flamingo Dog walker
    Community Answer
    The knife should not be too heavy for you. If it is, switch to a lighter blade. You do not need much strength for throwing knives if you buy the right type.
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