Q&A for How to Train Your Dog to Not Run Away

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    How long do I have to do this?
    Community Answer
    Continue until you know that your dog will not run away. Observe your dog's behavior from a window inside. If your dog lingers towards the edge of the yard, you probably will need to keep training. If your dog stays close to the house, you're probably safe.
  • Question
    When I go near my garbage cans my dog will pull and buck and get out of his leash. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    First of all, your dog is afraid of the garbage cans. Make sure that the collar fits or buy your dog a harness so you know he/she can't slip out. Teach your dog that garbage cans are okay by putting the garbage can next to your house door so if he tries to escape, you can put him inside and calm him down. Get treats (cheese or a little meat will work if you have no treats) and lure your dog next to the trash can. Reward him a lot. Make soft sounds with the trash can by tapping it lightly so your dog is aware of its noise and keep rewarding him. Have him walk around the trash can and reward him.
  • Question
    My dog is a daschund. Do her hunting instincts play a part in her running away?
    Community Answer
    Hunting instincts probably do have something to do with it. Hunting dogs normally are born with that wild side of them that wants to roam.
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    How do I train him to come if he doesn't care for treats?
    Community Answer
    Pet him and fuss over him as though he just won you a pot of gold. If you pet him every time he obeys, he will want to obey so he gets hugs. Dogs are social animals, and petting your dog will not only help train him, but will help you develop a better relationship with him. He will find that you enjoy when he obeys you, and if you are happy, he most likely will be happy as well.
  • Question
    My dog is a 2-year-old golden retriever, and she is spayed. Why does she keep running away and visiting the neighbor's huskies?
    Community Answer
    All dogs like to play and be social with other dogs. Take steps to secure your dog to make sure she does not escape.
  • Question
    My dog is 3 years old, but she still won't stay with me. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Teach her stay and come. Exercise her regularly. Spay her in case your neighbors have dogs that bother her. Try long leads, exercise pens, or fencing in your yard.
  • Question
    I live in front of a busy street and my dog runs away. He is a 2-year-old chihuahua mix. How do I keep him inside?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you give him a long walk every day so he gets out of the house with you and doesn't have a lot of energy to burn. This will solve your problem. It takes some commitment from you, but that's what you signed up for when you got a dog.
  • Question
    Will this work for dogs that are really active?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just make sure they are getting adequate exercise (walking, jogging, agility training, etc.). You may want to tire them out a bit before your training lessons so they are not bursting with energy but they're not lethargic either.
  • Question
    My boarder collie/pit bull runs off every chance he gets, even though we walk him three times a day and keep him outside. I have to keep him tied up because he chews through the fence and gets out. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    An underground fence will train your dog to stop chewing the fence and escaping. There are several good brands that are very affordable.
  • Question
    How do I know how much exercise my mixed breed needs?
    Community Answer
    You'll have to experiment with different amounts of exercise. A dog who has had enough exercise will be calm and ready to nap.
  • Question
    Will walking my dog around the block encourage it to run away later?
    Community Answer
    No; on the contrary, providing your dog exercise and the opportunity to explore the surrounding neighborhood can act as a good detriment to its running away later.
  • Question
    My 2 year old Yorkshire Terrier has ran away twice but once she got off the leash but didn't run away. How do I trust her in a busy street and do you think I will be able to trust her in a busy park?
    Community Answer
    No, you shouldn't trust her as she has ran away in the past. A busy park may even be a worse place as a place with a lot of strangers may cause her to be stressed. It is best to keep her on a leash when you are out in public with her.
  • Question
    My dog is a boxer and it is heaven for him to run away. How do I get my dog to fetch?
    Community Answer
    To teach your dog how to fetch, throw the object that you want your dog to retrieve (most dogs should chase objects, even if it means them not bringing it back). Your boxer will then either stand next to the object or, most likely, put it in its mouth. Either way, if your pet goes up to the ball, offer him a treat. Once he learns to do that (this should not take too long) begin shouting your pet so that it comes to you, when he has the ball in his mouth. Then take the ball and praise him. After doing this several times, your dog will learn to bring it back.
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