How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Urinate in the Ocean Discreetly
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QuestionIs there a difference in the way men should do this versus women?Community AnswerNo. In the ocean, both men and women can urinate standing up or sitting down.
QuestionIs it bad to pee in the ocean?Community AnswerNo, peeing in the ocean is harmless. Human urine is 95% water. The urea in urine combines with ocean water to form ammonium, which acts as food for ocean plant life.
QuestionWhat if I don't see the marine life near me, like if a crab was awakened by my golden liquids?Tom De BackerTop AnswererAll marine life is afraid of you, they will swim away. They also avoid pollutants in the water, and will not be attracted to it. It also dilutes very rapidly in the currents.
QuestionCan I hold it until I go back home?Community AnswerYou could, but you don't want to hold it for too long or you could risk causing some damage to yourself internally.
QuestionCan I pee in the ocean with a white swimsuit?Tom De BackerTop AnswererYes, that shouldn't be an issue. If you like, you can move your swimsuit to the side a little to avoid direct contact with the cloth.
QuestionIs it possible to defecate in the ocean?Community AnswerYes, but that would be disgusting. If you need to defecate, leave the water and find a restroom.
QuestionHow do I pee discreetly in the swimming pool?Tom De BackerTop AnswererPlease don't pee in the swimming pool, it's gross and unhygienic. Just get out, go to the bathroom, then continue your swimming fun.
QuestionCan I pee in the ocean if I have my period?Community AnswerYes, but you risk infection. If you are wearing one, change your tampon afterward.
QuestionHow do I pee in the pool, or is it the same thing?Tom De BackerTop AnswererNever, ever pee in the pool. Use the bathroom like everyone else.
QuestionCan I pee in the sand?Tom De BackerTop AnswererFind a private spot, dig a little hole, and relieve yourself there, sure. Cover it back up afterward. The rain and sea do wash the sand as well, so it will be taken up into the world's water cycle anyway. However, don't do this on a crowded beach, make sure kids won't go digging and playing there, and definitely do not poop in the sand.
QuestionI really have to pee, but I can't start the stream in the ocean. What do I do?Community AnswerThinking of something funny might work; laughing can open up your bladder. Pretending you are in the bathroom might help. But don't overthink it, just let it happen.
QuestionCan you poop in the ocean if you can't hold it and there are no toilets?Community AnswerIt's really unsanitary, so I would say no.
QuestionWhat do I do if I really need to go pee in a public pool, and I absolutely cannot make it to the public toilet? How do I stop people from knowing?Community AnswerThis may bother you, but just pee in your swimsuit or trunks. I recommend doing it as you swim away from the area you were just in.
QuestionCan I pee in a hot tub?Tom De BackerTop AnswererAbsolutely not. Much depends on the volume of water in the recipient you're peeing in. An ocean is big enough that one little pee won't make much of a difference. A sea, too, is large enough, as are most lakes. Swimming pools, apart from being man-made, and man-maintained, are clear, and small; too small to have even one pee. Hot tubs are even smaller, and since pools are already forbidden, hot tubs are definitively off limits, regardless of any turbulence.
QuestionHow do I urinate into the ocean when wearing a wet-suit?Community AnswerJust pee in the wetsuit. It cannot escape, and you can't get out of it. Just let it flow. If you're cold, peeing in the wetsuit will warm you up, too.
QuestionI'm afraid I'll leak blood while a shark's nearby, what can I do?Tom De BackerTop AnswererIf you're having your period, then there isn't much difference between peeing and not peeing as you swim. The blood and other menstrual liquids exit your body through a different canal than your urine. If you are menstruating, then there will be some blood in the ocean whether you pee or not. But sharks are not like magnets - they won't come racing towards you from miles away just because there's a drop of blood. If you're worried, don't swim.
QuestionWhat if someone notices?Community AnswerNormally, the ocean is opaque enough that no one will notice. If you are really concerned, try to find some excuse to move, such as saying you want to see how fast you can swim, then swim away from people. Do your business after you have started moving, but try to keep moving the whole time. That way, if there is anything visible, it will be far enough away that most people won't notice it. If they do, they won't know what it is or that it was caused by you.
QuestionDo you expose you private parts when you go?Community AnswerNo, you should not expose that. You pee with your swim suit on. If you feel that you may have a scent or stain your swim suit you can pull your suit of to the side a little but do not fully expose your privates.
QuestionIs it better to have a bikini or one piece swimsuit to pee in the ocean?Community AnswerEither works, just make sure that you are not standing to close to your friend when you go. Also, avoid urinating in white or lightly colored swim suits.
QuestionWhat if my swimsuit (and the water level) drops a little bit and a young child sees my penis?HamsterLover460Community AnswerSay that your pants fell down. They won't know that you are acutally peeing. Go out in deeper water and away from children when you are peeing.
QuestionI cant pee anywhere else besides the toilet, not even the shower. How do I make myself pee when necessary if I'm pee-shy?Tom De BackerTop AnswererIf you don't want to pee in the shower, the ocean, or anywhere other than the toilet, that's perfectly fine. You're a well-raised, respectful human being, and there's no need to change anything. However, the mind is a curious thing. If you think "Seeing a spoon makes me hungry" for long enough, at some point that will indeed make you hungry, and it will take equally long to again get rid of this idea. So if you want to pee in the shower, think about peeing in the shower every time you step into the shower.
QuestionWhat if I can't make it to the water and have an accident?Fizzy HacksCommunity AnswerYou could keep running into the seawater to clean yourself. Once you are wet from the seawater, nobody will know any different. Or you could wrap a towel around you and go back to the toilet block on the beach.
QuestionWhat if the whole beach is crowded?Community AnswerSwim out a little farther, but not so far that you could get caught in the tide. Honestly, nobody's going to notice, even if you pee right next to someone, and if it's really crowded, no one would even be able to say for sure that you did it.
QuestionThe bathrooms at the pool don't work and I need to poop explosive diarrhea very bad. Can I just take my swimsuit off and pull my cheeks apart in the pool to poop?Aubrey LawsonCommunity AnswerNo. That is very unhygienic and very unsanitary - it will lead to pool closure while they clean it. Furthermore, no one wants to see your private parts and I'm sure the lifeguards don't either. Ask a lifeguard to use a bathroom that can be used until that restroom is completely fixed, or at worst, go behind a tree.
QuestionHow should you pee if you are right next to someone, like what precautions?Community AnswerDon't worry about it. If you are in the ocean, your peeing is not going to be noticeable.
Questionwhat if i lost my bikini bottom and need to poop and pee?PuppyDog123ABCCommunity AnswerGo out a bit farther, but not too far, and pee there. If you need to poop, ask someone to hand you a towel, wrap that around your waist, and poop in a toilet.
QuestionWhat do I do if there is a really busy beach, everyone is in the ocean and you have to "go?"PuppyDog123ABCCommunity AnswerYou can go in an actual toilet, behind a rock, bush, or tree.
QuestionI am a boy and got new shorts that I don't want to pee in. How can I?PuppyDog123ABCCommunity AnswerYou could get out of the water and go behind a tree or large rock, or you could use a toilet if there's one.
QuestionI peed in the ocean with my bikini down, and someone saw me pissing. What do I do now?PuppyDog123ABCCommunity AnswerNobody should be able to see, if they do and they don't make a fuss, you should be fine. Don't be embarrassed, lots of people do that.
QuestionWhat if I am far out and need to poop?PuppyDog123ABCCommunity AnswerIf you can hold it until you go back to shore, do that and take care of your poop in the toilet. If you can't, make sure there's no one around you while you do your business.
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