Q&A for How to Use a Mortar and Pestle

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    Just bought a stone mortar and pestle with no instructions in the box. How do I condition it prior to first use?
    Community Answer
    Grind some dry rice for about 15 minutes, then for 5 minutes with a little olive oil added to form a stiff paste. That will really polish up the inside, so removing the fine stone dust. Wash out with warm water and allow to air dry. Do not use any detergent at all, as this taints both the mortar and pestle.
  • Question
    What mortar and pestle should I use for powdering or fine grinding of medical tablets or pills?
    Community Answer
    If you mean what size, use a small one. If you mean what kind, use ceramic or wooden. Stone mortar and pestles aren't the best because they can leave bits of stone if you're not careful.
  • Question
    How do you make paste with a mortar and pestle?
    Niles Harding
    Community Answer
    First, grind the dry ingredients to the desired consistency (coarse to dusty). Then, add your liquid in individual, small portions (start with ~5-10% of the powder volume), and continue to mix with the pestle. The dry ingredients should start to be coated by the liquid. Continue to add small amounts of liquid, followed by more mixing until the desired consistency is reached. This process is called trituration.
  • Question
    What time period were a mortar and a pestle used?
    Community Answer
    They have been recorded in Ancient Greece and Egypt, and were used in apothecaries (medieval doctor's offices) until the late 1800s.
  • Question
    How much does a mortar and pestle cost?
    Community Answer
    You can make your own that's literally just a hefty rock in a sturdy bowl or something like that for free. Usually they're $3.99-$15.99.
  • Question
    Where do I get a pestle and mortar?
    Community Answer
    You should be able to get one at a local supercenter or a home goods store.
  • Question
    Do I seal stone pestles?
    Community Answer
    No. You want it course/rough. Rough surfaces grind things to a powder, a paste, or remove oil. These surfaces need to be rough, clean and not sealed.
  • Question
    Do you seal ceramic pestles?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely not.
  • Question
    How do you make a sauce with a pestle and mortar?
    Alicia V. Espinoza
    Community Answer
    You need a mortar that is big enough to contain your sauce. You could try to get a 'molcajete' which is a traditional Mexican mortar and pestle made of volcanic stone, and is used to grind spices and make sauces. They have a coarse texture which makes it easier to grind soft ingredients. But a regular, big enough mortar would do. You can cut your soft ingredients into small chunks so it is easier to manage them.
  • Question
    Can you use a cast iron mortar and pestle for grinding seeds being used for health purposes or medicines?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, you can. Just make sure you have followed the directions on the package for breaking it in and cleaning it. Keep it solely for use with the health products and don't use for food ingredients.
  • Question
    What about bronze/brass mortar and pestle? Can I use this for spices?
    Community Answer
    You can, but it is not recommended. Metal mortars and pistols are generally more for decoration than everyday use.
  • Question
    Recently broke my pestle but the marble mortar is still intact. What can I use as a pestle?
    Community Answer
    You could try using a spoon or the end of a chopstick or anything that you can find with a rounded end.
  • Question
    Glass mortar and pestle, grind fresh mint, good or bad? Or use ceramic?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't make much of a difference if you use glass or ceramic, generally glass is preferred simply because the ceramic can sometimes leave a bit of powdery residue.
  • Question
    Should you seal a wooden mortar and pestle?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you most definitely would want to seal a wooden pair before use, otherwise they will absorb whatever you're grinding and contaminate the next product that you use it for.
  • Question
    Can a mortar and pestle be used to grind egg shells to a powder?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely. That's just the sort of thing they were designed to do. They were originally an apothecary product used to grind up ingredients for medications.
  • Question
    How do I condition my marble mortar and pestle?
    Community Answer
    A quick rub down with any sort of food safe oil should be fine.
  • Question
    What spices should I buy to use with pestle and mortar?
    Community Answer
    You can use any but it all depends on what you want to use the spices for. You can grind up fresh herbs and use them in cooking or you can grind your own salt and pepper.
  • Question
    How do I crush up herbs like lavender or rosemary?
    Top Answerer
    The mortar and pestle method is ideal for crushing up herbs like lavender and rosemary, as it crushes the leaves and buds with ease and gives you good control over the crushing. You can also crush these herbs with a rolling pin––place the herbs into a plastic bag, then roll over them with a rolling pin on a flat surface. Tip the crushed herbs out when done.
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