Q&A for How to What Age Should You Come Out

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    I am bisexual. I told my mom this and she told me it was “just hormones,” and she’ll “keep it in her mind". I want to tell her I’m serious about this but I’m not sure how to. She supports the LGBTQ community.
    Top Answerer
    Sit down, look her in the eyes, and tell her that you are certain about you sexual orientation with a very serious face. if she truly supports the LGBTQ community, then she would know sexuality isn't "just hormones" or a "phase". If she still doesn't believe that you're actually bisexual, don't waste your time trying to get her to understand--it's likely she will understand sooner or later.
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    I’m a pansexual girl who’s still in the closet to my parents but out at school and in a relationship. It’s a gay relationship, with a lesbian non-binary. How do I come out? I really want to.
    Top Answerer
    Check out the article How to Come Out for an in-depth guide on coming out as LGBTQ, or take a look at How to Tell Your Parents You're Pansexual , which is an article more specific to your situation. A while after you come out, tell your parents you are dating someone. If all goes well, they should support and accept you and your partner. If not, limit the time you spend with your parents.
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    I'm not out to a crush who I suspect is also a lesbian, but I don't know if she is and I can't ask because I feel like if I ask out of the blue, I risk outing myself in the process.
    Vivi Gray
    Community Answer
    I was in that situation before! I started by talking about LGBTQ+ and then she asked and it turned out that she was a lesbian too!
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    My daughter 14, can start to wear bra, is it a normal or a push-up bra will be helpful?
    Vivi Gray
    Community Answer
    She can probably wear a normal one but if she is not ready try a training one.
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