Q&A for How to Write Apocalyptic Stories

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    How do I know when to add details to my story?
    Community Answer
    What I've always done is go back and read my stories again and if a scene feels empty or goes by a little quicker than I'd like, or if I want a scene to be more intense, I add description and details.
  • Question
    What positions should exist in an apocalypse team?
    Community Answer
    In mine, I always make sure there are hunters, runners, doctors, guards, etc. If you would like, you could assign someone to be the teacher if there are kids in your group.
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    How do I begin a zombie apocalypse story?
    Lily Wolfe
    Top Answerer
    There are many ways to start it. You could start before the apocalypse, explaining how zombies started to invade. You could start during the apocalypse, filling in gaps along the way. Or you could think of it as a virus and go from there.
  • Question
    How can I write a conspiracy about causing a virus on purpose?
    Community Answer
    As in bioweaponry? Come up with an organization that would do that, such as a government agency or terrorist group. Then, come up with the actual virus (what does it do to people, how it is transmitted, etc.). Finally, come up with how it got out (on purpose, by accident, etc.). Once you have figured out those elements, you should be on your way.
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    Should I have a romantic subplot in my novel?
    Community Answer
    If you like, it is simply a matter of opinion on this one.
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    Should I plan my characters and their personality traits etc. before the story?
    Community Answer
    I would say yes. Having clear cut characters makes the story much smoother and allows for their individuality to shine. Especially in a post-apocalyptic story, where often the conflict is how a character or a group of characters react to the world around them (which in most cases has a character all its own). If your characters are weak, then your story will be weak. If you have a good premise you need good characters to lead your reader through it and cause emotional investment.
  • Question
    How many stories can I write in a series?
    Lyndonius Polhemian (Lydo)
    Community Answer
    I would say you can write as many as you want. Personally, though, I would end the series at about 3 or 4.
  • Question
    I'm writing a story about a dystopian society where people who don't conform are deemed insane and whisked to an asylum. Has this been done before?
    Community Answer
    I don't think so. It sounds like a pretty good idea. You can also do some online research on the topic to see if anything has been written about it.
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    For a prologue, should I start before the apocalypse, or somewhere that might fill in plot holes later?
    Community Answer
    Personally, I would say you should tell what happened before the story began. It could be a little confusing for readers if you start somewhere in the middle, but it's really up to you and depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
  • Question
    Should there be a specific number of characters?
    Lyndonius Polhemian (Lydo)
    Community Answer
    I don't think there should be a specific number of characters, but if you're not trying to recolonize the world, I'd say there should be no more than 15 people in your group.
  • Question
    How do I create a plot for my apocalyptic story?
    Community Answer
    Think about how and when the world is going to end. Make sure you have a plan before writing, and just be creative. A few ideas are viruses, natural disasters, or zombies.
  • Question
    How do I write a zombie apocalypse like The Walking Dead?
    Community Answer
    I would recommended looking at the The Walking Dead's main plot points and focuses, such as how the virus works, and character development, and put your own twist on it. Maybe instead of a virus, a government manufactured a parasite that caused the apocalypse, etc.
  • Question
    In a world after the apocalypse, what would the other survivors surrounding the characters be like in a story?
    Community Answer
    It's completely up to you! Personally, I would say that everyone should be at least a little scared.
  • Question
    What if no one survives the end of the word? Like for instance, I am writing about Planet X hitting Earth.
    Lyndonius Polhemian (Lydo)
    Community Answer
    If there are no characters, then spend your whole story describing how it happened, the aftermath, etc. You can also use flashbacks to describe what happened in the days leading up to the event.
  • Question
    Can it be like a science fiction story?
    Lyndonius Polhemian (Lydo)
    Community Answer
    Of course it can. It can be anything you want it to be, as long as the world is ending, then it qualifies as an apocalyptic story.
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    How many characters should survive my apocalypse?
    Community Answer
    As you go along with the story you should probably kill off a couple of people, but give them a proper sendoff depending on how important the character is (to surprise the reader. I'd say leave no more than 15, but it's your choice.
  • Question
    How do I write a zombie apocalypse that believably could happen?
    Community Answer
    It should start in a really big city. There are many people, so the virus could spread easily. The people could hear about the virus, panic and leave the city, carrying the virus all over the country.
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    What is a good method to fill plot holes in an apocalyptic story?
    Community Answer
    Find a way to discreetly fill in plot holes, like in a character's dialogue with another character. If you cannot do this, you should think about writing a second story to fill in the plot holes and further the plot.
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    What is a unique, and unexplored idea for the cause of a post-apocalyptic setting in a story?
    Community Answer
    A new drug is discovered, it leaves the consumer in such a euphoric state that they forget to eat, sleep etc. The effects of the drug are contagious through contact, and the symptoms begin spreading throughout the population.
  • Question
    How do I write characters for an apocalyptic story?
    Community Answer
    You should always give your character flaws. It's what really makes the characters relatable to the reader. Have them make mistakes and be a little dumb sometimes.
  • Question
    How do I know if my apocalyptic story has a good premise?
    Community Answer
    It can be difficult to be objectively critical of your own work, so it may be a good idea to run the idea past friends and family members to see what they think.
  • Question
    What structure do I need if I want to write a post-apocalyptic story?
    Community Answer
    There are so many story structures, and none of them are considered to be good or bad. Do what fits best for your story. Consider having flashbacks and making it action-driven, but as far as structure goes, there is no single right answer.
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    How should I write about mutations in my apocalyptic story?
    Community Answer
    Research about different genres. Maybe you want to mutations from radioactivity or perhaps an alien that scrambles DNA. Brainstorm what could cause organisms to mutate.
  • Question
    How do I know if the plot is any good for my apocalyptic story?
    Community Answer
    It’s good to read over your book (or the idea, if you haven’t began/finished writing) a few times. That way you can scrap any unnecessary scenes and pluck out all of the flaws. A good plot focuses on the world, character(s), action, achievements and failure. As long as your story is well-paced, compelling and focuses a great deal on the characters’ emotions, it should be a great apocalyptic plot line. On a side note; people like evolving plots that revolve a lot around the world and its characters. I don’t much like reading apocalyptic novels with zero character development, so that might be something to look for when searching for plot holes; do your characters develop emotionally?
  • Question
    Can the beginning start before the world ended and then jump after the world ended?
    Mathias Wee
    Community Answer
    Sure! As long as you define where, when and who is taking place to let readers know what is going on. You can look at video games for examples, such as Gears of war 2 or Halo Reach, which are good stories of the kind that you're thinking about.
  • Question
    What percentage of the entire world's population is usually left in these kinds of stories? I’m trying to figure out the logic for mine.
    Community Answer
    I think the percentage is often not that important for your characters unless they live in some high tech analytic center that still exists that monitors the world's population. What you should do is try to make the reader feel lonely by describing the effects the emptiness has had on your characters. It is largely up to the writers how many people die in an apocalyptic scenario, but just remember the severity of numbers like half, or three quarters, because half of 7 billion is a lot of people. I'd say it is creative liberty and you should just have it make sense with your cause of apocalypse.
  • Question
    Should I put snogging in my novel?
    Mathias Wee
    Community Answer
    The story is yours. If you think its appropriate, then go ahead. This is something you should be asking yourself.
  • Question
    Can I reference real life branded/copyrighted elements or culture, like Coca Cola, the Avengers, and things like that to make it more believable/relatable?
    Yes, this is jaeden
    Community Answer
    Yes, referencing such things would work well in a story to make it more believable. If you'd like to, maybe add some more popular brands that come up in future times before the story but after the present.
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