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Q&A for How to Write Words With a Calculator
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QuestionHow do I spell "hello" on a calculator?Community Answer0.7734 spells "hello".
QuestionHow do you spell ocean?Community AnswerYou can't. There is not a "C," "A," or "N" that can be made using numbers.
QuestionHow do I spell Laura on a calculator?Community AnswerYou can't spell Laura on a calculator. There are no a, u, or r letters to write on the calculator.
QuestionHow would I write "too cute"?Community AnswerYou cannot write "too cute" as the numbers do not align with the letters that you would need.
QuestionIs there a number for M or B?Community AnswerThere isn't one for M, but 8 can be used in place of B.
QuestionHow do I write "Giselle"?Community Answer3113519 will look like "Giselle" if upside down. But you might struggle to see the difference between the I and L's. (Or, you can try 7 for L's.)
QuestionHow do I spell "Liam" on a calculator?Community AnswerOne, One, Alpha y^x (may vary for calculators), Alpha M+ (may vary for calculators).
QuestionHow do I spell "Sophie" on a calculator?Community AnswerIf you are using a normal 8-segment calculator, then you can't. There is no number for "P." If you are using a scientific calculator, then it's "314d02" in hexadecimal.
QuestionCan I spell Leah on a calculator?BricksCommunity AnswerNo, you can't, as there is no symbol that represents A on the calculator. The closest word to Leah is typing 4037 on the calculator.
QuestionHow can I spell "Minecraft?"Community AnswerYou cannot spell Minecraft on a calculator, as there are not numbers that will correspond to the letters that you need.
QuestionHow do I spell "WIKIHOW" on the calculator?RozyCozyCommunity AnswerThere is no way to do a "K" on a calculator, but you can do "WIIHOW" by typing M0411M (if it has the M option).
QuestionIs there a Y for "bye"?Kirito kCommunity AnswerThere is on a scientific calculator; to get it, you press Alpha then SD.
QuestionHow do I spell "Debbie" on a calculator?RozyCozyCommunity AnswerYou cannot do the letter D on a calculator.
QuestionHow can I write ALEEM in a scientific calculator?Community AnswerOn a scientific calculator use the alpha button to write the letters A,E,E and M and use the number 1 for the letter L.
QuestionHow do I say "I love u" on a calculator?Glowing fireCommunity AnswerYou can't write I love u on a calculator because there is neither v nor u.
QuestionCould you use 3 as an 'M' or 'W' if you turn it sideways?PoppyCommunity AnswerYes, you can. You can also turn other numbers sideways, such as 2, which looks like an n.
QuestionDo I have to rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise for letter w on my calculator?Community AnswerIf you're asking about the numeral 3, turning it 90° counterclockwise (anti-clockwise) makes it an "m." Turning it 90° clockwise makes in a "w."
QuestionWhat is the longest word you can write on a calculator?Community AnswerBabingtonites (13 letters) (they are minerals). When you turn a calculator upside down you can make words. For example, 0.7734 becomes HELLO, and 808 becomes BOB.
QuestionIt says on this that 0.7734 spells hello, but I find that 0.1134 is much better. Can you test it and tell me?Cherie XuCommunity AnswerEither one works. 1 looks like i, but it also works. 7 is a uppercase, while 1 can be lowercase or uppercase i
QuestionHow can I say Bryan or Nha on a calculator?Community AnswerYou can' type "Bryan" because you can't type a or r. You can't type "Nha" for the same reason.
QuestionHow do you spell “hell” without letters?Deborah LiCommunity Answer1134 should work. 7734 works also. (By the way, just do "hello" without the 0 and the decimal point.)
QuestionHow do you spell Lily or Lili?HailieCommunity AnswerOn the scientific calculator, you spell Lili as 1717. You can't spell Lily because there is no number for Y.
QuestionCan you write book on a cauculator?HailieCommunity AnswerNo, because there is no number for K. If you want to spell Boo it is 0.08. There is no other way to spell the word book for a calculator.
QuestionCan I spell cheese on a calculator?Community AnswerNo. There is no number for C. But The closet combination is 353343. It is the only thing you can use.
QuestionCan you spell hippo on a calculator?Community AnswerNo you can't. There is no number for P. write 0.6614. That is the closet combination of numbers. You can only use that.
QuestionHow do I spell help on a calculator?Community Answer6734, then flip it upside down, the p looks like a q (or 9) though.
QuestionHow do I spell angel?Community AnswerYou can’t spell angel cause there aren’t the right letters on the calculator and you couldn’t flip it upside down.
QuestionHow do I spell "Lilly" on a calculator?Community Answer67717 just cover up the top of the six and flip it! That's a way of using a Y like covering the bottom of the 8 to make an A .
QuestionHow do I spell "Alicia" with a calculator?Community AnswerYou cannot spell "Alicia" on a calculator as the numbers that are needed to correspond to the letters are not there.
QuestionWhat do I do if I don't have a hexadecimal button?Community AnswerThen you won't get certain letters. It doesn't really matter though, you just won't be able to do certain words, because some numbers won't work as letters.
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