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Q&A for How to Write a Business Letter to Customers
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QuestionHow do I write a letter to my customer about tax added in bills?Community AnswerFollow the structure of a formal letter to write to your customer about tax added in bills.
QuestionHow do I write a refusal letter about a damaged laptop?Community AnswerExplain clearly, politely, and firmly the reasons you are refusing to fix or replace the damaged laptop. Thank them for their business and offer a number where they can reach you.
QuestionHow do I write a letter to my customers that I can no longer accept their business?Community AnswerWrite something like, "I'm sorry" first. Then say that because of circumstances, you can't accept their business anymore.
QuestionHow do I write a letter to my customers about our company changing its company name?Community AnswerSay something like: "We're going to change the of our business name to ----------. This better reflects the direction our company is now taking and is also in recognition of our larger team able to provide you with the best possible service. Please find enclosed our new fridge magnet and calendar as gifts to help you to remember our new name. New name but the same wonderful attention to your needs. Bob the CEO."
QuestionHow do I dissolve a relationship with a client?Community AnswerSimply write to them telling them why you want to dissolve the relationship and wish them the best.
QuestionHow do I write to my customers notifying them of a single point of contact in my company?Community AnswerReach out to that person, or try to improve your business letter with another paragraph. The more informative the better.
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