Q&A for How to Write a Children's Story

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    How do you start writing a children's story?
    Lucy V. Hay
    Professional Writer
    Lucy V. Hay is a Professional Writer based in London, England. With over 20 years of industry experience, Lucy is an author, script editor, and award-winning blogger who helps other writers through writing workshops, courses, and her blog Bang2Write. Lucy is the producer of two British thrillers, and Bang2Write has appeared in the Top 100 round-ups for Writer’s Digest & The Write Life and is a UK Blog Awards Finalist and Feedspot’s #1 Screenwriting blog in the UK. She received a B.A. in Scriptwriting for Film & Television from Bournemouth University.
    Professional Writer
    Expert Answer
    The first thing you should look for is your concept. Then, think about how that plot is going to work, and usually that involves structure and character, which usually go together.
  • Question
    What if I am not a good artist and children don't like my illustrations?
    Community Answer
    Not every writer needs to be a good artist. In fact, many writers ask other people to illustrate their books! Also, some writers like to illustrate their own books, even if they are not very good at drawing; this is common in humorous stories.
  • Question
    I want to write a story for my brother, who is 6. The trouble is, I don't know how to add funny things. Can anyone help me?
    Community Answer
    Six to eight year old boys will enjoy silly, unusual stories with quirky characters. They love toilet humour (like farting and stuff) and disgusting descriptions (slimy, gooey, etc). What does your brother find funny? Check out the Captain Underpants stories and David Walliams for inspiration.
  • Question
    Can you write a book at 10? Because I really have a good one in mind.
    Community Answer
    Sure, you can write a book at any age. If you wanted to publish it after you write it, you would probably need some help from your parents or other adults. But you can write it at any time.
  • Question
    How long should an illustrated book for young children be?
    Community Answer
    Keep it short, as most young children get bored reading tediously long chapter books. However, it's not possible to tell you precisely how many pages your story should be, as it depends on the font size, number of words per page, etc. Stick to the adage that less is more and keep it short.
  • Question
    If I'm trying to sell a good book for 5-10-year-old kids, what should it be about?
    Community Answer
    Kids love fairy tale stories that involve mythical beings like mermaids, ogres, etc. with wild adventures. Kids 5-10 years old are currently developing sensory learning. So, it's good to tell them stories that help them cultivate creativity and imagination.
  • Question
    Is poverty over the head of kids aged 12 and under?
    Community Answer
    No. There are many fairy tales that focus on poverty, such as Jack and the Beanstalk and Cinderella.
  • Question
    I want to write a book about cats but I get stumped when I start trying to put pen to paper. How should I begin?
    Community Answer
    Start by brainstorming certain aspects of your story. Make a list of plot ideas, characters, locations and other details to get the ball rolling, then develop these ideas once you are ready to really write.
  • Question
    What should I do if I don't know what to write about?
    Community Answer
    Try looking at a picture and describing it. You might be able to get an idea for a story this way.
  • Question
    Can you tell me some book ideas for children ages 9 to 10, to give me inspiration?
    Community Answer
    Read books for 9-10 year olds to get inspiration for your own. Check out books by David Walliams, Jacqueline Wilson, Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton for ideas.
  • Question
    I have written my own children's book. What do I do next?
    Community Answer
    Get feedback from others by joining a writers' club. Revise your manuscript. Go to writer's conferences so you can network and meet published authors. Learn about how to contact publishers and what to do to get your work noticed by them. Find someone to publish your book.
  • Question
    Can my child write a book?
    Community Answer
    Yes. People can write at any age. However, if your child is 5 or younger, they will probably need your help to do the writing.
  • Question
    Can I write a children's story that contains romance?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but focus the romance on childhood. Don't make it overly sexual or inappropriate if your audience is going to be younger.
  • Question
    What kind of story can I write for an 11 year old?
    Community Answer
    Research other books that are popular with that age group, both presently and historically. This will give you an idea of the sorts of stories that will appeal.
  • Question
    I am 11 years old and I have written a short story, should I publish it now or should I wait?
    Community Answer
    No, you shouldn't wait. Remember, age does not matter when publishing a book. You will need help publishing, but you should totally publish it.
  • Question
    Can I write about death in a children's book if I write about it in a sensitive way and it turns out positive in the end?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Death is featured in many children's books or stories. Bambi's mother dies at the beginning of Bambi, but it turns out to be a very uplifting story.
  • Question
    How do I condense my book into a short series if it is really long?
    Community Answer
    Just break it into evenly-spaced sections that seem to begin and end at appropriate points.
  • Question
    How do I get my books published?
    Community Answer
    Firstly, write your books. Edit them and get others to edit as well. Draw your illustrations to go with the book, if you're doing them yourself. As for publishing, you can self publish, find a publisher or find an agent. An agent will send your work to publishers to consider. Self-publishing will be costly, and you will need to advertise yourself. If you want to send it to publishers directly, you will need to find publishers that accept unsolicited manuscripts.
  • Question
    I have to make a story and read it to a kindergarten class - how can I make sure they enjoy it and I get a good laugh?
    Community Answer
    Use toilet humor words like "farted" or "burped" or "poop." Also, when you read it, give your characters funny voices.
  • Question
    Can I publish a book if I am only 11?
    Community Answer
    It's unlikely; you should wait a few years. In the meantime you can get more ideas in your head and expand your vocabulary. Also, you can write stories and have your family and friends give you feedback.
  • Question
    How do I write a story for 10-13-year-olds?
    Community Answer
    Use interesting characters, an easy to follow plot, humor, drama, and treat the readers with respect. Don't shy away from mature or dramatic story elements. Young people like books that challenge them, and books with dark themes are usually very popular.
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    Is "ego" a concept appropriate for children's book?
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    What is the best thing to write about in a story for a four-year-old?
    Community Answer
    Children that age like stories involving princesses, heroes, good triumphing over evil, etc.
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    How do I write a book for a two-year-old, and what are some free websites that will help with illustrating and designing?
    Community Answer
    For 2-year-olds, you should use simple words and 2-3 word sentences. An example of a plot is a character that does something wrong, then fixes his mistake. For example: "Oh no! Baby is eating dirt! Dirt is yucky! Have some carrots.) Some websites that will help with book designing stories for kids are Story Jumper and Storymakery.
  • Question
    Can I start writing children's stories at any age?
    Community Answer
    Yes, any age is fine. I think it would be better if you were younger, because then the feeling of being a kid is still fresh!
  • Question
    How much money will I earn?
    Community Answer
    It depends on if you are going to try and sell your book, and on how well it does if you do sell it.
  • Question
    How do I choose a good theme for a children's story?
    Gilbert Niyomuhoza
    Community Answer
    Reflect on your childhood history and then try to write based on your history, imagining what the children you are writing to think. From all of that, a theme is generated. The above article is very helpful.
  • Question
    How do I know my children's story has potential?
    Aisha Jian
    Community Answer
    First things first, you have to give your story for reading to your relative and ask them for an honest feedback. If they like it, you can go ahead and publish the book. If they don't think it is good, you have to do a self-check. Look to see whether there are interesting parts in the book that would attract a child who is not even a reader. Of course, each part of the book should be appropriate for a child to read. After all the checks, you can publish your book with confidence that it has potential.
  • Question
    How do I make my scenes less boring?
    Community Answer
    Try making them shorter. Short scripts send out your message without the tedious words. Be sure, though, to not overdo it on the descriptions. Adding dialogue can help as well.
  • Question
    how much does an illustrator cost?
    Community Answer
    It can vary from illustrator to illustrator, but an average can be from $150 to 600 dollars per illustration, depending on the expertise and renown of the illustrator.
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