Q&A for How to Write a Love Story

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    I want to write a love story based off some events in my own life. I would like to write it in third person. How should I start?
    Community Answer
    Introduce your character and talk about how you met him/her. If you want to make it more interesting, maybe change the scene, or the reason you met.
  • Question
    What is a good website where I can post my story?
    Community Answer
    Fictionpress.com is a great place to post a love story. If it's a love story shipping characters from a favorite book/tv show/etc., you can use Fanfiction.net.
  • Question
    I want to write a story about two people who hate each other and then fall in love. What would be a believable way that they would become friends?
    Community Answer
    Consider having the characters being forced to spend time together so that they grow closer. For example, if they go to school together, they might have to work on a partner project. If they go to work together, they may have the same shift.
  • Question
    How do I make stories more interesting and unpredictable?
    Community Answer
    Make the characters have obstacles. Make the person reading your story want to cry. Make the characters desirable. Maybe there's a misunderstanding where one character thinks the other has been unfaithful, but they really haven't. Maybe a chance meeting or some kind of cosmic force brings them back together.
  • Question
    Should I start writing a love story with the title, theme, or characters?
    Community Answer
    Start with the characters, and the setting around them.
  • Question
    What if I wanted my characters to be children? How should I write it to make them childish and innocent, yet in love with each other?
    Community Answer
    Didn't you ever have a childhood crush? Think of it just like that, except make their love more mutual and real. Also, "in love" doesn't always mean romantically, they could be platonically in love, i.e. best friends that have known each other forever and couldn't imagine being apart from one another. Maybe they grow up and fall in love when they're adults!
  • Question
    Can the love interest be the antagonist in a love story?
    Community Answer
    Of course. The person could be experiencing the love from the other.
  • Question
    What is a good way to begin a love story?
    Community Answer
    Give your protagonist a dramatic start. Maybe he loses a parent or gets sent to a new school and he meets the love interest in a way that he would not have without the dramatic event.
  • Question
    Is it best to write a love story in first or third person?
    Community Answer
    You can write it in either point of view. Just remember the pros and cons to each point of view, which apply to all story writing.
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    If I start out with them meeting, should they break up around the middle of the story?
    Community Answer
    They don't have to, but this is a pretty common conflict for a love story. It's fine if you want to go that route, but you could also try to come up with a more original conflict for your protagonists.
  • Question
    How do I start a romance novel? Everything I try is awful.
    Community Answer
    Start by introducing the characters. Once the reader gets to know the love interests, make a dramatic obstacle appear. For example, John is nice and caring and calm, and his love interest Shelly is rebellious and mean. John still loves her. One day he sees her crying and goes to comfort her. She confesses a big secret and they became friends. He helps her solve her problem and they become lovers. This is just an example, but you get the idea.
  • Question
    How can I write same sex love stories?
    Chelsea Cohen
    Community Answer
    Queer love stories don't need to be any different than heterosexual love stories. You may choose to explore topics like discovering sexual identity or facing the social pressures of being a queer couple, but the fundamental story-telling process is the same: develop your characters, introduce your lovers, create conflict, bring them to a sense of resolution.
  • Question
    Can I write a love story without taking writing classes?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Of course. Writing classes are helpful; they will teach you a lot of the basics on what not to do, as well as how to handle certain problems that new authors are often faced with. If nothing else, they give you practice. But they aren't required.
  • Question
    What would be a good way to start a romance that happens during World War II?
    Chelsea Cohen
    Community Answer
    The historical detail is important here. That's what will make your story feel more real to your writers. Try starting by building up your world. Talk about how the war is impacting your characters. Do some research on WWII and bring that into your introduction.
  • Question
    Is it okay to have several protagonists and antagonists in a love story?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is. Just don't put in too many or it could be overwhelming.
  • Question
    How do I write a love story that's not cliché?
    Community Answer
    When coming across clichés, give them a twist. For example, instead of having a bad boy and a good girl, turn it the other way around.
  • Question
    How can the love interest be the antagonist in the love story?
    Chelsea Cohen
    Community Answer
    You may choose to have the love interest actively working to undermine their love (think How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days). You can choose to have your protagonist develop feelings for someone working against them (think Jack Donaghy and Senator Cunningham in 30 Rock). You can also choose not to have an antagonist and instead have difficult circumstances or personality conflicts create the drama between your characters (think Sweet Home Alabama).
  • Question
    What if I can't finish the story?
    Community Answer
    Put it away for awhile and return to it when you have further inspiration.
  • Question
    What if the main character falls in love with the reader? What could the plot be about?
    Community Answer
    It could be a story where the author is the antagonist, the reader is the love interest, and the main character has to find a way to get past the 4th wall.
  • Question
    If I want a love story with a girl's best friend's brother, how do I make them meet? They don't know they love each other until the middle of the story.
    Hannah Krauskopf
    Community Answer
    Make them run into each other in the hallways at school, outside of school or at the friend's house.
  • Question
    Can I write a gay love story?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Write whatever kind of love story you like! There are many gay love stories out there.
  • Question
    How do I start a love story?
    Community Answer
    Love stories can start like normal stories; they don't have to have dramatic tension from the get-go. One of my preferences when starting a love story is to bring in feelings hidden to even the reader and slowly unfold so my climax has a bigger effect. If you're still stuck, write from the middle of your story and hopefully your beginning should come to you. Remember, you don't have to write in order.
  • Question
    I want to write about myself and my love story. What are the things I should focus on?
    Community Answer
    Focus on your feelings and those of the other person. Also you have two ways to do it, either you write your story and just keep it like it is in real life (most of the time), or you change names, events or places so people can't see it's your love life.
  • Question
    How do I come up with my title for my love story?
    Community Answer
    You can go online and look up some romance title generators. Most of them are helpful, however, some are more specific. You can also ask family and friends for some help since they've probably got some ideas as well.
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    How do I add humor to a love story?
    Top Answerer
    Different people find various things humorous. Write about the things that make you laugh. It's likely that if it makes you laugh, it'll make at least some of your readers laugh as well. Make sure your jokes and one-liners aren't cruel or offensive. Each scene must accomplish at least two goals: it must advance the plot, introduce a new character, develop an existing character, introduce a new setting, or foreshadow an event that will occur later. If it doesn't do any of those things and is only there to fill in the laughs, it's probably best left out. But don't throw it away. Save the jokes for another scene, or even another book. (A good joke should never be thrown away!)
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