Q&A for How to Write a Petition

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    Can I write a petition by hand instead of using a spreadsheet program?
    Community Answer
    You can, but typing looks more professional and people will take you more seriously if your petition is neat.
  • Question
    Is it possible for the signer to remove a signature from a paper petition?
    Community Answer
    No. Upon signing the petition, the person gives consent for the signature to be counted for the petition's cause.
  • Question
    Do I need people's signatures, or just their printed names?
    Community Answer
    This will depend somewhat on what is required by the body where you will submit the petition. In general, though, it is a good idea to have both a printed name and a signature. It only takes a few seconds more, and it covers all your bases.
  • Question
    Will my petition be effective if I don't have documented proof but just witnesses?
    Community Answer
    It will not be effective because you don't have much proof but just witness. Try giving more information about your case and documented proof of your case. There should be something somewhere -- ask others for help.
  • Question
    How should my petition to get a street name changed start?
    Community Answer
    Use a specific statement that identifies your cause. For example, you could write “We request that the name of West Park Drive be formally changed to Parkdale Avenue."
  • Question
    How much information is required from a petition signer?
    Community Answer
    This depends greatly on who will be receiving and reviewing the petition. Contact the organization where the petition will be submitted to verify the information they need to validate signatures. In the US, this often includes at least name, email or phone number, and zip code.
  • Question
    Do I need to include the year in the date or would the month and day be sufficient?
    Community Answer
    Put the year so that the people who will be reading your case know that it isn't an old case and will be interested to read it because it is current.
  • Question
    If you are writing a petition, do you need to have everyone sign their names?
    Community Answer
    When generating a petition, all signers need to sign their names. This can happen as an electronic signature for online petitions, or a standard signature for paper petitions.
  • Question
    How would I find a petition writer in Canada?
    Community Answer
    Anyone can write a petition. In Canada, citizens are free to generate petitions for issues that impact them. Try using a website like Change.org to help you get your petition going.
  • Question
    Multiple pages are required for signatures and the petition statement takes up room. Is the petition statement required to be on every page?
    Community Answer
    You don't need the full petition statement on every signature page. Have one statement laminated or in a page protector at the front of your petition. Then, simply include your petition name at the top of each signature page. This will help you keep things organized and let signers know that their signature will not be misused.
  • Question
    Where would I find out how many signatures I need for my petition (fixing a damaged curb)?
    Community Answer
    Try looking at your state government's website. It will usually have the info you need.
  • Question
    Do I need to hire an attorney to write a petition?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to, but it can be helpful if you are not confident writing a petition on your own.
  • Question
    What should I do if my petition is not taken into consideration?
    Community Answer
    Try again. Do more research, and try to make it look official. If it was handwritten the first time, type it the second time.
  • Question
    Can I demand a petition for the city to make a wall higher that leads to track home backyards?
    Community Answer
    You can write a petition for any cause. However, you will still need to generate enough verifiable signatures to meet your city's minimum requirements for considering a petition. Check with your city to see what they require before you get started. Make sure that your city, and not your HOA or another group, is the right organization for this issue.
  • Question
    How many signatures do I need to demand paved road to cemeteries in state of Arkansas?
    Community Answer
    This may not be an issue handled at the state level. In many cases, towns and counties are responsible for their own roads. Contact your town and county offices to see who would oversee this issue, and how many signatures are required.
  • Question
    Is a petition legally acceptable if same signature appears more than once?
    Community Answer
    It is, but the second one is not counted.
  • Question
    Do I have to put a headline in a petition?
    Community Answer
    No, this is not necessary.
  • Question
    Can I get in trouble for signing a petition?
    Top Answerer
    In the United States, you cannot get in trouble for signing a petition because you have a right to.
  • Question
    Can a 10 year old start a petition to create sidewalks?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, anyone can start a petition regardless of age, but you should get your parents' permission first.
  • Question
    How do I write a petition against MLA?
    Community Answer
    Depending on your cause, educate people about why they should go against MLA. The Modern Language Association is an extremely well-known, well-used and prestigious organization, so you must have a strong claim. However, if you are determined, nothing can stop you.
  • Question
    Can I write petition against a smoking bylaw concerning smoking on patios owned by a corporation?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely, but you might want to first just talk with the corporation to see what it will take to get them to change. It might be a lot harder or a lot easier than you expected.
  • Question
    If what I want changed is a current national attitude, is a petition the means to do this? If not, what mechanism do I use to get public support for change?
    Community Answer
    No, that's not a petition. A petition is for changes to a law or a statute or a regulation that is governed by a ruling body or an organization to inform those who are governing about a growing interest among concerned people. It is not generally used to get support but only to quantify existing support. In order to get societal support for a change in thinking, you can blog, write articles, create a channel on YouTube or group on Facebook, etc. For big change, once you find enough passionate, like-minded people, then create an organization with a specific initiative that you want to accomplish. Then get donations from those passionate about your movement, and ultimately create and execute a full blown campaign to garner more support, using advertising, lobbying and persistent messaging.
  • Question
    How many people need to sign a petition before presenting it?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the size of the government body, and the government. For example, on a UK national level, 10000 or 100000 signatures are required. However for local councils, it can be as small as 50 or 100.
  • Question
    How do I start a petition at school about blocked websites?
    Community Answer
    Before getting into the petition, remember that schools have the right to block websites that they deem as inappropriate or that go against their school beliefs/mission. It is not worth spending time on a petition that has little to no chance of being heard (especially in school). If you are really sure, then write a simple statement such as "We the student body of [school] request that [whoever is in charge] unblock [website(s)]." Then explain why it is important to you and to the rest of the school that this happens. Follow the article from there.
  • Question
    I live in a house where the owner died and didn't leave a will to anyone or change of deed to to her house and property but I am living in the house and want to put the deed under my name. Advice?
    Top Answerer
    This is not what a petition is for. You should discuss this with the executor of the deceased's estate. You may want to hire, or at least talk to, a lawyer specialising in property law and/or inheritance. In many US states and some countries, if you have done maintenance work on the property for a number of years you will have a stronger case.
  • Question
    What is the required age to write a petition?
    Top Answerer
    There is no required age, but some websites have age restrictions. If you are younger, you can ask an adult to start one on your behalf.
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