Q&A for How to Write a Welcome Speech

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    How do you write a welcome speech for a conference?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You can start by mentioning the title of the conference (e.g., the 21st Annual Meeting of the P. G. Wodehouse Society) and then going on to briefly thank any sponsors and other supporters who helped make it possible. Say something about the theme of the conference and a few general words about the speakers. The welcoming speech can also be a good opportunity to bring up important news and announcements, but keep it brief! You might end by thanking the audience and introducing the first speaker.
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    How can I find good quotes to include in a welcome speech?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    If you want to use a quote in your speech, try to pick one that’s relevant to the theme of the event. For example, if you’re introducing a seminar on elementary education, you might choose a quote about teaching by Maria Montessori. You can use a source like BrainyQuote.com or Wikiquote.org to find quotes by topic or author.
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    How do I start a speech for a school?
    Community Answer
    Speeches for schools usually start with a statement or question that will get everyone's attention on you. Your opening remarks should make clear what you're planning to talk about.
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    How do I write a speech for welcoming the crowd to a 90th birthday party?
    Community Answer
    For this kind of party, I would recommend using some old stories from experiences you've had with the person or experiences from the person's past. (Just make sure that the person is OK with you telling the stories.)
  • Question
    I need help with writing a welcome speech for a church banquet honoring scholarship recipients and trailblazers in the community. The theme is Lighting the Way Through Challenging Times.
    Community Answer
    Talk about the trailblazers and there accomplishments then tie it back to the next generation (the people receiving a scholarship assuming there young) saying how they will be next to light the way and give scholarships one day in the future.
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    I am to give a welcome address at my company's retreat, kindly advise on how to go about it?
    Community Answer
    Acknowledge the hard work and progress over the past quarter/year from staff which has led you to the opportunity for this retreat. Highlight the deserved nature of this retreat as a refuel to continue your company's mission.
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    How do I write a welcoming remark speech for an organization as the chairperson?
    Community Answer
    Introduce yourself by stating your role within the organization. Use this as a transition point for how your position gives you a unique admiration for elements of the organization, and how you hope to exemplify with with the event you are hosting.
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    How might I write a welcome speech for a music album launch?
    Community Answer
    Incorporate elements of your inspiration, particularly parts which you wish to carry over to your listeners. Present this not only as a personal and career advancement for yourself, but a contribution to music enjoyers everywhere.
  • Question
    How do I write a speech for welcoming VIPs, such as ministers or CEOs?
    Community Answer
    Acknowledge the achievements as a business or organization over singling out individuals. Use this as a segue into company values and how you hope to uphold them through your event.
  • Question
    How do I start a welcome speech for graduation? The theme is Thanksgiving.
    Community Answer
    You may want to start it by thanking people. How appropriate!
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