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Q&A for How to Write an Abstract in APA
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QuestionIn the sample abstracts, why are the first lines indented?Community AnswerThey shouldn't be. In some of the pictures in Methods 1 and 2 they aren't indented, but in others they are. Likely just an oversight, but abstracts do not indent the first line.
QuestionAre references included in the abstract?Community AnswerNo, they are not.
QuestionDo the keywords count towards the 150-250 words needed in an abstract?Community AnswerNo, I wish that they did though.
QuestionShould an abstract include the name of the author/presenter of a paper?Community AnswerNo.
QuestionDoes an abstract have a title page?Community AnswerWhen writing an essay in APA format, the title would be on the first page. Your abstract would be written on the second page.
QuestionCan the abstract contain citations?Zack BreauCommunity AnswerThe abstract can include citations, however, this is uncommon. Consider whether a citation is needed to convey your information and proceed from there. To be safe, I would personally omit citations from the abstract.
QuestionIs the abstract on a page by itself?Community AnswerYes, it should be on a separate page and not indented.
QuestionIf the paper is about me, my behavior, and my life changes, would it be okay to use first person?Community AnswerThere is nothing wrong with using first person in APA style where it makes sense, despite what this article says (though individual teachers, publications, or companies may have their own specific preferences, and you should follow their preferences). In the unusual case you're describing, it really depends on the preference of your teacher or whoever you're writing this for, so you should just ask them. Depending on what they're okay with, you could write about yourself in the first person, or you could write about yourself in the third person (i.e., refer to yourself with your full name on the first mention and then use just your last name and third-person pronouns for the remainder of the paper).
QuestionI'm typing a 50 page research paper for my Healthcare Administration teacher. He is asking for an abstract before the research paper, but I thought the paper was supposed to be written before the abstract. What should I do?Community AnswerSometimes they ask for an abstract before the paper to help you from setting off in the wrong direction. I think it's helpful to write a quick abstract beforehand to avoid tangents in your paper. Then you can modify and reinforce your abstract once finished. Your teacher no doubt expects it to be modified in the finished version.
QuestionIf my paper has to be 3 pages long, should I count the abstract as one of the pages?Community AnswerNo. Following this logic, you would count the title and reference page as well, and end up with 1 page of writing. It would be better to ask your lecturer though, as they may have different ideas.
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