How Old Is My Soul?

Take this quiz to see how long your soul has been alive.

Some say that when you die, your soul returns to Earth to take another try at life. Some souls are brand new, while others have been here a long, long time. How old is yours?

Just answer these 12 profound questions, and we’ll evaluate your responses to get a read on your soul’s age, and tell you more about where you are in your journey of being.

A young girl, a mother, and a grandmother sitting on a bench together.

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Questions Overview

1. How energetic are you?
  1. Extremely energetic.
  2. Pretty energetic.
  3. Depends on the day.
  4. I’m not an energetic person.
2. What's most important to you right now?
  1. Just making it through the day.
  2. Being my own person.
  3. Connecting with other people.
  4. Enjoying every moment.
3. What kind of person are you most drawn to?
  1. Someone who teaches me.
  2. Someone unique.
  3. Someone who understands me.
  4. Someone who’s curious.
4. What's your favorite time of day?
  1. Dawn, when the world starts over.
  2. Noon, when the world is bright.
  3. Dusk, when the world slows down.
  4. Night, when the world is dreaming.
5. Where do you go when you need some alone time?
  1. To a body of water, where I can dip my toes in.
  2. To my room, where I feel most at home.
  3. To sleep, so I can wait for things to blow over.
  4. To the mountains, where I can lose myself.
6. What do you think your life purpose is?
  1. I’m still figuring that out.
  2. To do something that’s never been done before.
  3. To discover new things.
  4. To help others.
7. Do you ever get déjà vu, or the feeling like you've already done something, even when you haven't?
  1. Rarely, or never.
  2. Only sometimes, but it's always vague and passes quickly.
  3. Yes, fairly often. It's super disorienting.
  4. Yes, all the time. Only it feels like they're memories from someone else's life.
8. What would you like to be reincarnated as?
  1. A pet, like a dog or a cat.
  2. Something wild, like a wolf or a mountain lion.
  3. A human! There's still so much to do.
  4. A giant old tree.
9. What's your work ethic like?
  1. I do my best, but I get distracted.
  2. I hate working—I’d rather have fun.
  3. I work hard, and I know it’ll be worth it in the end.
  4. I get done what needs to be done, but I don’t do more.
10. How do you feel about your birthday?
  1. It makes me hopeful. I have so much life left to live.
  2. It makes me annoyed. That’s too much attention.
  3. It makes me sad. Time is passing.
  4. It makes me nostalgic. I’ve come so far this year.
11. What's your outlook on life, in general?
  1. Things are better with loved ones around.
  2. The world is a hard place to live, and it won't get better.
  3. Life is tough, but it's also beautiful.
  4. I just focus on living each day as best I can.
12. What's your biggest flaw, out of these choices?
  1. I rely too much on other people, and worry that I get in the way.
  2. I have trouble making friends and connecting with the people around me.
  3. I worry too much about doing things right.
  4. I'm not very good at picking up new skills.

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Right now, your soul values things like family ties, rules, and a clear divide between right and wrong (which isn't always easy to find). You're searching for a community to help guide and nurture you, and you're very trusting of other souls, who you rely on for wisdom and direction.

  • Strengths:<\/b> Energy, charm, open mind<\/li>
  • Weaknesses:<\/b> Naive<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Soul-Connection"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Is-a-Soul-Tie"}],"link_data":[{"title":"11 Powerful Soul Connections You'll Experience","id":13165131,"url":"https:\/\/\/Soul-Connection","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/73\/Soul-Connection-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Soul-Connection-Step-13.jpg","alt":"11 Powerful Soul Connections You'll Experience"},{"title":"A Complete Guide to Soul Ties","id":13183029,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Is-a-Soul-Tie","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/b8\/What-Is-a-Soul-Tie-Step-19.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-What-Is-a-Soul-Tie-Step-19.jpg","alt":"A Complete Guide to Soul Ties"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You have a young soul.","meaning":"You've gained a little wisdom, but you still have a long way to go! Young souls are rebellious and independent. They're mostly concerned with making a name for themselves and showing off, and they are often a bit reckless. But that's only because they want to prove themselves! You're hard at work building your skills and gathering experiences, which come in handy in both this life and the many more to come.

    Right now, your soul values freedom and self-expression. You want to do things your way, and you don't want to be tied down. When your soul was younger, it looked for authority figures. Now, though, it's learned that authority isn't all it's cracked up to be and that it's up to you to find your own way to live.
    • Strengths:<\/b> Self-reliant, clever, flexible<\/li>
    • Weaknesses:<\/b> Stubborn<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Soul-Connection"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Is-a-Soul-Tie"}],"link_data":[{"title":"11 Powerful Soul Connections You'll Experience","id":13165131,"url":"https:\/\/\/Soul-Connection","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/73\/Soul-Connection-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Soul-Connection-Step-13.jpg","alt":"11 Powerful Soul Connections You'll Experience"},{"title":"A Complete Guide to Soul Ties","id":13183029,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Is-a-Soul-Tie","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/b8\/What-Is-a-Soul-Tie-Step-19.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-What-Is-a-Soul-Tie-Step-19.jpg","alt":"A Complete Guide to Soul Ties"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You have a mature soul.","meaning":"This ain't your soul's first rodeo, or even second or third. No, your soul has loads of experience, and now it's finally starting to learn how things work\u2014how they really<\/i> work. You're also just starting to understand what's truly important, things like connection, collaboration, and sharing the experiences you've built up over all this time. Your soul has learned how to recognize and relate to other souls, and it finds joy in doing just that.

      Right now, your soul is concerned with more serious matters than when it was young. Back then, it wanted to prove itself. Now, it mostly wants to untangle deeper mysteries. It knows that things are never black-and-white and that this life is more complicated than it could ever imagine. That doesn't cause you or your soul any sort of despair, though! Instead, it's what grants you energy and motivation to keep going and to keep learning.
      • Strengths:<\/b> Responsible, resilient, reliable<\/li>
      • Weaknesses:<\/b> Indecisive<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Old-Souls"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Soul-Connection"}],"link_data":[{"title":"13 Signs That You\u2019re an Old Soul & What It Means","id":13918477,"url":"https:\/\/\/Old-Souls","image":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/0c\/Old-Souls-Step-25.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Old-Souls-Step-25.jpg","alt":"13 Signs That You\u2019re an Old Soul & What It Means"},{"title":"11 Powerful Soul Connections You'll Experience","id":13165131,"url":"https:\/\/\/Soul-Connection","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/73\/Soul-Connection-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Soul-Connection-Step-13.jpg","alt":"11 Powerful Soul Connections You'll Experience"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You have an old soul.","meaning":"Your soul is closer than ever to becoming complete and fully realized. This is far from your first life, and all your previous experiences have led you right here, to this life. When it was younger, your soul was obsessed with \"figuring out\" the world and all its mysteries, but now it understands that some things will never have clear answers, and it knows how to find beauty in that, rather than let that fact drive it crazy. You're at a stage where things don't bother you as much as they used to, and you're also less connected to the material world than you once were.

        Right now, your soul is seeking friendship. It wants the company of other old souls, and it wants to teach younger souls everything it's learned. More than anything, your soul is searching for a little peace and quiet. After all, maybe that's the answer to all those mysteries it's been chasing all this time. Peace, quiet, and companionship.
        • Strengths:<\/b> Wisdom, patience, calm<\/li>
        • Weaknesses:<\/b> Pride<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Old-Souls"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Soul-Connection"}],"link_data":[{"title":"13 Signs That You\u2019re an Old Soul & What It Means","id":13918477,"url":"https:\/\/\/Old-Souls","image":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/0c\/Old-Souls-Step-25.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Old-Souls-Step-25.jpg","alt":"13 Signs That You\u2019re an Old Soul & What It Means"},{"title":"11 Powerful Soul Connections You'll Experience","id":13165131,"url":"https:\/\/\/Soul-Connection","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/73\/Soul-Connection-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Soul-Connection-Step-13.jpg","alt":"11 Powerful Soul Connections You'll Experience"}],"minimum":0}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"Bird<\/picture>","alt":"What Bird Am I Quiz"},{"title":"Am I a Therian Quiz","id":14289477,"url":"https:\/\/\/Therian-Quiz","image":"\"Therian<\/picture>","alt":"Am I a Therian Quiz"},{"title":"What Is My Personal Color Quiz","id":13920368,"url":"https:\/\/\/Personal-Color-Test","image":"\"Personal<\/picture>","alt":"What Is My Personal Color Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"Butterfly","result":"Great choice! In that case, we think you'll love these quizzes:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"What Human Emotion Am I Quiz","id":13428156,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Human-Emotion-Am-I-Quiz","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Human Emotion Am I Quiz"},{"title":"What Flower Am I Quiz","id":14177231,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Flower-Am-I","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Flower Am I Quiz"},{"title":"What's My Theriotype Quiz","id":14362128,"url":"https:\/\/\/Theriotype-Quiz","image":"\"Theriotype<\/picture>","alt":"What's My Theriotype Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

An Overview of Soul Stages

Many people, including Hinduists and Buddhists, believe that when you die, your soul lives on, and even returns to Earth to live out more lives in different bodies. This way, your soul ages and develops until it’s become complete, having learned all it needs to learn, and is ready to move on to whatever comes next.

Different religions and spiritualities have different beliefs about this process; most believe that existence is all about acquiring knowledge and experience, and as this happens, your soul grows.

Here’s an overview of the stages your soul might go through:

Infant Soul
An infant soul is entirely new. This is its first time, or one of its first times, here on Earth. Like a baby, it’s just learning to wake up and walk on its own two feet, encountering the world and exploring everything it holds. Infant souls rely on other souls to guide and protect them, and they are primarily driven by survival instincts and fear, but that fear doesn’t lessen an infant soul’s innocence and wonder.

Young Soul
A young soul has more experience, but still has a lot to learn. It’s learned enough to know that existence is difficult and often unfair, and so it spends much of its time acting out and rebelling. It yearns for freedom and a unique identity and is just now starting to separate itself into its own being, with its own set of experiences and perspectives.

Mature Soul
A mature soul has gathered much more knowledge than a young soul, enough to know that the world is difficult and strange, but also beautiful and precious. Mature souls are focused on trying to find the answers to these mysteries—how the world can be both bad and good—while doing their best to care for the souls around them.

Old Soul Old souls are the closest to the next phase of existence. They’re not sure what that is, but they’re content to wait and see. They have a good deal of knowledge, and spend their days sharing that knowledge with younger souls. They know that some mysteries may never be answered and don’t have to be, and that it’s a lack of any clear answer that gives life meaning and purpose.