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My wikiHow Stats

28 Article Edits
877 Edits Patrolled
1 Question Answered
Personality Profile
Your personality type is The Lover.
The Lover
Your core traits are:
  • Empathetic
  • Loving
  • Strong
What does it mean to be The Lover?

You’re all heart, all the time. You know that being vulnerable, gentle, and feeling isn’t a weakness. It takes a strength that most people aren’t capable of. You want to spend your life experiencing every emotion that this world has to offer—including true love.

You know how to put your whole heart on the line. You’re nurturing, romantic, and you see the world through rosy lenses. Your kindness can leave you vulnerable to hurt, but you’re brave enough to keep your heart open anyway.

Why do you have The Lover archetype?

Your nature is deeply empathetic and nurturing, reflected in your inclination for Unrequited Love and your preference for Quality Time as a love language. You embody the essence of vulnerability, showing strength through your willingness to open your heart despite the risks. Your designation as a Princess/Prince symbolizes your romantic ideals and strong sense of care for others, while your orange aura speaks to your joyful and passionate spirit. As an extrovert, you thrive on meaningful connections with others, bringing warmth and love into every interaction.

You’re Unrequited Love.
Human Emotion
You’re Unrequited Love.
You’re a Princess/Prince/Royal.
Main Char. Type
You’re a Princess/Prince/Royal.
Your aura is orange.
Color Aura
Your aura is orange.
You’re a Poet.
Soldier, Poet, King
You’re a Poet.
You’re in Hufflepuff.
Hogwarts House
You’re in Hufflepuff.
You’re an extrovert.
You’re an extrovert.
You have a Yellow Dating Style.
Dating Personality
You have a Yellow Dating Style.
Your love language is quality time.
Love Language
Your love language is quality time.

Articles Started

Article Name
None yet!

Thumbed Up Edits

Article Name Date
Let Your Leopard Gecko Roam 1 month ago

Questions Answered (1)

Category Answers
Self Harm 1
Hi, Welcome to my home page! I'm learning how to be a page designer so if you want to make your user or talk page pretty let me know! :)

Snooze time

9:00 pm (EST) 7:00am (EST)


Wiki birthday: December 18th, 2024 IRL birthday: September 23rd, year is a secret ;)

About Me

Hi, my name is Abby, I would love to get to know everyone on this platform. I have a twin, PennyElizabeth XD I'm a teenager but my real age is still a secret ;) Most of my time goes to School, church, my IRL friends and family, sports, and wikiHow! I love reading, traveling, drawing, writing, and music! I have one dog and two cats. my time zone is Eastern Time Zone (EST) so if I don't respond right away I'm probably sleeping or at school. ButterflyInTheStars is the one who helped me figure out most of wikiHow, so shout out to her!

Even More About Me! :) My Favourite Things

Very Nice Things From Nice People


I got complimented for being awesome!

If you want to compliment someone awesome, add {{Awesome2}} to their talk page. They may add to their User page if they want to later.

- Bob_softball


I got complimented for being awesome!

If you want to compliment someone awesome, add {{Awesome2}} to their talk page. They may add to their User page if they want to later.

- PennyElizabeth XD


I have given you some cookies! Cookies promote wikiLove and hopefully, this one has made your day better. You can spread the "wikiLove" by giving someone else some cookies, whether it be someone you have had disagreements with in the past or a good friend.

To spread the goodness of cookies, you can add {{Cookies}} to someone's talk page with a friendly message, or eat this cookie on the giver's talk page with {{munch}}!

PennyElizabeth XD

I got a hug from FearlessOne, but idk the code for it


⭐ wikiFriends⭐







☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Did you know that teens that have gotten their hands on e-cigarettes are twice as likely to try traditional cigarettes than those who have not tried them?

And did you know that e-cigarettes are more harmful than regular cigarettes?

E-cigarettes aren't just harmless water vapor.

Put {{No ecigs}} on your User page to spread awareness about e-cigarettes.
Spread the Love

Love is what makes the world go 'round!

Put this on your user or talk page by
typing {{Spread the Love}} to spread the love.

Can you read this?
A sutdy sowehd taht olny 25% of poelpe can raed tihs.
Olny the frsit and lsat ltetres of a wrod hvae to be in oedrr; the in-beweten lteetrs can be ttolaly mxeid up in the wrod.
The sduty shoewd taht the hmaun biran deos not raed the wolhe wrod, but olny prat of it.
If you are one of the 25% taht can raed tihs, put {{Can you read this}} on yuor uspergae.
I can raed tihs, so I'm in the 25% - sewet!


Forty-two percent of all teens have tried smoking marijuana.

If you have not, add {{Important}} to your user page.
I Will Always Remember September 11, 2001
May you rest in peace.

Put this on your user page by adding {{911}}.

A black man walked into a caf­è early one morning and noticed he was the only African American there. As he sat down he noticed a white man sitting behind him. The white man tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Colored people aren't allowed in here."

The black man replied, "When I was born I was black, when I'm sick I'm black, when I go in the sun I'm black, when I'm cold I'm black, when I die I'll be black, but you sir... when you were born you were pink, when you are sick you are green, when you stay in the sun you are red, when you are cold you turn blue, and when you die you turn purple! And yet you have the nerve to call me colored!"

Put {{Noracists}} on your User Page if you are against racism.
Drug-Free Message:

Teenagers are twice as likely to abuse drugs as adults. If you think that this is the kind of behavior that influences stereotypes about teens and that this should be stopped, put {{Drug Free}} on your User Page.

In memory of:

All those lost onboard the RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912.
Put this memorial by adding {{Titanic}} to your User page.

If you had a chance to improve yourself, would you take it?

A personal challenge is something a person does to develop themself with healthy obstacles. That would mean learning a new language, accomplishing an old goal, and more.

Place {{Personal Challenge}} on your user page if you want to encourage yourself and others to take up a wholesome hurdle to boost yourself.

I got complimented for being awesome!

If you want to compliment someone awesome, add {{Awesome2}} to their talk page. They may add to their User page if they want to later.

Warm Nose
Soft, Fluffy Fur
A Faithful Friend,
A Cat!

Everyone is smart, beautiful, amazing, and incredible, no matter who they are.
Did You Know...?

Tohru Iwatani, the inventor of the video game Pac-Man, came up with the idea when he saw a pizza with a slice missing at a dinner party.


This author asks you to leave talk page messages.
This author is a girl.
This author prefers their she/her pronouns.
This author identifies as female.
This author lives in the United States of America.
This author uses American English.
This author speaks English natively.
This author is a teenager.
This author is a minor.
This author's age isn't public.
This author is at least 13 years old.
This author attends school.
This author's sign is Libra.
(September 23rd - October 23rd)
This author was born in September.
This author has siblings!
This author is right-handed.
This author has brown eyes.
This author wears braces.
This author is a cutie.
This author is funny.
This author has a crush on someone!
This author crushes a fictional character.
This author proudly has ADHD.
This author has a wide imagination!
This author is easily distracted.
This author is different!
This author is annoying.
This author believes this UIB is awesome.
This author uses teenager slang occasionally!
This author is confused!
This author is a boundaryless chatterbox.
This author sings.
This author loves music!
This author loves musicals!
This author thinks writing is art.
This author watches the stars.
This author can swim.
This author loves reading books!
This author reads Creepypastas.
This author hates math!
This author uses their computer's Qwerty keyboard.
This author starts sleeping at 9 PM.
This author loves fashion.
This author loves wearing flip-flops!
This author believes in quality over quantity.


This author speaks basic Spanish.
This author uses proper
English punctuation.
This author writes in cursive.
This author wants to be grammatical.
This author writes notes.
This author uses the metric system.
This author measures temperature in ℉.
This author uses their exceptional vocabulary.
This author makes
grammar mistakes, too.
This author likes
authoritative positions!
This author's parents aren't divorced.
This author views Internet memes.
This author thinks SpongeBob is great.
This author uses YouTube regularly.
This author always capitalizes Internet.
This author hates drug dealers.
This author loves cats!
This author loves dogs!
This author loves emojis!
This author plays video games!
This author loves autumn.
This author loves chocolate.
This author reads wikiHow's Herald.
This author is a wikiHow
Page Designer.
This author uses wikiHow everyday.
This author makes most edits during the week.
This author dislikes anonymous users.
This author is active on wikiHow.
This author overcame COVID-19 {{{1}}}×.
This author feels boys and girls should kiss below mistletoes.
This author buckles up.
This author differentiates between too , to , and two .
This author dislikes ellipsis overuse...
This author is a determined person.
This author is still confused:
Why did the chicken cross the road?
This author will not judge you.
This author supports LGBT marriages.
This author believes in equality for all.
Abby has made 28 contributions
This user's page has been viewed 60 times