Nico_Hlives in Europe,not going to specify where. i had to put a website so i put a good charity, ok? they save people with blood cancer stuff. :),
Pronouns: he/him sometimes they/them
On wikiHow over 2 months!
Pronouns: he/him sometimes they/them
On wikiHow over 2 months!
Website: https://www.anthonynolan.org/
i'm a siberian tiger therian, specifically white snow version, no specific eye color variant, not that complicated. taken, also a young teen. if i put everything id be here forever. found out the therian stuff from the quizzes on here.
for context a therian is a (relatively small?) community with the belief they had (and still do, just no longer the animal,they do not physically believe they are an animal, they commonly have a strong spiritual connection to a specific animal) an animal connection or were an animal in there past life, and commonly do not want to be a human or considered human. the animal they are connected to is known as there therio type, they can sometimes have more than one, like i have the tiger typed above, an arctic fox and a grey seal- my top three strongest i have a few my tiger being the strongest so therefore most recent animal past life. if you want to know more, google it.
Personality Profile

Human Emotion
You’re Sincere Love.

Main Char. Type
You’re an Oracle.

Color Aura
Your aura is blue.

Soldier, Poet, King
You’re a Poet.

Hogwarts House
You’re in Ravenclaw.

You’re an introvert.

Dating Personality
You have a Pink Dating Style.

Love Language
Your love language is quality time.