Dear Early Learning Center,
I am writing concerning Ginny Wilkins, who has applied for a position with your organization. Ginny has been so much more than just a nanny to my son over the past two years. She was recommended to me by a professor in the special education department at the local community college where Ginny was a student. As a single mom of a child with special needs, I needed someone who could care for him while I worked and who understood the special challenges he faced. I was so impressed by Ginny upon meeting her that I hired her on the spot.
Since that time Ginny has worked 40+ hours for us each week. She has taken care of my son's basic needs, but she has also done so much more. She has worked with his physical therapist to understand how to help him perform the exercises he must do each day. She also does activities with him that aid with his cognitive development. She has done all of this while attending school full-time at night and earning her degree in special education.
My son has made strides under Ginny's watch that far surpass any progress he ever achieved while attending day care. She and I have cried happy tears together as we watched him reach milestones that doctors once told us he would never accomplish. I have no doubt that the level of developmental success he has achieved are almost solely due to Ginny's dedication to him and his progress. In a few weeks he will be starting kindergarten with other children his age—something we thought would never happen.
It is this achievement that helps to soften the blow of losing Ginny. We are so proud of her for obtaining her degree, but we will sorely miss having her in our home every day. As my son will spend afternoons in after-school care, we will no longer need her services. This transition is a timely one and a win-win for everyone involved. I know that Ginny will excel in her career as a special education teacher. The love and patience she has displayed with my son are proof of that.
I hope that you will consider her for this position. I am confident that her work with my son has done much to prepare her for many of the challenges she will face in that role. She will be loved by children and their parents alike. It brings me joy to know that she will be making a difference in the lives of so many more children just like my son and so many mothers just like me.
Please contact me if you need additional information.
Claudia Vines
(987) 555-1234