wikiHow:Carbon Neutral

wikiHow is a carbon neutral website. Becoming carbon neutral means that we have obtained a carbon offset to balance out any greenhouse gas emissions we create by running our website and back office operations. Learn more about carbon offsets and how they work at the Wikipedia page .

wikiHow's Footprint

We worked with to calculate and offset the carbon emissions produced by running wikiHow, including the following:

  • Computers/Servers: 11726.9 kg of carbon - 14 dual 64-bit AMD Opteron production servers, 2 smaller development servers, and a few other computers in various locations.
  • Air travel: 10,800 kg of carbon - 60,000 miles (96,570 km) of air travel.
  • Office: 14694.59 kg of carbon - The electricity and heating for the wikiHaus.
  • Car: 974.3kg - 4,425.696 miles of driving per year.
  • Train travel: 4500 kg of carbon - Chris, Reuben and Katherine commuting via train to Palo Alto, CA.
  • Jack riding bike to work : 0 lbs of carbon!
  • Total Carbon Footprint: 42.70 metric tons of carbon per year.

After calculating our carbon footprint, was able to offset our carbon emissions by funding a variety of projects such as renewable energy, methane digesters, reforestation, and other projects. At the end of the day, our 42.70 metric tons of carbon emissions will be balanced out by a comparable amount of carbon reductions.


Carbonfree.png is the leading non-profit provider of carbon offsets. Their goal is to support third-party validated projects that fight global warming today and lead to market transformation and sustainable communities tomorrow through climate change education, carbon offsets, and public outreach. Through their Carbon free ® Program , many individuals, businesses and other organizations have chosen to reduce their climate impact and hasten the development of clean energy alternatives.