There has been research to show that for many people, the idea of regressing into a childlike state is comforting, exciting, and perfectly normal. [1] If you're curious about how to act like a baby, you can learn to talk, act, and dress like a baby, purely for fun. See Step 1 for more information.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Talking Like a Baby

  1. Cry when you're feeling hungry, thirsty, or tired. If there's one thing all babies do, it's cry loudly and often. Cry when you feel dirty, cry whenever your pacifier falls out, cry when you don't even know why you're crying.
    • Try to vary your repertoire of cries. Whine and wail at the top of your lungs for a little while to release your emotions, then let the super-crying subside into more of a softer sob. If you get attention, you can stop for a while, then launch back into your wailing cry.
    • If you can actually make yourself cry, it can be an excellent way to relieve stress. According to research, stress hormones are released through the tear ducts and endorphin production is triggered, resulting in feelings of relaxation and euphoria following a good cry. [2]
  2. When you're acting like a baby, you shouldn't use words as much as you should make word-like noises as if you were trying to figure out how to use your voice. Remember when you'd say Goo-goo-ga-ga ?
    • Try to imitate the things that other people say as if you were trying to figure out how to speak. Don't get it quite right. This can also be a way to launch into another crying fit when you get frustrated by not being able to speak.
    • Keep making sounds. Babies between 3 and 6 months old will start making their first word-like sounds, mostly "mama" and "dada" along with "baba" being introduced later. By the age of 2, most babies have developed a vocabulary of up to 50 words, and can make small sentences and understand lots of other words. [3]
  3. One good way to make lots of sounds is to start singing simple melodies and baby songs. Get to know the tunes to lullabies, little folk songs, and nursery rhymes. You might not be able to actually sing the words because you're a baby, but you can still hum along to the music and try to make some version of the words.
    • "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star" and "Old MacDonald" are classic standbys for sure, but for extra hilarious baby-cache, try singing to a song like "Poker Face" or "Single Ladies." Singing babies are super-popular YouTube videos and Vines. If you need inspiration, all you've got to do is watch a couple of dancing babies and learn from the source.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Acting Like a Baby

  1. When you're acting like a baby, lots of your time should be spent engaged in play, which makes up the primarily learning method in the baby's world. Babies tend to favor smooth, rounded objects like plastic rings and other simple-to-hold toys, as well as things that make noise, like rattles, drums, and bells. Simple pictures are also captivating to babies, and babies spend a lot time staring at faces. [4]
    • Before language, babies try to figure out as much of the world as they can through touch and through sight, literally feeling their way around. When babies play, a lot of the time they'll be not playing like you might have played with toys when older, making up stories and scenes with action figures, or building things with blocks, but just figuring out how things feel, instead.
    • When you're playing as a baby, don't worry about actually playing, just worry about feeling objects and imagine that you're seeing things for the first time. Find your "baby mind."
  2. When you're pretending to be a baby, it's important to really put yourself into a childlike frame of mind. Imagine that everything you're seeing is being seen for the first time. Stare for a long time at the couch and at the family pet. Try to really figure out what's going on with your pacifier. Your fingers should be amazing and bizarre. Wiggle your toes, kick, roll around. If you can trick yourself into being amazed, you'll be closer to that "baby mind" that before, and will be acting like a baby.
  3. Babies sleep a lot, so acting like a baby is a perfect excuse to get in some daytime rest. Nap time is a great way to start acting like a baby. Try taking an hour-long nap in the late morning or in the early afternoon. Newborn babies will tend to sleep sometime between 10.5 and 18 hours during the day, with a normal sleep pattern(of a few hours less) beginning at about 6 months of age.
  4. To calm babies, plastic pacifiers are often used to provide the baby something to mouth, as when feeding. Getting a pacifier to use during naps and nighttime rest can be comforting and get you into baby-mind.
    • Most of the time, babies will find that their fingers can replace the need for the pacifier, which is one of the big discoveries and independent moments in the baby's development, when they don't need to rely on the parent for the pacifier.
    • You can suck your thumb if you like as it can be very soothing.
  5. 5
    Start crawling. Crawl around, or take hesitant steps. Babies don't run or walk around at full stride, they crawl and take very hesitant steps, usually balanced against something. Instead, get on your hands and knees and scoot around as if you hadn't yet learned to walk.
    • Sometimes babies will also scoot, by sitting up and sticking the legs out straight in front, then bringing them back in to move forward slightly. It's funny to watch and can be a good way to look like a baby.
  6. Want to go all the way into baby land, you've got to eat from a spoon. Baby food is usually blended vegetable and meat mixtures fortified with vitamins necessary for early childhood development. Essentially, though, it's what you eat already, just in mushy blended form. Eat foods like applesauce, yogurt, banana slices, cheerios, and other bite-sized finger foods. [5]
    • Baby food tends to be high calorie and kind of tasteless. For an adult alternative that will get you the same texture and experience, try blending root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and turnips in the blender and having a cold blended soup, served with a spoon like a baby might eat. You can season it like you like and eat in as if you were in a high chair. If none of those dishes appeal to you, don't worry or force yourself to eat something unpleasant. Try some yummy pudding instead. Remember, this is about feeling good and having fun.
    • Put your food on trays with separate compartments and eat with your hands. Don't be afraid to make a mess. It's expected. No utensils.
  7. Pour juice, milk, and other drinks into sippy cups with a lid on them to keep spills from happening and to keep you from gulping them too quickly, or put your drink into baby bottles to get a real baby impression going.
    • Use regular cows milk or an alternative instead of formula, since formula might be difficult for you to digest at this stage in your development.
  8. A great way to talk like a baby is to watch interactive baby TV programs and try to participate. Things like Baby Einstein and other programming on early-morning channels will often cater to a pre-verbal audience, making it an excellent way to get back into baby mode and kid around.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Dressing Like a Baby

  1. 1
    Wear baby clothes. Most baby clothes are singlets, or one-piece items, the sort of which babies wear. These kinds of items are also made in adult sizes, though, making it easy to wear baby clothes at any size.
    • Babies love to look for things that are "brightly colored". Bright-colored pinks, yellows and baby-blues/aqua are much more appealing than white, gray and black. Include soft fabrics and pastel colors in your ensemble of clothes for a few days. Wear a pastel-pink item if you are a girl, and a blue if you are a boy (sometimes the colors may be referred to them as "baby pink" and "baby blue").
    • Footy pajamas might be hard to find in bigger sizes, but union suits are widely available, especially at feed stores and rural outfitters. They're warm and comfortable one-piece long-johns. Rompers or onesies are usually easy to find in adult sizes, and are actually considered stylish.
    • Novelty t-shirts are also common on babies, so you could approximate some baby gear with a goofy tee with some words on it. You could make bigger baby bibs for yourself to wear, as well.
  2. To complete the ensemble, you've got to have the right baby gear. No cell phones, belts, or watches. Trade them in for sippy cups, baby bottles, and pacifiers.
    • Make sure to have several bottles of baby-scented lotions and powders and diaper creams on hand once you begin acting like a baby. The smells are instantly recognizable as baby or nursery smells.
    • Buy baby wipes to use when you need to take makeup off, or when you just need to freshen up your hands and face. The scent will even leave you with a baby fresh scent.
  3. 3
    Carry around a blanket or soft-toy. Comforting crib toys often become a big party of a baby's developing identity, and lots of babies will become upset and cry if their comfort object is taken away or lost. Carrying a blanket or a stuffed animal can help you be comforted and instantly become more childlike.
    • Most babies don't carry around any old stuffed animal and any old blanket, it's got to be a specific one that they carry around at all times. Find your special object and make it yours.
  4. Wear a diaper . Get pull up or disposable diapers, if you are unable to wear those tab-styled baby diapers at your age. Although best with the cute characters on them, pull-ups can be sold in the health and hygiene departments of most superstores. If you recognize that you can still fit into the pull-up styled diapers that toddlers wear, buy those. Besides the money and weight issue, toddler-like pull-up diapers are the only pull-up diapers with the cute characters on them that can be purchased at most supermarkets offline. Alternatively, several brands of adult diapers with baby-like prints can be purchased online.
    • Cloth diapers are reusable and most cost-effective, making them a much better option, especially if you don't actually need to use them.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I pick the right things to wear when I want to act like a baby again?
    Community Answer has a lot of stuff. It depends on what you want to wear specifically.
  • Question
    Should I actually use the diapers?
    Community Answer
    If you want to, you can. However, it is not required to use them.
  • Question
    Where can I act and dress like a baby without being interrupted?
    Community Answer
    You can always act like a baby while home alone, or possibly at a friend's house.
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      • Buy some cute baby dishes too, with little plastic compartments to keep your food separate.
      • Continue to take any required daily vitamins and medicine you may need to take. Just because you've started something that may make you look younger than your real age, doesn't mean you should cut out stuff you would not have taken back when you were the age you're originally showing off to be!
      • To see a sample of what things should happen when you act like a baby again, make sure to carefully watch over a real baby for a few days. Observe and write down as much as you can remember (don't just take mental notes). Make your notations very vivid in exactly what the baby did and how, then use the notes you took to show off your style in becoming that baby again!
      Show More Tips


      • Don't quit work. Yes, we all know babies don't go to work but if you don't get enough money, then you wouldn't be able to afford the baby things in the first place!
      • There have been recent health-related concerns about the use of talcum powder. Find a cornstarch safe alternative!
      • If you live with your family, partner or a roommate, find a place safe to keep your baby paraphernalia hidden and schedule a safe time when you can play uninterrupted.
      • Be positive and don't feel ashamed about playing and acting like a baby but some people may not understand. If discovered, calmly discuss the matter and point out that this a harmless, healthy, pleasurable activity. Refer them to online articles.
      • Drinking baby formula will never be suited to fit the requirements of a normal adult. Don't drink it. And even if you do decide to drink it anyway, it will taste disgusting.

      Things You'll Need

      • Diapers/Pull-up pants
      • Two Large Stainless Steel Safety Pins for Cloth Diapers
      • Plastic/Rubber Waterproof Panties
      • Sweet Scented Baby Powders, Lotions and Oils
      • Protective Waterproof Rubber or Vinyl Sheet
      • Bottle or Sippy cup
      • Baby plate
      • Pacifier
      • Cute Print Bib
      • Baby Food
      • Colored PJ's with (or without) a cute design
      • Baby blanket
      • Stuffed toy(s)
      • Small plastic fork, and spoon

      About this article

      Article Summary X

      If you want to act like a baby again, play with smooth, rounded objects like plastic rings and building blocks, or with toys that make noise like rattles and bells. Throughout your day, take interest in everything you find as if you’re seeing it for the first time. To get yourself into a more baby-like mindset, watch baby shows on TV, use a pacifier, and drink from a baby bottle if you can. Scroll down to learn how to dress and talk like a baby!

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