About wikiHow

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Who partners with wikiHow?

wikiHow is a proud partner of the following organizations:

wikiHow's Collaboration with United Nations Verified

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    Verified is a United Nations initiative aimed at delivering trusted information and life-saving advice. Together, Verified and wikiHow provide fact-based, expert-backed information on topics such as COVID-19 safety, responsible Internet use, and more.

wikiHow’s How to Fight Misinformation Online course, developed in partnership with United Nations Verified, was honored as a world-changing innovation by Fast Company

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    As a 2022 World Changing Idea finalist, wikiHow has been honored as a company with enduring impact on the world. wikiHow’s groundbreaking course on misinformation, developed in partnership with the United Nations, has empowered thousands of people to help slow the spread of harmful information online. With this award, wikiHow joined the ranks of other trailblazing organizations at the forefront of world-changing innovation for the good of society and the planet.

    Start the Award-Winning Course Today

Who are the experts reviewing wikiHow’s articles?

Meet some of the 1700+ expert co-authors who contribute their knowledge to wikiHow by reviewing articles, answering user questions, and sharing tips.

What happens when you try to help everyone?

wikiHow was featured on Bloomberg TV's The American Dream

wikiHow, and the story behind its founding, was featured on a 2021 Bloomberg TV show The American Dream, a series showcasing examples of entrepreneurial success. Hosted by Oscar nominated actor Eric Roberts, The American Dream inspires its audience with stories of how simple ideas, along with big dreams, can create profitable businesses that also have profound global impact.

Watch wikiHow’s story in The American Dream .


How did wikiHow come to be?