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Exploring the bond between these outgoing signs
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When it comes to Aries and Gemini, their similar outgoing and extroverted energies make them a near-perfect match. While they certainly have their differences, these two signs work to build each other up in their friendship, and their differences actually become a source of strength for their bond. Read on to learn all about how compatible Aries and Gemini are as friends. We’ll dive into things like their shared interests, values, communication styles, and more to give a comprehensive look into their connection as friends.

Things You Should Know

  • Aries and Gemini feed off of each other’s energy and make a strong pair of friends.
  • Both signs are very active and outgoing, and they enjoy experiencing new things.
  • Aries and Gemini both value independence and are clear in communicating their wants and needs with each other.
Section 1 of 9:

Aries & Gemini Friendship Compatibility

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  1. These signs have somewhat different strengths and skills, but when they come together, they can get much more done than if they were alone. They’re also both very energetic, optimistic, and outgoing signs, and they feed off of each other’s energy in the best of ways. [1]
    • As a Fire sign (Aries) and an Air sign (Gemini), these two make a great combination. Like the natural elements, Air fuels Fire, meaning that these two are even more energetic when together.
    • In terms of a romantic relationship, while a Gemini might be a little hesitant at first, they’ll be extremely loyal if they think they’ve found the right person. An Aries is more likely to fall fast, and they’ll stand loyally by their partner’s side.
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Aries & Gemini Interests

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  1. As a mutable sign, a Gemini tends to be very easy-going and flexible. They’re usually quite extroverted and love conversing with anyone and everyone. Aries tend to just have a lot of energy in general, and they love to use that energy by doing fun activities and experiencing new things.
    • For Aries: Geminis tend to be very social and love nothing more than exploring new places and meeting new people. To indulge them, plan a trip together to go and explore a new city, state, or country. They’ll love experiencing being in a new place and meeting plenty of new faces.
    • For Gemini: Aries usually have tons of energy to expend and can be a bit competitive at times. When you’re with an Aries friend, some friendly competition can be a fun way to bond. Play a sport together, play video games, or even have a cooking contest.
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Aries & Gemini Emotional Connection

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  1. Sextile signs—signs that are two signs apart—like Aries and Gemini tend to share a deeper connection than most. They understand the other’s way of thinking and share a similar energy that strengthens their bond even more. [2]
    • Such a strong emotional bond also creates very promising prospects for a romantic relationship between an Aries and a Gemini. Not only do they share similar interests, but they also understand each other on a much deeper and personal level.
    • For Aries: Geminis aren’t afraid of confronting their emotions, but they can be a bit wary about openly expressing them out of fear of unintentionally hurting someone’s feelings. Encourage them to open up by actively listening when they talk and validating their emotions . Saying something like, “I hear what you’re saying and your emotions are totally valid” can be a great comfort.
    • For Gemini: Aries can sometimes switch between emotions very quickly. They might try to push you away when they’re feeling too upset or vulnerable, but they’ll also be very affectionate. The best thing you can do for an Aries friend is remain loyal to your friendship and be there to support them whenever they need it. [3]
    • Reader Poll: We asked 338 wikiHow readers what kissing style they enjoy from a Gemini Man, and 50% of them said passionate and sensual. [Take Poll] This fits with Aries's fiery nature, so it's a good fit if romance is what you're looking for.
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Aries & Gemini Intellectual Connection

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  1. As an Air sign, Geminis are true intellects. They love exploring the many details of the people and situations around them, and they tend to have a dual mindset that allows them to see things from multiple sides. Aries tend to be very sharp-minded and witty, and they can get really into talking about something they’re particularly passionate about.
    • For Aries: Geminis tend to love being presented with questions and topics that have more than one answer or side to explore. Ask your Gemini friend something along the lines of, “Do you prefer this or that?” or bring up an interesting dilemma to really pique their interest.
    • For Gemini: Aries usually look for people who can keep up with them mentally and match their enthusiasm and energy. Show them that you’re listening closely when they have something to say and ask interesting related questions to keep the conversation going.
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Aries & Gemini Values

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  1. Geminis have a tendency to change their minds often and are most appreciative of people who don’t try to control their thoughts and opinions. Aries can be very energetic and have pioneering spirits, meaning that they’re not afraid to forge their own path and pursue their passions. These two share a mutual understanding of one another, which makes their friendship that much stronger. [4]
    • Independence is an important part of healthy relationships, so a romantic relationship between Aries and Gemini would likely be very strong if they were to get together.
    • For Aries: Aries tend to have a lot of passion and aren’t afraid to jump right into things. However, sometimes this can cause them to seem a bit controlling, which Geminis don’t always appreciate. Just remember to sit back and listen every now and then, and give your Gemini friend a bit of space for them to work through their thoughts.
    • For Gemini: You might really enjoy meeting new people and making new friends, but always be sure to show your Aries friend just how much you cherish and appreciate them. While Aries also recognize the importance of independence, their competitive nature can make them a bit more prone to jealousy. One way to show them how much you appreciate having them as a friend is to genuinely complement them .
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Aries & Gemini Communication Styles

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  1. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Even though Geminis have a reputation for changing their minds often, that doesn’t mean that they’re not clear in stating what they want and how they’re feeling. As a Fire sign ruled by Mars, Aries tend have an assertive and direct communication style. As friends, these two aren’t likely to run into many misunderstandings with how clear they communicate with one another. [5]
    • For Aries: While Aries are really good about being direct and speaking their minds, this can sometimes come off as aggressive or blunt to certain people. Even though you may feel passionate about a certain issue, take a few moments to collect your thoughts and think about how you’ll phrase your words before speaking.
    • For Gemini: Geminis are naturally curious and often like to investigate all of the details about a situation or someone’s life. However, this curiosity can sometimes be misinterpreted as nosiness, so be conscientious about the kinds of questions you’re asking others and always respect their boundaries.
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Aries & Gemini Power Dynamics

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  1. Aries is a cardinal sign, meaning that they’re ambitious and unafraid to take action. You’ll likely see an Aries jumping into a new project or adventure more often than not. On the other hand, Gemini is a mutable sign, meaning that they have a much more “go with the flow” type of attitude. They’re usually up for anything their Aries friend wants to do, so long as they have the option to change their mind whenever. [6]
    • For Aries: Be sure to check in with your Gemini friend from time to time and be considerate of their wants and needs. While they may be totally fine with following your lead most of the time, always be sure to offer them options and be open to compromising .
    • For Gemini: Aries tend to dislike boredom and stagnation, and it’s likely that you’ll see your Aries friend jumping from one idea to the next with a lot of energy and passion. To show how much you cherish your friendship, match their energy and be supportive and encouraging when they want to try something new.
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Aries & Gemini Decision-Making Styles

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  1. An Aries is typically very confident in their decisions and often knows exactly what they want and when they want it. On the other hand, Geminis commonly spend more time weighing out their options, and it’s not unusual to see them change their minds—possibly multiple times—before coming to a decision. This could create a point of contention if these two friends don’t figure out a healthy way to compromise and respect each other’s decision-making styles. [7]
    • For Aries: Remain patient with your Gemini friend when it comes time to make a decision. Geminis often like to talk things through and survey their many options, so instead of pushing them to decide right away, listen to what they have to say and allow them to take their time. You never know. You might also learn something new after hearing things from their perspective.
    • For Gemini: Practice making confident decisions every single day. While thinking through things is certainly important, learning how to confidently assert your opinion and come to a decision more quickly can make the process a lot easier for you and your friend. For example, practice giving your honest thoughts when it comes to things like what to eat, what to watch, or what to do on the weekends. Also, practice saying no to things that you don’t like or find uninteresting.
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Key Takeaways

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  1. Both love being active and experiencing new things, and they share an emotional bond that allows them to deeply understand and respect how the other thinks. They have slightly different approaches when it comes to making decisions and communicating, but these differences actually balance out nicely to form a perfect harmony.
    • Aries needs to remember to be patient with their Gemini friend when making decisions while a Gemini should be open to new ideas and adventures so that they can fully match an Aries’ energy.
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