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Tips for catching his eye and making a connection
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Libra loves to love, but you can scare off the Libra man by getting too sentimental too soon. It’s much better to win his affection first by appealing to his desire for balance and appreciation of beauty. Plus, he’s an air sign, which makes him more than a little chatty. It’s important to hold his interest with witty, intelligent conversations. This article takes you through how to get a Libra man’s attention, become closer to him, and then make him yours. Plus, we spoke with Astrologer Angel Eyedealism to learn more about how to capture—and keep—a Libra man’s interest.

Tips to Seduce a Libra Man

Be friendly, social, and independent to attract a Libra man. Don’t be afraid to let him know how you feel about things like politics, art, music, and so on. Make plans without him occasionally, and don’t bombard him with phone calls and text messages.

Section 1 of 5:

Catching His Eye

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  1. Libra is definitely an extrovert who loves to socialize and be around other people. [1] You'll often find him in groups, standing out as the life of the party. To attract him, your best bet is to cross paths with him as often as possible in his natural setting: a crowd.
    • Libras tend to be compatible with other air signs (Gemini and Aquarius) because it’s the most social element. Air signs are known for being intelligent and talkative. They usually adore being the center of attention and can get along with anyone. But when an air sign meets another air sign, they tend to just get each other.
  2. Libra males have a tendency to be friendly. Get his attention by doing more than just hanging around and hoping he notices you. Make a witty joke. Show off your secret talent. Above all, flirt outrageously…Libras can’t get enough of it. [2]
    • Instead of lingering in the back of the room where no one can see you, make yourself the center of attention , even if only for a few moments.
  3. Libra is friendly—sometimes, a little too friendly. Your Libra man probably flirts with a lot of other women without meaning anything by it. For some women, this is a big turn-off. If you have any hope of winning your Libra man's affection, accept that his flirting is no big deal. He hates conflicts, so making a big fuss sends him running in the other direction. [3]
    • Be the one still there when the rest of his admirers lose patience with his overly flirtatious ways.
    • Keep in mind that Libras rarely have favorites. Even if you attract him quickly, he might also be attracted to several other women in his social circles. Yes, “circles.” He is a social butterfly, after all. However, he’s not disloyal or untrustworthy once he decides you’re the one.
  4. Aesthetics is important for a Libra man, says Eyedealism. [4] Visually speaking, women with a notably feminine appearance are the most likely to catch the Libra man's eye and attract him on a purely physical level. Develop a classic, elegant , and refined style. Avoid fashion choices that are excessively bold or those that are too cutesy.
    • Avoid jarring color choices, bold patterns, or temporary trends that are here today and gone tomorrow. Excessively girly fashions, like lace and bows, can also be a turn-off.
    • Opt for classic, clean-cut styles in a traditional color palette. Choose elegance rather than trendiness.
    • Choose refined make-up and accessories, too. Use your make-up to enhance your natural beauty . Avoid caking it on or trying out dramatic looks. Wear jewelry that accents your look without competing for attention.
    • Don’t worry if you don’t think of your style as “elegant” or “refined.” Just keep things simple, neat, and tidy, and you’re already halfway there.
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Section 2 of 5:

Getting to Know Each Other

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  1. There’s a good reason that the scales represent the sign of Libra. Your Libra hunk gravitates toward balanced situations and people. And if they’re always off-kilter, he’s constantly trying to balance them, says Eyedealism. [5] When you start talking to him, be calm and pleasant. A mild-mannered attitude and peaceful, balanced vibe will make him feel right at home.
    • Libra men appreciate social grace in a partner…and everyone else. Be polite, calm, and well-spoken to impress him.
    • Similarly, when you invite a Libra into your own personal space—your office, your car, your apartment—make sure you keep your space chic, comfortable, and uncluttered to appeal to your Libra guy.
  2. Everyone likes to talk about themselves, and your Libra guy is no different. [6] It's not that Libra is narcissistic. It’s just that someone with such an outgoing personality naturally likes to ramble on about himself and the things that interest him. To really impress him, let him talk to his heart's content and follow along with the conversation sincerely.
    • Asking open-ended questions is a great way to get your Libra guy talking. For example, “What’s your favorite memory from childhood?” or “What was the highlight of your day today?” Use questions like, “And then what happened?” or “What did you do then?” to keep him talking.
    • Libra is a chatty social butterfly, so they’re perfectly willing to talk about something else, too. Share some juicy gossip or a silly joke, and he won’t mind if you change the subject. [7]
  3. Most Libra men run from direct conflict or confrontation, but they’re also an air sign. And if there’s one thing an air person loves, it’s intelligent conversation. Your Libra man is no different. Plus, he can’t help being fascinated by another person’s perspective. [8]
    • Bring up a topic that’s open for debate and discuss both sides with him. Just remember to keep the conversation intellectual rather than emotional.
  4. Libra men are usually rather confident and have positive opinions about themselves, but they love to get compliments as much as anyone. A genuine, well-timed compliment or word of praise can go a long way toward capturing his attention. [9] When choosing something to compliment, focus on a typical Libra area of interest, like his taste in art, sense of style, or interest in creating a just society.
    • No one trusts an obvious flatterer, not even a Libra man. While he might pardon a blatant appeal to his vanity more than some of the other zodiac signs, a compliment that’s clearly untrue or forced is a turn-off. Stick to compliments that are as meaningful and truthful as possible.
  5. Bring up an eclectic mix of conversational topics to keep your Libra man interested. Be intelligent , and impress your Libra crush by talking to him about a variety of subjects, recommends Eyedealism. [10] Libras like to talk, and they like to express ideas and exchange opinions on as many topics as possible. If you can keep him intellectually stimulated, he’ll find your personality more attractive and enjoyable. Eyedealism says, the Libra man is an intellectual, so he wants a woman who is refined and intellectual. [11]
    • Libras naturally have somewhat of an airy personality, so they feel most inspired by moving about from subject to subject. Fixating on any one topic for too long quickly bores a Libra man.
    • They may get distracted if you only have one hobby or interest you always talk about. Let him see all of the things that interest you so he thinks of you as a balanced, well-rounded person.
  6. Libras crave balance, and that balance extends beyond your Libra's personal life. Generally, Libras have a strong sense of justice and fairness. Be more attractive in his eyes by making sure he sees you as someone who is honest and has a similar dedication to justice. [12]
    • When out together, treat everyone you meet equally by showing them respect and kindness.
    • Keep an open mind and be willing to consider other people’s viewpoints…even when you disagree with them.
    • Always admit your mistakes and take responsibility for your actions.
    • Follow the rules without twisting them for personal gain, even when you think it’s not a big deal.
  7. Libras love to be around people, but most Libra men are often emotionally detached. When he starts getting to know you, stay cool and calm. Avoid showing too much emotion, either positive or negative. When Libra falls in love, things get emotional very quickly. This makes him a little hesitant to make a bad decision when feelings are involved. [13]
    • Try to understand why he feels uncomfortable with emotion. Feelings are messy, especially once those feelings get deep and complicated. The Libra avoids emotions mostly to maintain the sense of harmony and balance he loves so much.
    • Of course, if you want to be with your Libra man for the long haul, you’ll eventually face your emotions together. When the time comes, stay calm and rational.
    • While you are only in the introductory stages, it's better to avoid heavy emotions as much as possible.
    • Even though he likes intellectual debate, Libras hate conflict. He wants peace, love, and harmony in his relationship. So, stay calm , when dealing with your Libra. [14]
  8. Being open and talkative attracts your Libra, but don’t tell him everything about you at once. Libras are naturally curious about everything. [15] Be a little mysterious to really piques this inquisitive sign's curiosity. And keep him interested.
    • Make him think of you as a “mysterious beauty.” Of course, the longer you're with your Libra, the more that mystery will fade. To pack a strong punch at the start, though, try to be an elusive, nearly inaccessible goal to strive for.
  9. Most Libras are idealistic and empathetic. They want to make the world a better place, so volunteering together might make him like you even more. [16] Even if your guy doesn’t have a charity he actively takes part in, he’ll likely find someone who gives her time to a noble cause exceptionally attractive.
    • If you already volunteer your time, consider asking your Libra crush along, especially if you are supporting a cause he also happens to believe in. In doing so, you'll become someone who helps him satisfy his own desires to do good deeds.
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Section 3 of 5:

Closing the Deal

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  1. Most Libra men really appreciate beauty and culture. Make his heart skip a beat by inviting him to an art museum or giving him a book with photographs of beautiful scenery. Showing him that you understand what he loves can be a huge plus in your favor.
    • When you extend an invitation, pick a place that your Libra man will probably enjoy, like an art gallery, arts and crafts fair, or museum. [17]
    • Appeal to him even more by inviting him out during an active time. For instance, ask him to a special one-day-only exhibit instead of inviting him to the museum during a quiet "off" time.
  2. Along with art and culture, Libra men usually have a strong appreciation for the finer things in life. When you invite him to spend time with you, choose impressive locations like trendy cafes or four-star restaurants. When you give him a gift, consider picking out something tasteful from an iconic designer. [18]
    • If you don’t have the finances to back Libra's love of luxury, fear not! These men are interested in refinement, not costing you an arm and a leg. Try inviting him to a fancy restaurant for dessert only to save you the cost of a meal, or go somewhere with an elegant atmosphere but a moderate cost.
  3. As social creatures, Libra men love freedom and need to feel unconfined in order to be happy. Dote on him as much as you want when the two of you are together, but avoid smothering him or forcing your way into other areas of his life without an invitation. [19]
    • Keep in mind that Libra is a pretty single-minded guy when he falls for someone. Once he takes a liking to you, you'll know it. In the meantime, work on him steadily, and avoid pushing your feelings onto him before he’s ready.
  4. Libra men love to love, and they love being loved. Little tokens of appreciation underscore your feelings for him while making you appear more attractive in his eyes. Try giving him a small gift or note for no reason, or offer a massage at the end of a long day or week. [20]
    • Refined, tasteful gifts tend to work better than gifts packed with too much sentimentality. You don’t have to give him a designer watch or pricey cufflinks. Give him a gourmet treat or any beautiful item, whether it has a designer label or not.
    • For a free alternative, write him a beautiful note. Again, heavy emotions aren’t quite Libra's cup of tea, but a letter with a few scribbled verses can make a big impact as long as those verses focus on the beauty of things rather than the intensity of your feelings.
  5. Libra men love the idea of romance but can be emotionally detached when you first get to know them. They tend to avoid women who seem manipulative or who live for drama. When you make your move, avoid getting too serious too quickly. Keep things light, and win him over with gestures of traditional romance: candlelight dinners, moonlit walks, and so on.
    • Once he starts to return your attraction and affection, be prepared for him to show you what he likes in the romance department.
    • Libra is a natural-born charmer, so when he wants to charm you, he’ll use a range of romantic tactics to do so. Take note and increase his attraction to you by responding with similarly romantic gestures.
  6. Libras are notorious for looking at every angle before making a decision, and they hate to be rushed. Let him work through his feelings without pushing for a commitment. Remember, Venus, the planet of love, rules Libra. Libra men want to fall in love and settle down. But they also want to make sure they do it with the right person because when they’re in a relationship, they are in it for the long haul. [21]
    • Try not to get frustrated with your Libra guy or make fun of him for being indecisive. They work really hard to make the right decision. If you pressure or rush them, they might decide committing to you is a bad move.
  7. It’s no secret that Libra guys are romantic at heart. The occasional sweet surprise really knocks him off his feet. And even though he’d never admit it, he likes letting someone else make a decision once in a while. Just for the little things like dinner or an evening out, though. Libra is a cardinal sign, which means he usually likes to be in charge. [22]
    • Try dropping by unannounced with some hot chicken noodle soup when he’s feeling under the weather. Surprise him by cooking his favorite meal, and this Libra man will be yours forever.
  8. Building trust takes time. Share more and more of your feelings with your Libra man as you spend time together. Tell him when he upsets you and explain why…but do it calmly and fairly to activate his analytical mind instead of his fear of conflict. Show him more physical affection by cuddling, holding hands, and hugging. [23]
    • Remember to take things slow so your Libra doesn’t get overwhelmed. This can cause him to back away.
    • By slowly and steadily getting closer, he’ll be ready to settle down before he realizes what happened.
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Section 4 of 5:

Common Traits of Libra Men

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  1. Libras seek balance in all areas of their lives. They promote harmony with family, friends, co-workers, and romantic partners. Because Libra is a cardinal sign, they’re natural-born leaders who like to take charge and lead the way. As air signs, Libras are known for being communicative and intellectual, and due to their planetary ruler, Venus, they have a deep appreciation for love, romance, and beauty. [24]
    • Element: Air
    • Modality: Cardinal
    • Ruling Planet: Venus
    • Symbol: The Scales

    Angel Eyedealism

    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist

    Libra men tend to be very attractive people. Being in a relationship is extremely important to them. However, Libras have a tendency to flip-flop. Sometimes, when they're in a relationship, they want to be out of it. When they're out of a relationship, all they think about is being in one.

Section 5 of 5:

Libra Compatibility

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  1. Libra guys get along with everyone, but their connections with Geminis, Leos, and Sagittarians take it to the next level. On the other hand, Libra has a harder time connecting with Aries and Capricorn. They can still live happily ever after, though. They just have to work a little harder at it. [25]
    • Gemini: As air signs, these two are super-communicators with a tendency to flirt and have deep conversations. When it comes to what they need to feel comfortable and centered, they understand each other. Plus, they’re both lighthearted romantics, making them the perfect couple.
    • Leo: Both Leo and Libra love to be the center of attention and are absolutely head over heels for romance. However, Leo can get annoyed with Libra’s indecisiveness, and Libra hates Leo’s bossiness.
    • Sagittarius: Libra and Sagittarius like to entertain, go on adventures, and be the center of attention. Sag can be a little aggressive for Libra’s peace-loving nature, but overall they’re a good fit.
    • Aries: Aries and Libra are cardinal signs on opposite sides of the zodiac. This makes them feel like they’re exactly the same, but somehow, they don’t understand each other at all. In reality, they’re total opposites. For example, Aries loves a fight, while Libra hates it.
    • Capricorn: Capricorn is another cardinal sign that doesn’t mesh well with Libra. They both have take-charge personalities. But where Libra is lighthearted about being in the lead, Capricorn likes to maintain more control. This sets them up for a clash…and you know how much Libra hates that.
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Join the Discussion...

I've gone out a couple times with a libra guy and I've heard conflicting opinions about libras so I'm curious what anyone can tell me about libra men generally and in relationships? are they cheaters or are they generally pretty loyal? do they prefer to pursue or be chased? how do you keep a libra guy interested/attract him? What are the pros and cons of dating a libra man?
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Libra is ruled by Venus, and Libra men tend to be very attractive people, and being in a relationship is extremely important to them. However, Libras flip flop, so when a Libra man is in a relationship, he wants to be out of it and when he's out of it, all he thinks about is being in one. They're constantly trying to balance things. In a relationship with a Libra guy, you definitely want to appeal to his sense of aesthetics, you definitely want to be not rude or gross around a Libra man. He gets turned off by somebody who’s coarse, wants a woman that is refined and intellectual, because he’s an intellectual. It's an Air sign. The Air sign loves intellectuals, but it's a Venus-based sun sign. So he definitely wants a woman who is attractive, but also intelligent.

You can tell a Libra man is playing games if he becomes cold and distant, or not engaged. If he goes off by himself, then that's a really bad sign, because he's supposed to be balancing his energy with your energy. Libras find themselves through their partner. So if he becomes evasive, that means he's not interested in you. Libras are so polite, they won't necessarily come out and say they don't want to be with you, but they'll do these evasive maneuvers.
Anonymous WikiEagle
Anonymous WikiEagle
In my experience, Libras are the most devoted, engaged, honest, open, genuine, completely committed men possible. They love every last shred of you, good, bad or otherwise… they see who really are no matter what “state” you’re in, and love you because of your faults and flaws, and not not despite them. They definitely have a “standard” in mind for anybody they will consider being with, but once they decide you’ve ‘made the cut’, they accept that you’re human and not some flawless “ideal” who isn’t allowed to have your imperfect moments (ie not looking perfect, sick with a stomach bug or stuffed nose, bad hair days, flop clothes, etc). Once they know you’re CAPABLE of looking and acting “flawlessly” when needed, they get over the fact nobody is actually flawless, including you.

And I truly cannot understand anybody says they are “flaky”… in my experience, they are like rocks! I learned what “I’ve got you” meant for the first time in my life with my Libra… No matter where I was, or what I needed, DONE!!! if I sent a text and said “I need to talk to you”, the phone was ringing with an instant of hitting send… If I said “I need you“, the doorbell will be ringing before I could blink. If they heard or sensed any distress or shred of upsetment, sadness, stress, anxiety… FORGET IT!!! I couldn’t even tolerate that… and it ate him a lot if he couldn’t fix it or make it better for me. If I was in any kind of trouble…flat tire, broken leg, didn’t matter!!! Flew to my side instantly.

And there is absolutely no tolerance for anybody hurting me… At all… Under any circumstances. At times I feared for people who he even perceived as having hurt me in any way. And there was absolutely absolutely nothing he wouldn’t do for me… NOTHING.

I don’t think I ever knew what it meant to be “adored”, how I SHOULD AND DESERVE TO BE TREATED AND LOVED, OR even what being “loved” really meant until along came my Libra. I’ll never again accept anything less from anybody in life.

Maybe I lucked out! But if that’s the case, I’ve never been luckier.

PS I’m an Aquarius… Pretty true Aquarius, but not at all distant or “needing my space“… That is one part has never applied to me. My Libra never wanted to be without me…and I LOVED it

Learn How to Attract a Libra with this Expert Series

Libras are free-spirited and social, but they crave balance and harmony. This expert series will help you learn what makes Libras tick and how to attract the Libra of your dreams.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you make a Libra man fall in love with you?
    Jessica Lanyadoo
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Jessica Lanyadoo is an astrologer with over 20 years of consulting experience. She is the author of Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along and is the host of the popular astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast. Lanyadoo co-hosted TLC’s digital astrology show Stargazing and writes weekly and monthly horoscopes that help you heal.
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Expert Answer
    Libra's love flattery. Tell a Libra that they're attractive and compliment their clothes. If you compliment them, you'll have a Libra flirting and blushing in your face. They not only like to be complimented on their looks, but also how they approach life. They are very diplomatic. It's important to validate this quality as well when relating to them.
  • Question
    Do Libra men get jealous?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The Libra man can be a jealous type and with this trait, comes possessiveness. The jealous side of this usually easygoing and mild natured man is due to the proximity of the sign to Scorpio, a renowned jealous and possessive sign. A Libran man experiencing jealousy may display this by being highly emotional and he may try to check up on you and demand to know what you’ve been doing every minute of the day. He may even turn up unannounced, just to reassure himself that all is well. To deal with this, remind him he’s the only one and appeal to his romantic side to show him he’s treasured. If you feel he’s getting too possessive though, tell him and perhaps reconsider whether it’s worth the effort if he cannot trust you.
  • Question
    What are Libra men like?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Libra men like romance, art and fashion. He’s a gentle and easygoing guy, so he’ll love evening strolls under the moonlight, cuddling a handful of puppies and checking out a sensuous food experience at a traditional restaurant in a quiet corner of town. He’s deeply loyal and if he falls in love, he’s likely to see you as marriage material too. The Libra man needs validation of his appearance, so be sure to let him know he looks great. On the downside, a Libra man thwarted can throw a childish tantrum and sulk until things come back to his way of thinking; be careful of his jealous and possessive side too.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To attract a Libra man, hang out in groups or at parties because Libra males typically like socializing. Since Libra usually has a lot of friends, you'll also need to stand out from the crowd and work on having a feminine, elegant appearance. When you're getting to know him, present a balanced personality and engage in light debate, because Libras like looking at things from different perspectives. To keep his attention, compliment him and discuss a wide range of topics as Libras love to talk. For tips on how to let a Libra get to know you, including why you should ease up on emotions, read on!

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