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Aries is the astrological sign of people born between March 21 and April 22. Aries women are known for their high energy and fiery passion towards all aspects of life. Although their energetic personalities may make them seem rough, Aries women have a sensitive side that they are willing to show to those who win their hearts. To help you form a meaningful relationship with an Aries woman, we’ve put together a list of the traits they love (and some they don’t) so you can attract the Aries girl of your dreams.


Be confident.

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  1. Aries women look for love interests who are confident like them. [1] If you want to show an Aries woman how awesome and interesting you are, match her self-confidence. Trust in your own abilities , and don’t be afraid to take risks . [2] This will make you very appealing to Aries women.
    • Try listing your interests, or things you are good at. If you have a shared interest with the girl you are interested in, that’s great! You can use that as a way of connecting with her. If not, think of ways you can use your talents to impress her .
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Be mentally and emotionally strong.

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  1. They are attracted to people who are just as mentally strong. [3] Show your love interest that you are capable of handling yourself and that you are not afraid to tackle any problems that come up in your social life, job, health, and other aspects of your life. Try not to complain about your problems to her too much. If you want to impress her, you should show her that you can be tough too. [4]
    • Mental and emotional strength is what’s important here. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to attract an Aries woman—although it certainly wouldn’t hurt if you are!

Be adventurous.

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  1. They love travelling and seeing new places in general, but most of the time, they prefer fast-paced activities like biking over slower-paced activities like visiting museums. Find out what activities your love interest likes and plan to take her out for these activities. [5]
    • If you’ve planned an outing, try keeping it a surprise! Aries people are known to be spontaneous, and she would love to see you be spontaneous too.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 338 wikiHow readers, and only 8% of them agreed that the outdoor adventure that sounds the most fun for a date is going boating or fishing . [Take Poll] Instead, opt for something a little more exciting, like a hike or camping trip.
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Be honest.

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  1. They don’t like to keep secrets, and they don’t like it when people keep secrets from them. If you want a romantic relationship with an Aries girl, try to be straightforward and honest about what you want from the relationship. [6]
    • If you want to stay on an Aries woman’s good side, don’t even think about manipulating or lying to her. Dishonesty is a huge turnoff for Aries people.

Listen to her.

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  1. Aries people are known for their independence, but everyone needs a shoulder to lean on sometimes. Aries women love active listeners who pay attention to their needs and do what they can to help. Be empathetic with her by staying open-minded , asking for clarification, and restating what she says so that she knows you’re listening. [7]
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Flirt passionately.

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  1. Aries people are bold flirters and enjoy being flirted with too. You should be blunt and showy when flirting to get your Aries girl’s attention. Make frequent eye contact , use pickup lines and innuendo, maybe even show some skin if you’re up for it. [8]
    • Pay attention to how she and anyone else watching react to your flirting. If she or other people are telling you to stop, then you should stop. You can try to get her attention again later.

Let her lead when she wants.

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  1. They are free thinkers with energetic spirits, and they do what they want. You should make an effort to keep up with an Aries woman, but you should not make every decision for her. Be sure to ask her what she wants to do, and let her make decisions sometimes. She will be glad that you are letting her have some control over the things you do together. [9]
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Try a little competition.

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  1. Find out which sports or games your love interest likes and play them with her often. She’ll love to see you taking interest in her favorite hobbies, and she’ll especially enjoy having someone to do them with her. Bonding over her hobbies is a great way for the two of you to get close. [10]
    • Keep the competition friendly, but don’t let her win too easily. She will notice if you’re not trying, and she will be disappointed. In competitions such as these, Aries women want to win by their own efforts.

Impress her with gifts.

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  1. Try gifts related to their hobbies or interests. For example, if your love interest enjoys hiking, you might get her a new compass, hiking boots, etc.
    • If you would like to give an Aries woman flowers , try honeysuckles, the birth flower of Aries. You can also try roses, anthuriums, poppies, carnations, or tulips. [11]
    • Avoid decorative gifts like jewelry unless she specifically asks for them—otherwise she might feel uncomfortable.
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Let her chase you.

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  1. Start the chase, then play a little hard-to-get . [12] Just like with sports and games, an Aries woman wants the opportunity to show you what she can do to pursue a relationship with you. Aries women aren’t afraid to speak their minds, so you’ll usually know how she feels about you.
    • If you’re afraid that she might lose interest in you, then you can keep trying to spark her interest using our other tips (telling her how you feel, doing activities with her, etc.) But if you feel that she’s not returning your affections , that might be a sign to move on.

Expert Q&A

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    What do Aries women find attractive?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    An Aries woman likes a challenging, powerful person who's stronger than her.
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