Brandon Runyon

Brandon Runyon is a board-certified Entomologist based in Evansville, Indiana. He has over 18 years of experience as a Pest Control professional, and is the Technical Director of Swat Pest Management. Swat Pest Management serves areas throughout Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois, where they provide safe, cost-effective solutions for client’s pest control needs. He authored Bugged by Bugs: A Comprehensive Guide to Pest Control, a user-friendly guide to commercial pest control practices in hotels, restaurants, apartments, and offices.


  • MBA, Western Governors University
  • MS, University of Nebraska, Entomology
  • BS, Purdue University, Entomology

Certifications & Organizations

  • Board-Certified Entomologist
  • Licensed Entomologist in Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois
  • Top 20 under 40, 2020, Evansville Indiana

Favorite Piece of Advice

Be curious–act like a child who is seeing an insect for the first time. Watch it, see what it does, and try to learn how it works!

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