Jeff Friesen
LEGO Artist
Favorite Piece of Advice
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Co-authored Articles (7)
How to
Build Model Buildings
A well-made model building can complete a diorama for a school project, add background detail to a model train set, or help you previsualize a complex construction project. Piecing together your own model buildings is ea...
How to
Make a LEGO Castle
There are a ton of LEGO castle-building sets, but you don’t have to have a set of specific instructions to make your own castle. With a solid foundation, the right building technique, and a good design idea, you can ea...
How to
Customize a Littlest Pet Shop Toy
Littlest Pet Shop toys are adorable and so much fun, especially when you customize your own! You can use paint, glitter glue, stickers, and other decorations you may already have at your house. By using your creativity, ...
How to
Measure Distance in a Photo
Did you know that you can take a picture of the layout of an object, then later get its measurements? This wikiHow will teach you how to measure distance in a photo using Adobe's Photoshop on your computer.
How to
Build a Model Railroad
Building a model railroad is like creating your own miniature empire. You'll have complete control over the features, enabling you to construct a modern design, a western design, or even one with fantastical elements. Bu...
8 Telltale Signs of Fake LEGO Sets, Pieces, & Minifigures
Plus, discover alternative LEGO brands that are actually legit LEGO is a timeless toy brand famous for its high-quality, premium building block sets. So you don't have to imagine how you would feel if you opened up a LEG...
How to
Build a LEGO Tower
Towers are one of the basic buildings you can make out of LEGOs. It’s fun to see how tall you can make a tower before it collapses, but sometimes you want to complete one without it falling down. Whether you want to bu...