Jennifer Boidy, RN
Registered Nurse
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Co-authored Articles (47)
How to
Tell if You Have a Tapeworm
A tapeworm is a parasite that you can get from eating the undercooked meat of an infected animal. Tapeworms are often easy to treat, but they can cause some severe problems if left untreated. If you are concerned that yo...
How to
Remove a Hickey
A hickey, also referred to as a "love bite", is a temporary mark on the skin caused by biting and/or sucking. It will typically clear up on its own in a week or two, but there are some things you can do to hide it or spe...
Blood Blister Treatment Plus Causes and When to See a Doc
Everything you need to know about blood blisters (and when to see a doctor) Blood blisters might look like a cause for alarm, but they're fairly common. Fortunately, blood blisters usually clear up on their own within a ...
How to
Fix Nicotine Stained Fingers
Smoking causes a wide range of negative health effects, but it also has some obvious physical effects, such as yellow nicotine stains on your nails and fingers. Yellow stains on your fingers and fingernails may seem like...
Sand Flea Bites: Treatment, Prevention, & More
Learn what sand flea bites look like and how you can get rid of them at homeBeach days are supposed to be fun and relaxing. But when you come home with itchy, red bites all over your feet, ankles, and legs, your fun beac...
How to
Insert an IV
An intravenous (IV) line is one of the most common, important tools in modern medicine. IVs allow healthcare professionals to administer fluids, blood products, and medications directly into a patient's bloodstream via a...
How to Know if Someone has Rabies (with Pictures)
Rabies may seem like a disease of the past, but it's still a very real risk to your health and the health of those around you. This viral infection can spread to humans through the saliva of an infected animal. It may be...
How to
Increase Pheromones
Pheromones are chemicals simple insects use to communicate actions like mate, eat, flee or other clear commands by way of smell. Science has shown that some animals emit smells to attract mates, and though technically no...
How to
Acidify Urine
Quickly change the pH of urine to be more acidicAcidifying urine may be useful for treating or even preventing a variety of problems, ranging from bladder infections to . You should always talk to your doctor about the b...
How to
Identify a Rabid Animal
Rabies is a serious neurological disease that impacts animals and people all around the world. Rabies is spread through saliva, usually through a bite. If left untreated, the virus will travel to the brain and cause deat...
How to
Perform a Carotid Massage
A carotid massage, often called a carotid sinus massage or CSM, is a medical maneuver used to slow down a dangerously rapid heartbeat in patients or to diagnose certain heart rhythm disturbances. Medical professionals ca...
How to
Insert a Cannula
Intravenous (IV) cannulation, also known as insertion of a peripheral venous catheter (PVC), is a fairly straightforward medical procedure. However, it does take some technique and preparation to complete safely. While d...
How to
Encourage Older Children and Teenagers to Wear Diapers for Bedwetting
Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) is a condition that can affect people of all ages. For some, a possible solution is to wear diapers at night. Many older children and teenagers that wet the bed will strongly resist wearin...
How to
Stretch Your Ears Pain Free
Many people enjoy the appeal of stretched ear lobes; however, the process of stretching, also called ear gauging, can cause pain. While there is no foolproof method to prevent pain and discomfort when stretching your ear...
How to
Change a Disposable Adult Diaper
When changing an adult diaper, it is important to know the correct technique and to be calm and respectful. You can change an adult diaper while the person is lying down or while they are sitting on a toilet. Remember, y...
How to
Insert Boric Acid Suppositories
If you've already tried anti-fungal creams, ointments, tablets, and suppositories to treat your persistent yeast infection, then you may want to try boric acid, which is an alternative treatment for chronic yeast infecti...
How to
Use a Rectal Thermometer
Rectal thermometer usage is usually limited to taking a baby's temperature, but this method also may be used on aging adults who are ill. Doctors say that taking rectal temperature is the most accurate, especially for ch...
How to
Make a Salicylic Acid BHA Serum
Salicylic acid is a popular ingredient in skincare products because it exfoliates skin, fights acne, and reduces inflammation. Serums that contain this powerful beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) can get pricey, but the good news i...
How to
Make Sex Less Painful
Sex is supposed to be a pleasurable experience, but for some people, pain can make it unpleasant or uncomfortable. Pain during sex can be caused by physical, hormonal, emotional, or psychological issues. Address any unde...
How to
Clean a Bulb Syringe
Bulb syringes are typically used to help clean out the nasal passage of infants and young toddlers. They can also be used to clear out ear wax. Because syringes are placed into the nose or ears, it is important that they...