Joshua Grahlman, PT, DPT, FAFS
Physical Therapist & Entrepreneur
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Co-authored Articles (10)
How to
Wrap a Wrist for Carpal Tunnel
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a wrist injury that can develop due to a number of reasons, including: trauma or injury to your wrist, an overactive pituitary gland, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, repetitive use of vibr...
How to
Place Electrodes for a Tens Unit
A complete guide to safe, effective TENS Unit electrode placement If you’ve recently brought home a TENS Unit to help with your muscle pain, you’re probably wondering where exactly to place the electrode pads. Gettin...
How to
Wrap a Sprained Ankle
Ankle sprains are very common. A sprain occurs when you roll or twist your ankle in an odd way, stretching or even tearing a ligament on the outside of your ankle. If left untreated, an ankle sprain can lead to long-term...
How to
Beat Piriformis Syndrome
The piriformis muscle is a small, flat and triangular muscle located deep in the buttock. Piriformis syndrome is a neuromuscular condition that affects the sciatic nerve and causes hip and buttock pain. The cause of piri...
How to
Treat a Pinched Nerve
A pinched nerve can be painful, and it can also prevent you from taking part in normal everyday activities. They occur when surrounding tissues get trapped or press abnormally against a nerve. This wikiHow will show you ...
How to
Treat a Sprained Ankle
Spraining an ankle might be a common injury, but that doesn't make it any less painful if it happens to you. Fortunately, minor sprains can typically be treated at home. Apply basic first aid and rest as much as possible...
How to
Improve Balance
Have you ever seen an Olympian on a balance beam? All those flips, jumps, and twists are possible because they have terrific balance. But good balance isn’t just helpful if you’re an Olympic athlete. It can actually ...
How to
Sleep with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome While Pregnant
The carpal tunnel is a passageway in your wrist that contains connective tissue, muscle tendons, and the median nerve. The median nerve supplies feeling and motor movement to most of your fingers and parts of your hand. ...
How to
Treat Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is an injury that results from using the muscles and tendons in your forearm too much or too intensely. It causes pain around your elbow and when you extend your arm. Mo...
How to
Quickly Regain Your Balance
We've all been there: You're casually strolling down a hallway or sidewalk when suddenly, for no apparent reason, you forget how to walk and go plummeting toward the ground. Although most falls don't give you much time t...