Mindy Lu, LMHC, CN
Certified Nutritionist & Licensed Counselor
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Co-authored Articles (6)
Eating Disorder Test
Do you ever feel like you have an unhealthy relationship with food, or have you ever gone to extreme measures (beyond minor diet adjustments) to lose weight and change your appearance? If so, you might be struggling with...
How to
Recover from Eating Too Much
If you have had a big meal and you are feeling bloated and very full, you will need to take some time to rest and digest. A very large meal can make you tired, uncomfortable or even sick. Allow yourself to recover before...
How to
Convince an Anorexic to Start Eating
Anorexia can cause a person to become extremely thin and malnourished, so it is natural to want to help someone who is anorexic. If you have a friend or family member who is refusing to eat and you suspect that they may ...
How to
Stop Purging After Meals
The cycle of binge-eating (eating excessive amounts of food), feeling guilty and wanting to undo what you have eaten, and then purging (making yourself vomit) is a serious condition. Both diagnoses of bulimia nervosa and...
How to
Fix Malnutrition
Malnutrition is a serious health problem that affects individuals all over the world. If you believe that you could be affected by this condition, try making nutritious adjustments to your diet with starchy grains, fruit...
How to
Improve Your Body Image
Body image is how you feel about your body when you look at yourself in a mirror or just as you move around. You may even have a different perception of your body than what you see in the mirror. Having a negative body i...