Natasha Dikareva, MFA
Ceramics & Sculpting Instructor
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Co-authored Articles (37)
How to
Make Air Dry Clay
Making sculptures with clay is the perfect craft for a rainy day. You can make it with your kids, then watch them play with the non-toxic, inexpensive clay for hours. Air dry clay can even be painted after it's fully dry...
How to
Use Air Drying Clay
A guide to choosing, shaping, and drying the clay Air drying clay is a popular and relatively inexpensive choice for art projects big and small. It can be a great way for a budding artist or craftsperson to practice t...
17 of the Most Valuable Pottery and Porcelain Marks
Learn how to find the most renowned pottery and porcelain brandsFactory marks, artist signatures, and impressed logos are all different forms of pottery marks that can tell you the name of the company, the person who ma...
How to
Make a Clay Person
Making people out of clay is an easy way to get crafty with your hands and have fun! Maybe you just want to pass the time with a little sculpting, or maybe you want to make a claymation movie. You can put your little cl...
How to
Make Clay
Making your own clay is a fun and easy craft that you can use to create gifts, keepsakes, and school projects. Mixing up a batch of clay requires little effort and you likely already have the ingredients at home. For a s...
How to
Sculpt Clay
Sculpting clay is a great way to engage your creative side! Clay can be sculpted into decorative or functional pieces. It can be messy, so make sure to cover your work surface and wear old clothes. Sculpt the clay using ...
How to
Repair Cracked Ceramic
Have you ever cracked your favorite ceramic mug or piece of pottery? You might be wondering what you can do to fix it. The good news is it’s actually pretty easy to repair cracked or chipped ceramic. You just need to ...
How to
Sculpt a Face
An easy guide to sculpt faces in claySculpting a face can be a challenge for the beginning sculptor, but there are a few simple tricks that will make it easy. It just takes some simple techniques and proper placement of ...
How to
Transfer Images to Ceramic
While ordering photo mugs as gifts is always an option, why not get the DIY satisfaction of transferring images to ceramic mugs yourself? Or, try your hand at turning ceramic tiles into drink coasters with custom images ...
How to
Make Homemade Polymer Clay Substitute
Are you tired of spending money on expensive polymer clay? You can save money (and have fun) by making your own polymer clay substitute right at home, and it's super easy. This wikiHow will show you 4 different ways to m...
Learn to Paint Ceramic Like a Pro
Painting ceramic items is a fun and inexpensive way to refresh old home décor or create a personalized gift or centerpiece. The process for painting ceramic tile and ceramic dishes or pottery is generally the same with ...
How to
Make a Clay Pot
The venerable clay pot has its roots deep in ancient history. Our ancestors needed vessels to carry water and store food, and found the water-resistant naturally occurring clays in the soil were ideal. Even though today ...
How to Make DIY Clay Dolls at Home
Make your own unique doll with our easy-to-follow guideWho doesn't love dolls? They're fun to play with and they come in a million different varieties. If you want to have your own personal doll, why not make one yoursel...
How to
Make Cold Porcelain
Cold porcelain is not actually made from porcelain, but it's cheap and easy to prepare. If you want to learn how to make cold porcelain, read this wikiHow to get started.
How to
Create Clay Animals
Making clay animals is a great way to turn a dull afternoon into an exciting craft day. With a little effort and a lot of imagination, you can turn your clay dough into a jungle. Once you've mastered animal how-tos, you ...
How to
Dry NonāHardening Modeling Clay
Non-hardening modeling clay won’t dry out when you leave it exposed to the air, which makes it great for reuse. However, if you make something really cool out of clay, you might be wondering how you can preserve it for...
How to Host a Successful Art Exhibition
A complete guide to curating and putting on an art show Whether you’re displaying your own work or hosting other artists, holding an art exhibition is a great way to showcase art you love (and make some cash in the pro...
How to
Make a Sculpture
There are many types of sculpture but they can generally be split into two camps: addition sculpture where material is largely added on to create the form (clay, wax, cardboard, papier mache, etc.) and reduction sculptur...
How to
Use Pixilart
Pixilart is an online drawing and social platform, free for all ages to use. The platform is especially known for giving you the ability to create your own pixel art creations, along with GIFs that can be shared with oth...
How to
Make a Pinch Pot
A simple pinch pot crafting guide for all types of clay Many people enjoy making pinch pots because of their relatively easy construction and forgiving form. To begin, choose a clay to use. There are different clay types...