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Many people feel they are naturally bad at math, and will not be able to improve in the area. This is simply not true. Studies show being good at math is a matter of hard work just as much, if not more, than innate talent. You can become good at math simply by dedication. Take time each day to practice math until the concepts start to click for you. If necessary, seek outside help. A tutor, a teacher, or even someone who is simply good at math can help you perfect your skills. You should also work on developing a healthy attitude about math. Many people have a defeatist attitude about the subject, and are inclined to think, "I'm not good at math now, so I never will be." Understand this is not the case. Most people can improve at math with some extra hard work.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Getting Help and Advice

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  1. Most teachers are enthusiastic about encouraging students. If you want to be better at math, do not hesitate to ask your teacher for help. He or she may be able to give you one-on-one attention and go over problems after class.
    • Do not feel bad about asking for help. Many people struggle with math, and your teacher has likely dealt with struggling students before. Your teacher is invested in seeing you succeed.
    • Be direct when asking for help, and explain the issue clearly. Do not say, "I don't get any of this." Instead, say, "I feel like I understand everything until chapter three, but polynomials are really confusing me."
  2. If you feel you need a lot of one-on-one attention, consider hiring a tutor. A tutor can sit down with you a certain number of times per week and go over problems with you. A quality tutor can help math start to click for you, leading you to better understand the subject as a whole.
    • If you have a learning disability that affects your competency at math, such as dyslexia, see if you can find a tutor who works with students with disabilities. National organizations associated with your disability may be able to find you a local tutor. A medical doctor may be able to refer you to a tutor as well.
  3. If you know someone who's good at math, have them look over your work when you're done. You can ask a parent for help, a tutor you hired, or a friend or family member who excels at math. [1]
    • If you're very confused, choose someone with a lot of patience who's good at explaining things. Your cousin may be a whiz at math, but he may be short-tempered and judgmental. He may snap at you for not understanding something. Instead, ask your sister who's usually calm.
    • Do not be embarrassed to ask for help. It can take a long time to improve your math skills, and everyone needs some help along the way.

    Joseph Meyer

    Math Teacher
    Joseph Meyer is a High School Math Teacher based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is an educator at City Charter High School, where he has been teaching for over 7 years. Joseph is also the founder of Sandbox Math, an online learning community dedicated to helping students succeed in Algebra. His site is set apart by its focus on fostering genuine comprehension through step-by-step understanding (instead of just getting the correct final answer), enabling learners to identify and overcome misunderstandings and confidently take on any test they face. He received his MA in Physics from Case Western Reserve University and his BA in Physics from Baldwin Wallace University.
    Joseph Meyer
    Math Teacher

    When doing practice problems, promptly check to see if your answers are correct. Use worksheets that provide answer keys for instant feedback. Discuss answers with a classmate or find explanations online. Immediate feedback will help you correct your mistakes, avoid bad habits, and advance your learning more quickly.

  4. If you're trying to improve your math skills outside of school, you can try taking an online course. Universities like Kaplan provide an array of online courses, and many colleges have classes online students can take remotely. [2]
    • Some schools provide certain aspects of a course, like PowerPoint presentations and taped lectures, for free online.
    • You can also look into an auditing a course at a local college. If money is an issue, auditing a course can allow you to gain knowledge for no cost.
  5. If you are in school, your school may have a math resource center. Many campuses have a center where students can go for one-on-one math tutoring. Check to see if a math center is available at your school. If it is, make use of the resource. [3]
    • If your school does not have a resource center, it may have a general resource center where you can get help on a variety of subjects.
    • You can also see if your professor does review sessions. If you're confused by a subject, a review session with a professor can help you better understand that subject.
  6. Sometimes, explaining a concept to another person can help you understand it more. If you're finally getting your calculus course, and a friend is struggling, you could try offering to help him or her. You could also form a study group. If anyone is struggling with something you're beginning to understand, you can offer to help.
    • When helping, explain the subject material as clear as you possibly can. In addition to explaining the process, explain why it works.
    • If you're beginning to feel very comfortable with your math skills, you could work as a private tutor for people at a lower level. Explaining math to others can help improve your math skills.

    Anjali Vasudevan

    May 30, 2020

    "I didn't like maths at first but I then started linking maths to my life. Every time I would cut an orange it ..." more
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Cultivating the Right Mindset

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  1. Many people self-sabotage with math by convincing themselves they can't do it. If you struggled with math in high school, college, or at another point in your education, you may think you're not good at math and simply will not be able to do it. A positive attitude can help you stay motivated and feel encouraged as you attempt to hone your math skills. [4]
    • If you have a bad attitude, you will get frustrated easily. If you assume you're bad at math, when you get a problem wrong you will see that as a confirmation of this assumption. You will think to yourself, "I knew I'm no good at this. What's the point?"
    • Go into it with the right attitude. If you're currently struggling with math, don't think, "I'm bad at math." Instead, think to yourself, "I have not taken enough time to practice math, so I'm still learning. With some hard work, I know I can improve my skills."
  2. Many people convince themselves they're naturally bad at math. This can lead a person to not put in the work to improve. Understand that it's a myth that people have a natural tendency towards math. Studies show everyone can learn math with a little work. [5] [6]
    • Some people do have an inborn talent for math. This can help them gain an advantage early on, and they may learn more quickly in elementary school. However, most studies indicate hard work can improve your math skills just as much as a natural inclination. In fact, hard work may pay off more long term than innate talent.
    • There are learning disorders, like dyscalculia, that can affect your ability to do math. However, even with a learning disability, you can improve your math skills with practice and proper treatment. Do not get discouraged. You are not simply bad at math. You just need practice.
  3. Another reason people struggle with math is that they do not take it seriously. They feel it's okay to be bad at math, or laugh it off. While you should not feel bad about yourself for struggling with math, take it seriously as a subject.
    • The ability to do math can help with your reasoning skills, and mental math can make your day-to-day life less stressful.
    • Embrace math instead of disregarding it. Being good at math can be beneficial to you.

    Joseph Meyer

    Math Teacher
    Joseph Meyer is a High School Math Teacher based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is an educator at City Charter High School, where he has been teaching for over 7 years. Joseph is also the founder of Sandbox Math, an online learning community dedicated to helping students succeed in Algebra. His site is set apart by its focus on fostering genuine comprehension through step-by-step understanding (instead of just getting the correct final answer), enabling learners to identify and overcome misunderstandings and confidently take on any test they face. He received his MA in Physics from Case Western Reserve University and his BA in Physics from Baldwin Wallace University.
    Joseph Meyer
    Math Teacher

    Review basic concepts before diving into advanced topics. Identifying the gaps in your knowledge helps you avoid difficulties later on. Take an assessment or get your teacher's advice on where you can improve. Practice targeted exercises to build a strong foundation so you can confidently tackle new lessons.

  4. Practice is really the only way to improve your math skills long term. There is really no magic trick that will improve your skills overnight. You just have to stay motivated. Keep up with your studies and ask for help when you need it. With some time and dedication, you can become a math whiz. [7]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Practicing Math

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  1. If you're not good at math yet, you need to make sure you're studying in an environment that allows for concentration. Before you sit down to practice, find a place free of outside stimuli that can cause a distraction. [8]
    • Find an area where there is not a lot of noise or commotion. A quiet coffee shop could work, or a desk in your bedroom.
    • Minimize distractions in front of you. Disconnect from the internet and put away your phone.
    • If you like music while studying, go for instrumental music. Music with lyrics, or music that's very loud, can be distracting when you're studying.
  2. There's no real secret to becoming good at mathematics. It all comes down to dedication. If you want to improve your math score, hard work is key. You will have to practice every day until you start to understand the underlying concepts behind math. [9]
    • Stick to a schedule. See where you can fit in some study time every day. Maybe you usually have some time in the early evenings. You could plan to study math from 6 to 7 every night after dinner.
    • Try not to study for hours and hours straight. This may create stress. Study for an hour or so each night.
  3. Math is sequential. Many people feel they have to memorize concepts and formulas or map out the answer in their head before they begin. This is not productive. Instead, try to understand the concepts behind math. If you see how and why an equation works, you'll be able to remember it more easily in a pinch. [10]
    • Math theory may seem complicated, but with a little hard work, you can begin to figure it out. In math classes, do not hesitate to ask why. Why does the Pythagorean Theorem work? How does the quadratic equation work on a logical level?
    • Understanding the underlying concepts is far more productive than simple memorization. If you understand something in depth, you'll have an easier time working with it. You'll be better equipped to check your answer if you understand why an equation makes sense.
  4. Doing math, you want to see how to discover an answer. Instead of pre-planning how you'll figure out the answer, simply work the equation one step at a time. Do not think ahead, as going slowly will allow you to see how the answer unfolds. [11]
    • If you first need to divide, concentrate only on dividing. If you need to add next, keep your focus on adding.
    • Once you've completed the problem, you can go through and look at the process. Try to understand why and how the process worked.
  5. You can learn a lot from your mistakes in math. When you find you have an incorrect answer, review your process. Where and how did you go wrong? Try to work through the problem again, figuring out how to get the correct answer. [12]
    • It's vital that you write down your process when solving math problems. Use a pen to write down the steps you took to solve a problem line by line. This way, when you make an error, you can review your work and figure out where you slipped up more easily.
  6. Review your process after completing an equation. Carefully make sure you calculated everything correctly and used the right process. When you check to see if you got the answer right, you're more likely to have succeeded if you checked your answers carefully. This will also help you get in the habit of checking answers, which can boost grades on an exam. [13]
    • Checking answers can also help you better understand the underlying theories behind math.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you find the answer to a math problem?
    Grace Imson, MA
    Math Instructor, City College of San Francisco
    Grace Imson is a math teacher with over 40 years of teaching experience. Grace is currently a math instructor at the City College of San Francisco and was previously in the Math Department at Saint Louis University. She has taught math at the elementary, middle, high school, and college levels. She has an MA in Education, specializing in Administration and Supervision from Saint Louis University.
    Math Instructor, City College of San Francisco
    Expert Answer
    There are 3 tips that can help you work through math problems. 1) Work the steps in the correct operational order to correctly solve a problem. Also, work carefully, because little errors on signs or addition can cause you to get the wrong answer. 2) Identify the required information. Separate the given data from what you're asked to find to be sure you know what you're really looking for. 3) Find the relationship between the given and the required. Try to visualize how the information you're given relates to the answer you need to find. In some problems, the two won't be directly related to each other, so you'll need to work through the steps until you can find that relationship or the formula you need to use to solve the problem.
  • Question
    How can I get rid of nervousness before a math exam?
    Community Answer
    Think clearly and don't stress out. It's not the end of the world. Ask your teacher if you can have a reference book for the test. If not, try to let the information sink in. Don't memorise; that's the first thing not to do! Train your memory and learn basic problems and then get better and better as you go along.
  • Question
    Even though I practice I have trouble remembering how to solve problems. How can I increase my memory?
    Community Answer
    Review the chapters you practiced every day. Give at least 15 minutes to the old chapter and then start the new ones. Keep practicing one chapter until you are sure about it. There is no shortcut to success, it's about repetition and practice. Appoint a tutor if having continued difficulty
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      • "Never give up. Keep on doing exercises and practicing challenging problems. Math can be very difficult but, with a bit of effort, it'll start to click before you know it! " - Monique I.
      • "When you get home, review the problems you did at school that day. This will keep the concept fresh in your mind and allow it to stick for longer." - Jiho A.
      • "When you get a test back, look over the answers you got wrong. Try to redo them and if you still get the wrong answer, ask for help!" - Alexis Y.
      • "Take brain breaks while studying so that your brain can reset and absorb more information. " - Stan Q.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you want to be good at mathematics, set aside about an hour every day to practice math problems. Write out each problem one step at a time, working slowly so you can see how the answer unfolds. This will help you get better at understanding the process rather than just coming up with a solution. When you get an incorrect answer, review your work carefully to find out where you made an error, so you can hopefully avoid making the same mistake again. To learn how to get help learning math, keep reading!

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