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Everyone's college experience is a little bit different, but we all go with a similar purpose: to learn the things we need to be successful in life. So, as you begin your college career, how can you ensure you're a good student and ace your classes? Read on for a comprehensive list of tips to help you achieve academic success. By using your time wisely and taking care of yourself, you'll be a fantastic college student!


Pick a major that reflects your passions.

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  1. Visit your academic counselor or advisor to learn about each major and explore the different career opportunities you can expect after graduation. [1] Picking a major should be about what you love—not money or your parents' expectations. As an adult, it's your job to make these important decisions yourself.
    • Once you pick a major, choose classes that will give you knowledge and experience you can use in your career path.
    • If you're interested in more disciplines beyond your major, you can always try them through extracurricular activities and elective classes. Explore the many opportunities you have right at your fingertips!
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Set goals and pursue them.

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  1. Make a list of goals to keep you motivated. Everyone gets stressed or discouraged sometimes, but that doesn't mean you should let yourself despair. Keep going! You came to college with goals for your life, and you can fulfill them. [2] Think about why you're here and what you want from the experience. Write it down and keep the paper somewhere you can look and feel encouraged.
    • Not everyone goes to college for the same reason. Be honest about your goal: you could be trying to earn a higher degree, get a job in a particular industry, master a skill, achieve independence, or something else.
    • If you're worried about losing track of your goals, share them with your college support system. Your friends can remind you about your goals in moments of need.

Create a weekly schedule.

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  1. If you're in college full-time, you'll have 4 or 5 courses each semester. You may also have other responsibilities, like work, volunteering, and athletics. [3] Use a planner to record important events and due dates, and set notifications as needed. Planning ahead makes all your work feel less stressful!
    • Write everything in your planner as soon as you know about it, so you won't forget later.
    • Try an electronic planner like Google Calendars. You can create notifications and color coordinate by category (athletics, homework, social events, and more).
    • Organize all your papers and books to keep up with your busy schedule. Sort everything by class; keep a neat binder or folder for each, and put assignments into their appropriate spot, so you don't lose them.

    Alicia Oglesby

    Professional School Counselor
    Alicia Oglesby is a Professional School Counselor and the Director of School and College Counseling at Bishop McNamara High School outside of Washington DC. With over ten years of experience in counseling, Alicia specializes in academic advising, social-emotional skills, and career counseling. Alicia holds a BS in Psychology from Howard University and a Master’s in Clinical Counseling and Applied Psychology from Chestnut Hill College. She also studied Race and Mental Health at Virginia Tech. Alicia holds Professional School Counseling Certifications in both Washington DC and Pennsylvania. She has created a college counseling program in its entirety and developed five programs focused on application workshops, parent information workshops, essay writing collaborative, peer-reviewed application activities, and financial aid literacy events.
    Alicia Oglesby
    Professional School Counselor

    Create a balanced college class schedule. When scheduling your college classes, mix challenging courses with enjoyable, less intensive electives as a breather. Map out designated blocks for studying versus socializing to find balance. Prioritize your friendships and social bonds as much as you can!

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Make a plan that plays to your strengths.

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  1. Ask yourself: do you enjoy working in the morning or at night? Can you complete a project in one sitting, or do you work best in increments? Which learning style do you prefer: visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic? Handle homework and projects according to your personal style. [4]
    • Visual learners learn best when they get information from pictures. Sit near the front of the class, draw charts, diagrams, and symbols in your notes, and visualize things you hear or read.
    • Auditory learners absorb the most information when it’s presented vocally. Listen to lectures carefully, and read everything (books, directions, assignments, and study materials) aloud.
    • Kinesthetic learning means you retain more information if you participate actively in the lesson, like doing science experiments, drawing, or acting out scenes from a book.
    • A reading and writing style of learning means you learn best when you have written materials to look at. Study with your textbooks and write out notes by hand in class.

Go to class regularly.

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  1. It's easy to fly under the radar with classes in a large lecture hall, but you'll miss valuable information and announcements if you skip them. Attending class also shows your professor that you want to do well and increases your opportunities to establish a rapport with them. [5]
    • Utilize your professor's office hours too. Get help on assignments and ask for advice from your professor. It will give them a better sense of who you are, which is helpful if you ask them for a letter of recommendation in the future.
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Participate in class.

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  1. Ask your professor questions when you don't understand a concept or need clarification, answer questions they ask the class, and express yourself in discussions. Remember, asking questions doesn't mean you're unintelligent—it means you're a good listener and diligent student who wants to make the most of their education! [6]
    • Instructors won’t get upset if you ask questions. Their job is to help you learn, and asking questions shows that you’re paying attention.
    • You're also more likely to remember the material when you ask questions that help you better understand it.
    • Listen to other classmates' questions (and the professor's answers). Most answers will probably contain helpful information, including information you might not find in your textbook.

Take notes during lectures.

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  1. Your ability to take helpful notes directly impacts your ability to study for exams and ace a class. Listen to your instructor carefully and copy down anything they write on the board, plus any information they put a lot of emphasis on. Write keywords and phrases since full sentences take too much time. [7]
    • Try to take notes with a pen and paper when possible—studies show you remember information better when you write it out by hand.
    • Lots of instructors make presentations for class, so check and see if those slides are available online. If they are, print them out and supplement them with your own notes rather than trying to copy out all the slide information.
    • If you struggle to focus in class, ask your professor if you can record their lectures. You can review your recordings when it comes time to study for your exams.
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Study for every class.

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  1. Pick a study space somewhere comfortable on campus. [8] Read your class syllabus and make a weekly study schedule based on the topics it emphasizes. Then, experiment with different study tactics : you could make flashcards, color-code your notes and review them, or even listen to lectures or audiobooks on the topic.
    • If you need extra motivation, try studying with a friend or group.
    • Use your spare time wisely! If you have an hour or two between classes, use the time to study. Breaking up your studying will make it easier than cramming all at once, and you're more likely to remember the material.
    • If you have nowhere to study but a shared space, at least block out distractions. Wear noise-canceling headphones or listen to "white noise" or relaxing, lyric-free music. [9]
    • Remember: college is more difficult even if you didn't have to study in high school. Studying will help keep your grades up and prevent you from falling behind in class!
    • Reader Poll: We asked 156 wikiHow readers which study space they found most effective for staying focused and productive, and 51% of them said, a quiet library cubicle. [Take Poll]

Get help when you need it.

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  1. It's okay to admit when you're stuck and need some help. Check the school's website or make an appointment with your guidance counselor. Whether you're struggling in a class, dealing with mental health issues like anxiety and stress, or have questions about finding a job, your school's instructors and staff are there to help. [10]
    • Most schools have tutoring or academic support center. Use these resources if you're having trouble with a class. They're usually free, and the tutors won't judge or look down on you.
    • Schools also usually have a career services center. These centers can help you buff up a resume, practice interviewing skills, find employment or volunteering opportunities, and plan for your future career.
    • Don't forget the library! Librarians do more than just shelving books all day. They know how to identify valuable, credible research sources that you can use for your projects and academic papers.
    • If you're hesitant to ask for help, remember that it's not a sign of weakness or a reason to feel embarrassed. It takes strength and courage to admit you're having trouble, and it won't feel overwhelming once you talk to someone.
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Find academic opportunities to build your confidence.

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  1. Take the initiative and embrace all the possibilities that college affords you! Introduce yourself to your professors at the beginning of a class. Start a new club or go for a leadership position in an existing one. Take the lead on group projects. The more you put yourself out there, the more confident and successful you'll feel. [11]
    • Look for at least one instructor or faculty member you admire and ask them to serve as a mentor. For example, a favorite professor might be willing to give you extra guidance as you create a portfolio of work for future job searches.

Establish a support system of peers.

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  1. Make friends with other college kids who can keep you grounded. Attend mixers and socials, which are great places to meet new people in the same boat as you are. Introduce yourself to people in your dorm, and keep your door cracked when you're in your room to encourage people to drop by. The friends you make in college can give you support and encouragement (and fun) throughout your time there. [12]
    • If you meet just one person, ask them to introduce you to friends they think you might get along with. You'll build your networks really quickly.
    • Religious organizations, clubs, interest societies, sports teams, and academic groups offer opportunities to get to know like-minded people.
    • It's normal to feel overwhelmed, especially if you're a new freshman—but don't let that feeling keep you from making friends. Remember: you probably aren't the only person who's a little nervous.
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Learn to live independently.

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  1. Things that you might not have had to consider before, like meals, laundry, transportation, and getting up on time, are now completely up to you. Independence also means taking responsibility when you make a mistake. Instead of blaming someone else when something goes wrong, accept what happened and move forward! [13]
    • Remember that it’s okay to make mistakes—everybody does. You'll make some mistakes, even some big ones, but none of that means you're a failure. You can learn from mistakes and grow as a person.
    • Improvement is good, but avoid being a perfectionist. Of course, you should do your best with every assignment, but striving for perfection can hold you back from success. Nobody is perfect!

Stay on top of your health.

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  1. With all the pressures of college, it can be easy to let your emotional, physical, or mental health slip. At least 8 hours of sleep each night will keep your mind sharp since sleep directly affects your awareness and ability to remember things. [14] Eat a healthy, balanced diet (which also helps your brainpower) with plenty of fruits and veggies.
    • To get a good night’s sleep , avoid all-nighters by planning in advance. Go to sleep and get up at the same times each day and avoid alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine within 4 hours of bedtime.
    • Make sure you get exercise too. Even if you're not athletic, walking around the block (or campus) each day can get your blood pumping. Exercise can help with positivity and relieve some of your stress!
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Supercharge Your Studying with this Expert Series

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I avoid feeling overwhelmed with all of my assignments?
    Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.
    Educational Consultant
    Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University.
    Educational Consultant
    Expert Answer
    The most common mistake that makes students feel overwhelmed is not investing the time and energy to develop their organizational and time management skills. Most students leave assignments until right before they're due. If, however, you're able to do your important assignments when they are not urgent, you won't feel as stressed out.
  • Question
    What are some good study habits?
    Community Answer
    Get organized. Know the expectations. Designate a study area. Develop a study plan. Think positively. Create a study group. Practice active listening. Review test-taking strategies.
  • Question
    How can I study by myself?
    Community Answer
    If you like to listen to music to help concentrate, then do so. Dedicate a 30 to 40 minute study time in your study space. Take five-minute breaks during that period of time.
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      • Try your best to get a high GPA your freshman year. It is easy to lower your overall GPA, but it is extremely difficult raising it back up. Most likely, your classes will get harder and you will get busier as you enter your junior and senior years. Starting yourself with a high GPA will increase your chance of staying above average by the time you graduate college.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Participating is one of the best ways to let your professors know that you're engaged and serious about doing well in their class.
      • If you have an opportunity to do something, like a presentation, don't shy away! Take the challenge and see how it goes.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To be a good college student, pick a major that you love. You’ll be more motivated to study hard and pay attention in class if you enjoy what you’re studying. Don’t take too many classes at once, or you could have a hard time managing your studies. It’s also important to make new friends at college, so attend social events to meet new people, and join study groups to build strong bonds with the people in your field of study. For tips from our reviewer on prioritizing studying, your social life, and relaxation, keep reading!

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