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Find out which signs could be an Aries man's soulmate
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An Aries man is often considered the "bad boy" of the zodiac. Ruled by Mars, he's got a competitive streak a mile wide—and make no mistake, he will win. Anyone who hopes to capture the ram's heart needs plenty of energy to keep up with his active and adventurous lifestyle. Is your sign up for the task? Read on to discover the best matches for an Aries man, as well as the ones that spell trouble.

This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • As a fire sign, Aries tends to get along well with other fire signs.
  • Aries guys need someone who can keep up with their active, adventurous lifestyle, like a Leo or a Sagittarius.
  • An Aries man will face challenges with a Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus, or fellow Aries.
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Aries Man Compatibility Overview

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  1. As fellow fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius share a basic understanding with Aries that other signs just can't match. And an Aries paired with a Gemini or an Aquarius is a power couple in the making.
  2. These aren't the ram's best matches, but they aren't his worst either. At first blush, the Aries guy seems to have little in common with these signs. But if they find a way to meet in the middle, they could bring out the best in each other.
  3. Earth signs, such as Capricorn and Taurus, tend to be too practical and grounded for the risk-taking Aries. As the homebody water sign, Cancer also doesn't go out and about enough to hang with the active and extroverted Aries guy.
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  1. They both have big egos and a desire to always be on top, so you'd think these two would butt heads more often than they do. But the truth is, their placement in the zodiac means they tend to understand each other really well. [1]
    • For example, both need compliments and admiration. Because they both need it, they also both know how important it is to give compliments and admiration to their partners.
    • Since they're both fire signs, it's natural for tempers to flare occasionally. But they both get over it quickly—ask them tomorrow and they won't even remember what they were fighting about.
  2. Shared values are always important in a relationship and with this pair, you know you won't have to worry about betrayal. Plus, when you combine honesty and loyalty, you have a recipe for trust that's deep and strong.
    • Neither of these signs is interested in playing games. They'll always be direct, and they respect that about each other.
  3. These two are always up for a good time, and they'll have plenty of good times together. Their shared flair for drama means they're romantically in sync as well—those cinematic grand gestures of affection go over great with both of them.
    • Truly, there's never a dull moment with this couple. They both believe in living life to the fullest and love seeing new places and trying new things.
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  1. The ram and the archer are like two peas in a pod. They're both quick thinkers, and Aries wants a partner who can keep up with him mentally. They think a lot alike and they're both really curious about everything, which means they'll always have something to talk about.
    • These two fire signs are also great conversationalists, so you can rest assured they'll never get bored around each other. [2]
  2. Because honesty is so important to both of them, they trust each other implicitly. It doesn't hurt that Sagittarius will listen to anything Aries says with calmness and acceptance, which makes him feel secure.
    • This trust is also important because both the ram and the archer need their freedom from time to time. Trust and honesty keep jealousy at bay when these two are apart.
  3. This can be both good and bad. Aries is a cardinal sign, meaning they're natural starters and born leaders—and Sagittarius, as a mutable sign, is happy to follow along. But neither of them is great at following through on the things they start, and that can spell trouble in the long run.
    • As long as they're moving forward together, everything's fine. But you might see tensions flare if they get out of sync.
    • Communication is really important so these two can move forward in life together and make sure neither of them gets left behind.
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  1. Aries and Gemini are 2 signs apart on the zodiac, creating an easy relationship built on the unspoken understanding they have of each other. Their pull to each other is so natural that they might not even stop to consider it. They'll just end up together one day and never leave.
    • This organic process of falling into a relationship works really well for Gemini since they aren't the most romantic sign and tend to be more emotionally detached.
  2. A Gemini has the soul of a wanderer and loves to travel. This fits in quite well with the Aries man's adventurous nature and quest to do it all. Together, they hit the ground running and leave no stone unturned.
    • Gemini and Aries together love heading off the beaten path. They're sure to uncover the best a destination has to offer and come back talking about the secret spots all the locals know about.
  3. As much as they love spending time together and check all the compatibility boxes, neither of them is a very emotional person. It's not that they don't love each other—they just might not ever get around to saying so.
    • As long as both of them are on the same page romantically, it shouldn't be a problem. It only has the potential to get messy if one of them wants to settle down and the other doesn't.
    • Even if romance turns out not to be in the cards, once these two connect, they'll always be a part of each other's lives—their draw to each other is just that strong.
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  1. When these two get together, there's truly nothing they can't do. Air sign Aquarius gets an idea and Aries jumps to get it started. After all, air fuels fire— and these two are quite a combustible pair.
    • Water-bearers have the reputation for being inventive, out-of-the-box idealists—and that's what an Aries man admires about them. Risk-taker that he is, he's thrilled to meet someone who isn't afraid to go against the grain.
    • This merging of vision and action makes them a nearly unbeatable team when they set their sights on a specific goal.
  2. If you're ready for a relationship packed with never-ending thrills and adventure, this is the one you want. These two both love to have fun and jump into everything with both feet, and they're not likely to slow down anytime soon.
    • They're both extroverts and probably have a pretty broad and diverse circle of friends—and they're always the life of the party. When you have a get-together, expect them to show up early and be among the last to leave.
  3. Their mutual respect might come at a price, though—this relationship can sometimes feel a little cool. To muddy the waters even more, Aquarius tends to blend love and friendship, making it hard to tell where you stand. Not to worry, as long as they reassure each other of their importance from time to time, it should be smooth sailing.
    • Water-bearers and rams tend to have pretty secure attachment styles, so they're not worried about losing each other. At the same time, they might not be willing to commit either.
    • Once they do make a commitment, they're definitely in it for the long haul—it just might take them a while to get to that point since neither really focuses on emotions.
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Who are an Aries man's worst matches?

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  1. Cancer has a tendency to get caught up in their feels, and this can get to be a bit much for an Aries man—he wants to deal with something once and move on. He can also be super direct, and his words could potentially wound the sensitive crab.
    • Your typical Cancer retreats into their infamous shell, where they feel safest. An Aries guy tends to take things at face value, so he's just going to assume they're not interested and move on.
  2. Aries is very much the guy who will wake up, decide to go do something, and immediately go do it. Just the idea of doing such a thing is enough to send Capricorn into a tailspin. And that's enough to spell doom for this relationship.
    • Aries prefers to fly by the seat of his pants (and rams, like cats, tend to land on their feet)—not Capricorn. The goat can't bear the thought of just going and doing something without planning for all the possible contingencies.
  3. Ruled by Mars, the ram's competitive streak is on hyper-drive, while the bull is content to munch on clover under the shade of their favorite tree. It's only a matter of time before Aries gets frustrated by the typical Taurus, whose ideal evening is lazing on the couch watching TV.
    • Even when they do manage to come together, they both tend to be far too stubborn to make the compromises necessary for a relationship between them to work.
  4. Aries and Aries together are often too much of a good thing. Fiery Aries is very go-go-go, always off and running to the next big thing. What he really needs is someone who can exert a calming influence, someone who's willing to come along for the ride but isn't going to be constantly battling him to take the lead.
    • That competitive nature really gets these two. They spend so much time competing over every single thing that they can lose sight of each other as anything other than an opponent.
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