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Learn how and when to use this romantic gesture
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Blowing a kiss is a great way to show affection for someone in a lighthearted way. Remember to lock eyes with the person while blowing them a kiss. Always choose an appropriate time to blow kisses and avoid making this gesture to anyone who might not like it.

A Quick Guide to Blowing a Kiss

When you’re a short distance away from the person you want to blow a kiss at, lock eyes with them. Bring your palm to your mouth and lightly kiss it. After kissing your palm, move your hand flat under your mouth with your fingers pointed towards them. Then, purse your lips and blow across your hand.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Making the Gesture

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  1. Blowing a kiss is a non-verbal show of affection that works best when you are a short distance away from someone (e.g., across the room.) If you blow someone a kiss at close proximity, it may seem odd and unnecessary. Opt to express your feelings verbally instead of blowing a kiss if you are close enough to do so. [1]
  2. Making direct eye contact when blowing a kiss lets the person you are sending it to know that it is for them. Look at the person until they look back at you and smile when they meet your gaze. Hold that eye contact while you blow them a kiss. [2]
    • If they break eye contact before you make the gesture, wait until they look back at you to try again.
  3. Slowly bring the palm of your hand to your mouth. Touch your palm lightly with your lips. Pucker your lips while you do this to emphasize the kissing motion.
  4. After kissing your palm, bring your hand flat under your mouth. Make sure that your palm is facing upwards. Point the tips of your fingers towards the person you are blowing a kiss to.
  5. Purse your lips to mimic a blowing motion or to actually blow across the surface of your hand. The motion will signify you blowing the kiss to its intended target. Do this gesture slowly to create emphasis.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Making Sure It's Appropriate

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  1. Blowing a kiss is a gesture that is well-understood in North American culture, but not necessarily in others. Be aware of your cultural surroundings or the cultural background of the person you wish to blow a kiss to. If you make the gesture to someone who doesn't understand it, you may be left in an awkward situation. [3]
    • In Brazil, for instance, the gesture of bringing your fingers to your mouth as if you kiss them signifies the enjoyment of a meal and not a sign of affection.
  2. Before you blow a kiss, make sure it is an appropriate situation and done in the right context. Blowing a kiss is often seen as a flirtatious gesture, which can be problematic in the workplace. It is also a gesture that you and the recipient of your kiss may not wish for certain people to see (e.g., gossiping neighbors.) [4]
  3. Blowing a kiss is a bold statement of affection that you should think about carefully beforehand. A person who does not want to receive your affections may feel uncomfortable or harassed by the gesture. If there is any chance that the person will be made uncomfortable by the kiss, avoid doing it. [5]
    • For instance, if a person has already rejected your romantic advances, avoid blowing them a kiss.
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      Article Summary X

      Blowing a kiss can be a cute or flirty way to show affection. To do it properly, wait until you’re a short distance away from the other person. Then, turn and lock eyes with them so they know the kiss is for them. Once you have their attention, pucker up and raise the palm of your hand to your lips. Kiss your hand, then turn your palm so it’s flat and facing straight up, with your fingertips aiming toward the target of your kiss. Lightly blow across your palm to send the kiss their way. Depending on how flirty you want the kiss to be, you can follow it up with a smile and a wink, or even blow the kiss over your shoulder as you’re walking away. Before you blow a kiss, always think about whether the other person is likely to appreciate it. For instance, it’s probably okay with a close friend or someone you’re dating, but you might not want to blow a kiss to a stranger or a coworker.

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