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Learn how to break up any couple with a few simple ingredients
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Sometimes, casting a spell to break up a relationship is necessary. While it’s usually a good idea to let relationships run their course, a break-up spell may be the right choice if the relationship is toxic and unhealthy or stands in the way of true love. Read on to learn how to perform 7 different types of break-up spells.

Easy Break-up Spell Using a Lemon

  1. Cut a lemon crosswise without going all the way through.
  2. Write the couple's names on small pieces of paper using a black pen or marker.
  3. Fold the pieces of paper and stuff each one into a different cut on the lemon.
  4. Put the lemon in a freezable container and sprinkle vinegar, salt, and pepper all over it.
  5. Seal the container and put the lemon in the freezer for a week.
  6. After a week, throw the frozen lemon into running water, like a river, to dispose of it.
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Easy Lemon Break-Up Spell

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  1. Make the cuts perpendicular to each other on one side of the lemon. Don’t cut all the way through the lemon. [1] If you accidentally cut the lemon completely in half, start with a new lemon.
    • Choose the Lemon Break-up Spell to break up a dangerous and toxic relationship quickly.
  2. Make the pieces small enough to be folded to fit inside the lemon but large enough to write a first and last name. Use black ink to write both full names, with one name on each piece of paper.
  3. Fold the paper away from you to keep the spell from coming back at you. Place each piece of paper into a different slit. [2]
  4. After placing the folded pieces of paper inside the lemon, place it in a small, freezable container. Then, sprinkle salt, black pepper, and vinegar over the lemon.
    • The salt makes the couple “salty” with each other, the pepper kindles anger, and the vinegar sours their relationship.
  5. Light a black candle and drip the melted wax into the cuts on the lemon to seal the spell. Extinguish the candle and close the container.
  6. After closing the container, place it in your freezer to make the couple cold and distant with each other. After a week, dispose of the lemon by throwing it into running water, such as a river or stream. [3]
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Salt Spell to Break Up a Couple Up Forever

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  1. Place a piece of white paper measuring at least 3” x 5” on a clean, flat surface, such as a table or altar. Sprinkle rock salt in a circle around the paper, ensuring there are no gaps. [4]
    • This spell is very easy to perform with powerful results, sometimes separating a couple in as little as 24 hours.
    • Use the Break Up Forever Spell when you want permanent results using ingredients you have around your home.
  2. Use a pen to write the names of both members of the couple, and then make a circle around their names with black ink. [5] Don’t remove the paper from the salt circle or make gaps as you write.
  3. Make a large X across the names and the circle on the paper using your black pen. Sprinkle chili powder on the paper until you can no longer see the names. [6]
    • Crossing out the names symbolizes an end to the relationship.
    • Chili powder signifies anger and arguments.
  4. Light a red candle and drip the wax onto the paper and chili powder. Fill the entire circle with candle wax, covering as much chili powder as possible to seal the anger into the relationship. [7] When the chili powder and circle underneath are covered with wax, firmly say, “Break up forever,” to finish the spell.
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Vinegar Break-Up Spell to Sour a Relationship

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  1. Fold the pieces of paper in half. Make sure to fold away from you to send the energy into the universe instead of at yourself.
    • Fold photographs of each person with their names if you have them.
    • Or, tear a photo of the couple in half and fold each half with the pieces of paper.
  2. Add pins, needles, chili powder, salt, and nails, which symbolize sharp or angry feelings. Include a few hairs from both a black cat and a black dog to cause the couple to “fight like cats and dogs.” [8] Pour vinegar into the jar to sour the couple’s feelings for each other.
  3. Make sure the bottle is airtight so the ingredients don’t leak out. Take the bottle to a crossroads or place where two roads cross, making an intersection, and throw it into the center to symbolize the couple moving away from each other.
    • This spell is easy and effective but can take up to 3 days to work.
    • Use the Vinegar Break-Up Spell for more dramatic breakups, where the couple ends the relationship after an argument.
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Beginner Black Candle Break-Up Spell

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  1. Think about the couple you want to break up, picturing them walking away from each other. As you’re thinking, light a black candle. It’s best to begin this spell at midnight. [9]
    • Use a black candle for endings and breaking bad habits. [10]
    • This spell only requires a candle and a pin and takes a few moments to complete.
    • Generally, candle spells involving love or relationships can take about 2 weeks to manifest, but timing is variable. [11] Visualization is important for this spell, so only use it when you have a quiet place and plenty of time to focus on picturing the breakup.
  2. Use a pin to prick the candle as many times as you can as you chant the spell. Write your own spell or use, “As I prick this candle, I prick at thee. Broken hearts unhappy be. May you part another day, soon to go your separate ways.” [12]
  3. Put out the candle using your fingers or a candle snuffer. Visualize the couple splitting up as you break the candle in half.
    • When you dispose of the candle, put the pieces in separate places to further symbolize how the couple will be apart.
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Advanced Black Candle Break-Up Spell

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  1. Use black ink to write the full names of both people. Add their birthdates if you have them, but it’s not required. Draw a circle around the names.
    • This spell is more advanced because it requires chanting and visualization to focus the energy.
    • It can take up to 2 weeks to take effect, so use it when you aren’t in a hurry to break a couple up.
    • You can also use a black separation candle . This type of candle depicts a man and a woman facing away from each other.
  2. Hold the candle over the piece of paper. Carefully tip it until melted wax drips onto the paper inside the circle you drew. Drip wax onto the paper until the circle and its contents are covered. [13]
    • As you drip the wax, visualize the couple breaking up.
  3. Blow out the candle after you finish covering the circle on your paper with black wax. Then, say: “So I transferred my will. My spell has been heard. So I want it, so be it!” [14]
    • If you prefer to write your own chant, go right ahead. The specific wording is less important than your intention.
  4. Light the black candle again and use the flame to burn the paper. Let the candle burn until it goes out.
    • Safely burn the paper in a fireplace or an outdoor fire pit.
    • Do not let the candle burn unattended.
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Spell to Break Up a Friendship

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  1. Write both full names on one sheet of paper as “Person 1 + Person 2” 8 times. Then, write the first person’s name 8 times on a second piece of paper. On a third piece of paper, write the second person’s name. Roll the three pieces of paper separately and set them aside to use later. [15]
  2. Fill a bottle or small jar half full with water and pour it into the bowl. Add 10 drops of lemon juice and stir. Pour one drop of dark soy sauce into the bowl.
    • The water stands for clarity, the lemon juice for bitterness, and the soy sauce for darkness. [16]
    • Choose a jar or bottle with an airtight lid.
  3. Measure out 3 tablespoons of salt. Add it to the bowl with a pinch of sodium bicarbonate and stir. Sprinkle in a pinch of chili powder and a few mustard seeds and cloves. Then, stir the mixture again. [17]
    • Add more dark soy sauce or black food coloring for a darker potion.
  4. Once you’ve poured the potion into the bottle or jar, add the three pieces of rolled paper you set aside earlier. Fill the bottle to the brim with water, then screw the lid on tightly.
  5. “Coming night, please hear my plight. Bring darkness and drown friendship’s light. Blind the eyes of (Person 1) and (Person 2). Let them not be friends again. Let all ties break and end. So mote it be.” [18]
    • When pouring into a bottle, use a funnel to pour the potion without spilling.
  6. Repeat the magical chant while gently shaking the bottle three times every night. When the paper in the bottle dissolves, your spell is done. [19]
    • This spell is beginner-friendly, but it can take some time to be effective.
    • The Spell to Break Up a Friendship is most effective when used to break up friends, but it can also be effective to separate a couple that remains friends after a breakup.
    • Once the spell is done, pour out the liquid in a secluded spot away from your home. Either recycle the bottle or clean and reuse it in a different spell.
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Spell to Break a Love Spell

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  1. Light 1 white candle and 1 pink candle. Place a photograph of the person under a love spell between the 2 candles. [20] If you don’t have a photo, write the person’s full name on paper and place it between the candles.
    • Use this simple candle spell to break a love spell you believe has been placed on another person.
    • It’s easy to perform and sometimes works right away.
  2. Hold a handful of rose petals in your palm. Chant: “I release you, [person’s name], from your burden.” Repeat the chant 3 times, and then say, “So mote it be.” [21]
    • Use fresh rose petals if possible, but dried petals also work.
  3. Keep the jar near your bed until the person is free of the spell. When you see the jar, take a moment to imagine the person happy and free of the spell. [22]
    • Extinguish the candles or let them burn down for an extra power boost. Do not leave candles burning unattended.
    • Once the object of the spell is free, bury the rose petals outside your home.
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Expert Q&A

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      • Work break-up spells at night on the full moon or during the waning moon. [23]
      • Don’t leave candles burning unattended. If you must leave the candle, snuff it out to pause the spell then relight it to continue. [24]
      • Working spells to break up a romantic relationship or friendship is considered a form of black magic and may have a negative outcome for the spellcaster, so proceed with caution. [25]
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