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Panic attacks are feelings of intense anxiety, often characterized by rapid heartbeat, shaking, breathlessness, nausea, and dizziness. A little anxiety sometimes is normal, but a full-blown panic attack can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, there are many simple calming exercises you can do to get your symptoms under control quickly. Keep reading for a full list of ways to calm yourself during an anxiety attack and prevent more attacks in the future.

Things You Should Know

  • When you feel panicked, take deep breaths and reassure yourself. Sit in a quiet spot and use grounding exercises to clear your mind.
  • Repeat a soothing mantra to yourself and challenge your unrealistic fears. Picture yourself somewhere happy and listen to calm music.
  • Relax your muscles and go for a short walk. If you need outside help, talk to a friend or seek therapy, and ask a doctor about medication.

Reassure yourself that the panic will pass.

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  1. Severe panic is frightening for anyone, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. When you feel intense anxiety, acknowledge the panic attack and remind yourself that no matter how you feel right now, it’ll go away soon. Even though they’re unpleasant, panic attacks are not dangerous to you. [1]
    • Everyone experiences panic attacks a little differently, but generally, an attack reaches peak intensity in about 10 minutes. They rarely last longer than an hour, and most symptoms will fade in 20 to 30 minutes.
    • Simply knowing what panic attacks are and how they work can be a powerful tool! Though you may still experience anxiety, you don’t have to fear the attack itself—and you can recover faster.
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Take deep, calming breaths.

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  1. When you feel panic coming on, pause and slow down your breathing. Take a deep, steady breath in through your nose while counting to 4, feeling the air fill your chest and belly. Hold your breath for 1 second and then exhale slowly through your mouth, again counting to 4. Repeat that for a couple of minutes until you feel calmer. [2]
    • Deep breaths can also help you stop or prevent hyperventilation , which is a common side effect of panic attacks.
    • If you can, lie down or sit up straight with one hand on your belly and one on your chest. Feel your belly expand as you breathe in, then use your abdominal muscles to push the breath out slowly.
    • Try to deliberately relax your tongue on the lower palette of your mouth as you exhale. This can help your body feel more relaxed.

Sit in a quiet spot.

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  1. Sometimes, panic attacks are caused by overwhelming stimuli in your environment, like lights, noise, lots of people, or too much fast-paced energy. To shut out that stimuli and calm yourself, find a quiet and secluded spot where you can sit for a while and relax. Then, you can put your energy towards dealing with the panic. [3]
    • If you’re sensitive to light or other visual stimuli, it can also help to close your eyes for a couple of minutes while you focus on breathing.
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Find an object to focus on.

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  1. A simple grounding exercise is to simply find an object and put all your attention towards studying it for a few minutes. Once you pick an object, start thinking about its look: colors, shape, and texture. Who made it? How does it feel when you touch it? This exercise helps ground you in reality and pushes aside any stressors. [4]
    • Try holding a small object, such as a set of keys or a stress ball, and turning it over in your hand. Pay attention to the weight of it and how it feels against your fingers.
    • If you have recurring panic attacks, be prepared! Carry around a familiar object in your bag or pocket that you can use, like a small gadget, a gemstone, or a keyring.
    • You might also find it helpful to mentally review who you are and what you’re doing in the here and now. For example, say to yourself, "I’m Christine. I’m 22 years old, and I’m sitting in my living room. I just got home from work."

Use the “5-4-3-2-1” mindfulness exercise.

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  1. During a panic attack, stop and concentrate on what you can feel, see, smell, hear, and taste in that moment. Panic attacks can be disorienting, but utilizing your senses in the “5-4-3-2-1” grounding exercise redirects your attention away from your stress and onto your surroundings. [5] Do the following:
    • Look at 5 objects. Think about each one for a little while: what it looks like, how it works, and why it’s there.
    • Listen for 4 distinct sounds. Where do they come from? What makes them different from one another?
    • Touch 3 different objects. Consider their texture and whether they’re hot or cold to the touch.
    • Identify 2 scents. This could be the smell of your snack, your hand soap, or your perfume.
    • Think of 1 thing you can taste. Identify a taste that’s already in your mouth, eat or drink something, or simply imagine a taste you like in your mouth.
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Repeat a comforting mantra to yourself.

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  1. Think of a word or phrase that you find soothing. It can be anything: a quote from your favorite movie, a reassuring affirmation that your panic attack will pass, or a spiritual phrase that resonates with you. When you have a panic attack, gently repeat the mantra to yourself as you get control over your breathing and emotions. [6]
    • Your mantra could be, “Even darkness must pass,” which is a quote from Lord of the Rings!
    • You could make your mantra a mood or state of mind that you want to manifest, like, “I find calm within myself,” or “I’m okay, and I’m taking things one day at a time.”

Challenge and replace unrealistic thoughts.

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  1. Often, panic attacks can occur when you start worrying about a problem, and just can’t stop. Your mind might start to catastrophize when it’s really not the end of the world! Identify your anxiety-producing thoughts and replace them with thoughts that are either happy and peaceful, or more realistic. [7]
    • Say you’re anxious about a plane flight and obsessing over the possibility of a crash. Ask yourself, “Am I really in danger?” The answer should be “no.”
    • You could replace those negative thoughts with logic by saying, “It’s extremely unlikely that the plane will crash. Flying is one of the safest forms of travel. Statistically, it’s much safer than cars or trains.”
    • If you respond better to positivity, try replacing those fears with a happy thought—like how excited you are to go on this trip with your friends, and how much fun it’s going to be!
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Picture yourself in your happy place.

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  1. When you feel anxiety coming on, visualize yourself in a place where you feel at peace and relaxed. This could be your home, a favorite vacation spot, or in the arms of a loved one. Think about what you can see, smell, touch, hear, and taste, and keep adding sensory details to create the most vivid scene possible. [8]
    • Feel free to do this with your eyes closed or open, although closing your eyes may make the process easier.
    • Try going to your happy place right as you feel your anxiety coming on, and practice breathing and relaxation exercises there. Once you feel more relaxed, you can leave the visualization.

Smell lavender essential oil.

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  1. Invest in an essential oil diffuser , or purchase lavender essential oil and dab a drop onto a piece of cloth before smelling it. You could also purchase a product with diluted essential oil in it, like lavender lotion , and breathe in the scent that way. Lavender has a soothing scent, and you can use it as part of your grounding exercises. [9]
    • If you don’t like the scent of lavender, pick up another soothing essential oil like chamomile, bergamot orange, or jasmine.
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Practice muscle relaxation techniques.

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  1. Slowly go through your body, tensing each muscle group for 5 to 10 seconds, then releasing the pressure. Start with the muscles in your face, and then work your way down until you’ve relaxed every muscle. This forces you to concentrate on something other than your fear while simultaneously helping you relax your muscles. [10]
    • Major muscle groups that you can tense and relax include your jaw, mouth (going from a frown to a relaxed state), arms, hands, stomach, buttocks, thighs, calves, and feet.
    • Relaxing your muscles can also trick your mind; once it senses that your body is relaxing, other symptoms (like rapid breathing) will start to fade.
    • You can tense and relax the same muscle group multiple times, but doing it once should work just as well.

Write down your feelings.

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  1. If you’re prone to panic attacks or anxiety, keep a diary where you can write entries explaining your emotions. Write what you feel, what you’re afraid of, your beliefs and thoughts about the fear, and how intense the experience is. Writing will help you to focus your thoughts, and reading your entry later can help you handle your anxiety better. [11]
    • If it feels like you don’t have anything to say, keep analyzing situations that trigger your anxiety. Slow down and think about the situations so you can pick out emotions that may have boosted your anxiety.
    • Practice self-compassion as you write your entries and avoid judging yourself or your thoughts. Remember: you can’t control your feelings; you can only control your reactions to them.
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Listen to relaxing music.

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  1. Use music therapy to relax by creating a playlist of songs you enjoy and find relaxing. During panic attacks, listen to the music and focus on the different parts that are being played, the sound, and the lyrics if there are any. This will help to focus your mind away from your fear. [12]
    • Try to listen to music with slow beats (about 60 beats per minute) and relaxing lyrics (or no lyrics at all). Music with faster beats or angry lyrics may stress you out further.
    • Use noise-cancelling headphones when possible, as they help you concentrate on the music and muffle outside stimuli.

Do some gentle exercise.

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Talk to someone about your anxiety.

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  1. If you’re in the throes of anxiety and can’t seem to get out, call a friend or family member for help. Have them distract you from your panic and talk through your fear so you can overcome the stress. If you’re prone to panic attacks, teach a friend how to treat them so that they’re prepared when you need help. [14]
    • For example, you could ask your friend to hold your hand during a panic attack and reassure you that what you’re feeling isn’t dangerous or permanent.
    • Consider therapy as well. A mental health professional can give you tools for managing anxiety and a safe space to discuss your fears. Therapy prevents more panic attacks in the long term!

Ask your doctor about medication.

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  1. Sometimes, your doctor or psychiatrist might prescribe an anxiety-controlling medication if other treatments and coping techniques aren’t helping enough. Medications with benzodiazepine or beta-blockers work quickly to reduce your physical symptoms, like rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure. [15]
    • Your doctor can analyze your symptoms and find the best medication for you. Benzodiazepines for panic attacks include Xanax and Valium, while Propranolol is a popular beta-blocker that aids relaxation.
    • In some cases, your doctor might also prescribe a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medication like Lexapro or Prozac, which are anti-depressants that prevent panic attacks long-term.
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Identify your triggers.

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  1. Often, panic attacks are caused by something specific that causes you stress or fear. Think about the circumstances of your panic attacks: is there a place, person, or issue that sets them off? Learn your triggers and do your best to either avoid them in your daily life, or handle your triggers while doing something stressful. [16]
    • For example, you might realize that your panic attacks only occur in large crowds, or when you’re talking to a particular family member who says things that upset you.
    • After identifying the root cause, you could avoid places with large crowds, or resolve not to spend time alone with the family member who triggers your anxiety, reducing the number of panic attacks you have.
    • If you do something you know might cause a panic attack, you could take time beforehand to relax, breathe deeply, and repeat your mantra so you’re in a calm state of mind from the start.

Say Goodbye to Anxiety with this Expert Series

Living with anxiety is hard. We’ve put together this series of expert articles to help you recognize, reduce, and manage your anxiety.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I get my anxiety under control?
    Liana Georgoulis, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist
    Dr. Liana Georgoulis is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist based in Los Angeles, California. She is the founder and clinical director of Coast Psychological Services. With over 12 years of experience, her mission is to provide clients with effective, well-studied, and established treatments that bring about significant improvements in her patients' lives. Her practice provides cognitive behavioral therapy and other evidence-based therapies for adolescents, adults, and couples. Additionally, she provides group therapy for social anxiety, social skills, and assertiveness training. Providing a space where clients feel understood and supported is essential to her work. Dr. Georgoulis also provides clinical supervision to post-doctoral fellows and psychological assistants. She received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University and a BA in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles.
    Licensed Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    Most people experience anxiety when they're stressed out or overwhelmed, so it's perfectly natural to get anxious from time to time. If you get anxious for no reason or you feel like your anxiety is interfering with your ability to live a happy, productive life, you may want to consider reaching out to a therapist or a mental health professional. If you aren't getting professional help, you can still manage your anxiety. Meditating, living a healthy lifestyle, and managing your stress will all help you cope.
  • Question
    How do you stop physical anxiety symptoms?
    Rebecca A. Ward, LMFT, SEP, PCC is the Founder of the Iris Institute, a San Francisco, California-based business focusing on using somatic expertise to teach individuals and groups the skills to deal with dilemmas using interventions, including her own Original Blueprint® method. Ms. Ward specializes in treating stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP), and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). Rebecca holds an MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marymount University and an MA in Organizational Leadership from The George Washington University.
    Licensed Therapist
    Expert Answer
    There are a few ways to do this. One way is to put one hand on top of your heart and one hand on top of your belly to focus your attention on your breathing. This will help you naturally get a a hold of your breathing and make it easier to process the anxiety. If you can get moving, exercise can also cull some of the symptoms of anxiety. Being mindful and focusing on the present is another way to trick your body into calming down.
  • Question
    What if you're having a panic attack while you're home alone?
    Tracy Carver, PhD
    Licensed Psychologist
    Dr. Tracy Carver is an award-winning Licensed Psychologist based in Austin, Texas. Dr. Carver specializes in counseling for issues related to self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and psychedelic integration. She holds a BS in Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University, an MA in Educational Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Carver also completed an internship in Clinical Psychology through Harvard University Medical School. She was voted one of the Best Mental Health Professionals in Austin for four years in a row by Austin Fit Magazine. Dr. Carver has been featured in Austin Monthly, Austin Woman Magazine, Life in Travis Heights, and KVUE (the Austin affiliate for ABC News).
    Licensed Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    Having a panic attack while you're alone can be scary, but remind yourself that the symptoms you're feeling are caused by anxiety and aren't actually dangerous, and that they will soon pass. Try a box breathing technique, where you inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts, and hold for 4 more counts.
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      Reader Videos


      • If you have an anxiety attack after going a long period without one, don't be discouraged! It's completely normal to have an off day, and it doesn't discount any progress you've made with your anxiety.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • One thing I've always liked to do is to close my eyes, breathe deeply, and think of a safe and happy place. You can even draw your happy place if it makes you feel better. I know it may sound weird, but I find it to be very helpful.
      • Remember, you are not alone! There are people out there who have the same problem as you do. You may find it helpful to check out on an online forum or talk to friends who also deal with anxiety.
      • I have anxiety attacks a lot, and I find comfort in spending time with loved ones. They help me feel supported and remind me I'm not alone.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To quickly calm yourself during an anxiety attack, think about five things you see, four things you can touch, three things you hear, two things you smell, and one thing you can taste. Focus on breathing slowly and deeply until you feel more calm and relaxed. For advice from our Medical reviewer on how to identify a panic attack or take steps to prevent them from happening in the future, scroll down!

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        Jul 9, 2017

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