Camping in your backyard can be loads of fun, no matter how old you are. It's great for keeping the kids entertained, it offers opportunities to check the night sky, and it lets you and your guests be noisier than usual. Camping in your backyard also lets you have friends stay over who might not otherwise fit inside your home. All you need are tents, sleeping bags, warm clothes, snacks, a campfire, and a few fun activities.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Setting Up the Space

  1. Depending on the number of family members and guests, you may need more than one. Ask your friends to bring their tents if needed. If you are new to camping, follow the instructions to assemble a tent.
    • Use a good quality tent; this isn't the time for the beach shade. It must be a tent you'd really camp in, to protect you from the rain, bugs, and wind. [1]
  2. Put something soft on the floor to lie on: camping cots, a blow-up air mattress, yoga mats, towels, a thick comforter, or even couch cushions work well. [2] Add pillows and lightweight sleeping bags or cotton blankets for summer warmth, especially if you live where the night temperatures dip considerably. [3]
  3. Add soft toys or stuffed animals for the kids. Put a few flashlights, lanterns, or glow sticks in each tent as well. You can also set out decks of cards or board games in case it gets chilly. [4]
  4. If you have a picnic table or a patio set, that would work best. Otherwise, set up a few lawn chairs and a small table to set out drinks and food. A low-maintenance option is to lay out a blanket in the sun, so that your friends can relax, eat, and chat. Be sure the grass isn't wet!
    • Before laying out the seating area, do a sweep for doggy do-do, anthills, prickles, or other irritants and nasties that might spoil the experience.
  5. Mosquito bites will surely put a damper on the fun, so be sure to get plenty of bug repellant for you and your guests. [5] You could also use a bug zapper or light citronella candles or tiki torches filled with citronella to keep pesky bugs away.
    • Ensure your children know not to touch or play with bug zappers, citronella candles, or tiki torches. Even bug spray can be dangerous if ingested or sprayed in the eyes. Make sure an adult supervises or applies the products for children.
  6. You could prepare something ahead of time, or even order out. Pizza is a good option, if you are with a large group of people. Have a few bags of chips, or other snack items set out, as well as a cooler full of ice with a variety of drinks. For hot summer afternoons consider making homemade treats, including:
    • Pizza
    • Hot dogs
    • Fries
    • Popcorn
    • Lemonade
    • Chocolate chip cookies
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Adding Fun Activities

  1. A warm fire is a camping classic. Just be sure you have municipal permission (if you are a child, you must have adult supervision) and keep a close eye on your bonfire. Remember to follow all fire safety precautions, keep a hose or fire extinguisher handy, and never leave the bonfire unattended.
    • If your space doesn’t allow for a bonfire, consider using a terracotta pot as a fire pit. Line your pot with aluminum foil, fill it with charcoal, and light it up. [6] This will allow you to roast s’mores or other items, giving you that true camping feel. Just remember to keep a hose or fire extinguisher handy, and never leave your fire pit unattended.
    • Make sure children are supervised by adults when near any open flame. Consider drawing a circle around your bonfire or firepit, and teach children not to cross the line.
  2. Besides keeping warm, you can also roast marshmallows or hot dogs on your campfire. It is also a great place to just cozy up and stare at the flames.
    • You could ask children to point out shapes in the flames or coals and see where their imaginations take them (similar to finding shapes in clouds).
    • The campfire is also a great location for group activities such as telling stories or singing songs. [7]
  3. Cut a circle out of a pizza box and use it as a template to spray different colored circles on your lawn. [8] You’ll need four to six different colors to make rows of four to six circles each, each row having its own color.
    • Use a spinner from the game itself, or make your own with paper and markers. Someone could even call out the colors and body parts at random (e.g., right foot blue, left hand yellow, etc.).
    • Use contractor’s marking spray paint if you want to easily wash away the paint after your camp out.
  4. Hold a nature scavenger hunt . Make a list of items likely to be found in the yard and hand out copies to everyone who wants to play. This game works well individually and in teams. You can see who can find the most items, or who can find items the fastest. Consider handing out a small prize to the winner(s), such as glow sticks or candy.
    • A few ideas for your list include a four-leaf clover, a ladybug, something yellow, two identical leaves, a feather, a round rock, etc.
  5. Bring a stereo or boombox outside, or even plug your phone into a compatible projection speaker. Music will liven up your camp-out in no time. Take turns being the DJ so everyone gets to hear their favorite tunes. You can even start a dance party!
    • If you have close neighbors, try to quiet down as the evening progresses. Your neighbors may have small children who are trying to sleep. Don't make deafening noises or play loud, booming music all night, especially after 9-10:00 pm.
  6. Have a camera nearby to take silly snapshots of you, your kids, your family members, and your friends. Take one large group shot with everyone smiling and laughing. Be sure to make copies for everyone!
    • You could even hang a picture frame from a tree branch to create your very own photo booth. [9]
  7. Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunt in which you travel to a specific spot and find containers full of “treasure” left by others. As a general rule, if you take something from a cache, you should leave something of similar value in its place. [10] You’ll need a handheld GPS or smartphone for this activity. You can download the geocaching app or visit to find a source for your caches.
  8. If you have a video projector you can hang a sheet in the yard (as the screen) and watch a movie outside. In keeping with your theme, you could even watch a movie about camping. The Parent Trap or Camp Rock are great choices if you are camping with kids, while Without A Paddle and Bushwhacked are better for older audiences. [11]
  9. Stargaze . Stargazing is a great wind-down activity. Spread out blankets on the grass and lay down to look at the stars. You could even see who can point out the most constellations, or teach little ones how to find prominent constellations, like Orion. Apps such as “Sky Map” show you the name of each star and constellation by using your location in real time. [12]

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I set up a simple campsite while I'm at home?
    Britt Edelen
    Outdoor Educator
    Britt Edelen was an active member of his local Boy Scouts troop near Athens, Georgia from ages 8 to 16. As a Scout, he went on dozens of camping trips, learned and practiced many wilderness survival skills, and spent countless hours appreciating the great outdoors. In addition, Britt worked as a counselor for several summers at an adventure camp in his hometown, which allowed him to share his passion for and knowledge of the outdoors with others.
    Outdoor Educator
    Expert Answer
    Choose a tent that's weatherproof just in case it's windy or starts raining in the middle of the night. Keep your sleeping bag, blankets, and other supplies you're using in your tent to make it feel cozier.
  • Question
    Can I do this for a sleepover?
    Community Answer
    Sure! Just make sure your guests have all the proper supplies like flashlights, sleeping bags, and tents.
  • Question
    Can I go camping on a trampoline?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can go camping wherever you would like in your backyard. It actually may even be more comfortable for you to sleep on the trampoline.
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      • If you really want to go all out, send out invitations beforehand. Include a list of necessary items, like extra tents, sleeping bags, warm pajamas, and snack items. Your guests will also need to know where the party will be located, what time it begins, and what time they should be home the next morning. You can find inexpensive invites at any store.
      • Turn your sprinklers off, if they are set to turn on in the night or wee hours of the morning.
      • If you participate in the "Great American Backyard Camp Out", you can even raise money for charity! Check a search engine for details.
      Show More Tips


      • Look at the weather forecast the day before you plan to camp out. In colder countries like England or some parts of Canada weather can change very quickly, leaving you in a freezing, wet tent!
      • Ensure that children (especially girls) will have access to house keys so that they can return to the house to use the bathroom if the need should arise.
      • If there are children who are camping in your backyard, take in mind that they get frigid and cold faster than adults, so make sure that they're kept adequately warm during the night. They should wear layered clothing while they sleep and the tent should be capable of lower temperatures.

      Things You'll Need

      • Tent
      • Blankets
      • Lightweight sleeping bags
      • Air/camp beds
      • Pillows, cushions
      • Warm, layered clothing
      • Food and drinks
      • Wood for a bonfire
      • Bug repellent
      • Friends and family
      • Flashlights or lanterns
      • Soft toys
      • Music (and a portable music player)

      About this article

      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 165,391 times.

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      • Eva Marline

        Apr 10, 2020

        "This article helped me because my family also goes places to camp and I really had no clue how to feel like ..." more

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